The Comments |
Hi i was wondering if anyone out there has had problems with the spanish social services and if they knew the legal system here? My family and myself are having huge problems at the minute which could result in me losing my five children. I am desperate for advice as time is not on my side.....i look forward to any responses!!!!
Hi Vickylou
Gosh, that's so awful, I'm really sorry you're having problems. You must be going out of your mind with worry.
All I can do is ask Maria, a lawyer on this site, to pop into your thread & see if she can help by pointing you towards one of her colleagues as Maria deals with real estate problems generally, I understand.
Good luck.
hi thankyou for responding to my thread. your absolutely right i am going out of my mind with worry. its destroying me knowing that at any minute my kids could be taken. the worst part of all this is that ive done absolutely nothing wrong, theyre just victimising my family and its wrong. i feel so powerless. i really dont have a clue what to do or where to turn.
Again though morerosado thankyou ever so much for responding and your kind words
vickylou xx
Hi Vickylou
I have sent Maria a PM on your behalf because you must ask Justin, the site owner, to activate your PMs & it may not be done for a few posts, 10 I believe. This was done to help prevent spammers as we've had so many on EOS.
if you go to this thread, Justin, help required please regarding PMs to new members.. click on blue link, add your name to the list & Justin will see it.
Maria pops in regularly so please bear with her, she's a lovely Spanish lady who helps so many but gets very busy coping. She has two tiny children herself so will be shocked to learn of this. It's important you get your PMs sorted as some things are best kept private, aren't they ?
I'm going to Spain tomorrow till July 2nd so I won't be around as no internet once there. I'll make a note to check how you're doing & once you've got your PMs activated drop me a line so I recall all of this as I get so many members contact me I'm in a dither remembering every last thing.
Take care.
We try to help all in need for whatever reasons on EOS, Vickylou. So many members have access to so much so don't despair. We had someone on recently, read their story. Child Protection URGENT HELP NEEDED!!!! Wonder what happened, I must post & ask if it was resolved, hope so.
Hi Vickylou - I've sent you a PM. Not sure if you have access to this yet so reply on this forum if you can't see it.
Basically, I have just come out to Spain after being a Social Worker (and Manager) for almost 30 years. If I can help at all then do get back in touch.
_______________________ Claire
hi claire, unfortunately i couldnt see your message. ive just requested that i can have access to the pm service im just waiting for a reply
vickylou xx
OK Vickylou - I would post my email address but you then end up getting lots of spam. When you can access PMs then I hope I can help.
Talk later.
_______________________ Claire
Thanks Claire I will let you know when the pm facility is activated....xx
Does anyone know if Justin is on-line often? Ive requested that i am allowed to access my pms but im impatient !! lol.
He has a life, Vickylou, unlike me. 
He'll look in soon, I'm sure but it is the weekend.
This may be my last message towards getting my pms up!! I hope!!
Did it all work out okay? How can they just come and take your kids away from you Vickylou? Did you manage to sort it out? Please let me know as I am now scared someone might just come and take mine!
Vicci xxx
_______________________ Vicci Healy
Emerald Property Management and Building Specialists
Hi Vicci - this poster seemed to disappear and didn't take up the offer of support so it is impossible to tell what their actual situation was or how it ended up. I was a Social Worker for 30 years and these things are always complicated so don't get too anxious about your own family!
Also, I would suggest that you remove your phone number from your post as this is a public forum and you never know what kind of calls you might get! When you get your private message facility you can share that kind of info with selected people if you want to.
_______________________ Claire
Thanks Claire T
I think you are right! I just have no idea when I will get my PM's??
I hope it all went okay for the original poster of this thread, I guess we will never know!?!?
Thanks again
_______________________ Vicci Healy
Emerald Property Management and Building Specialists
Hi again - I think it is 10 posts so you should be able to access it now.
_______________________ Claire
hi Ive only just had the chance to look at eye on spain ive been working toooooooo regards to social services im stll having problems with them....i found out it was one of the teachers my son has who started all this crap. They are still threatening me at every possible chance which has had a huge effect on my mental state im afraid, im at the point of no return as there is just no help out there!!!!!!!!!!!
Dear Vickylou:
What is the problem? If you do not want to explain it here you can always email us. We will be pleased to offer some advise to you. You can find our data contact in the contact section of our website.
Maria L. de Castro, JD, MA