hola, new in spain and struggling, friends and advice needed.

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20 Jun 2008 12:00 AM by twinmummy Star rating in Formentera del segur.... 82 posts Send private message

Hola, to everyone,

I have been living in Spain for about 3 months in Formenterra del segura, I left in England an very loving family that I saw on a daily basis, and was very much in demand socialy, I moved to Spain to give my 14 month old twins a better life, to enjoy the Country, and the weather. 

Since moving here my husband has found work (great) and I stay at home with the kiddies, I love them to bits and want them to get involved within the spanish life style. When living in England before I had the babies I had a full time job, and worked with very friendly collegues and much of my day was taken up in the company of others.

Now as my husband is out of the house for the majority of the day working for very little money, I feel quiet lonely, I have tried making friends with local people from Great Britain but for some reason we just dont click and I now feel like I am just interupting every time I try and be social with them.

I have attended local events and fiestas, but I am slowly becoming dissapointed that it is very hard making new friends, There is a lovely girl and boy who live on our complex that always come over and talk to my babies and they have some good fun in the pool with them, unfortunatly their parents are the people we have tried making friends with but to no avail. I do have contact via internet with my family in England but we need to feel included where we live,.

We are finding it very difficult money wise as all we have coming in is 250euros per week to survive on compared to £760 per week in england, we dont know if there is any help available to support a family as we are struggling, my husband is hating his job as they really do take the micky out in Spain re hours worked and money paid. 

Any advice on benfits?

I really want it to work out here, we love the fact that I can go out every day with my babies and go for walks which I could not do in England. (too rough and wet/bad weather).

I have tried looking for events that may get myself, husband and children involved but find it hard to get information on whats happening. (unsure how) and the people on the complex seem to want to keep information on events to themselves, as they seem to know about things and we often see them all going out together but we are never invited, we find out stuff from their children.

I think a mother and toddler group would be a great start, but where do I find out the information about these kinda things?

Any help and friendly advice would be very much appreciated, Thankyou for spending your time reading my post and I hope this works.

Kind regards 


Please have a look at www.steelockfabrications.com for anything metal.

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20 Jun 2008 1:55 PM by Acapulco Star rating in Costa Blanca South.. 342 posts Send private message

Acapulco´s avatar
Maybe you could start a mother and toddler group. Might even ring in a few extra Euro's.
Good luck.


If you're going through hell keep on going, you might get out before the devil even knows you're there.


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20 Jun 2008 2:45 PM by Eva2008 Star rating in Reading. 152 posts Send private message

Eva2008´s avatar
Hi twinmummy, we are moving over to Rojales, which is round the corner from you in two weeks time. We also have a baby, 5 month old, and are also concerned that we wont be able to make new friends, especially with a tiny tot in tow.

Stay in touch and we can meet up over there when we arrive.

I'll pm you our contact details.

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20 Jun 2008 3:22 PM by twinmummy Star rating in Formentera del segur.... 82 posts Send private message

hi eva2008, as you can tell I am also ew to the chat room/forums, so you will have to bear with me.


Its great that you are taking the big step, Rojales and Formentera are such beautiful places, and the surrounding areas, you will truely enjoy the area you have chosen.
Thankyou for your quick reply, it is really nice knowing we are not alone, anyway can you let me know what you mean by you will pm your details.

If this means we can swop details of the post that will be great, let me know how and I will do the same, maybe we could meet up when you get over here. I love babies, but they make me brudy lol, (no two at 14 months are enough for now).


kind regards


Please have a look at www.steelockfabrications.com for anything metal.

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20 Jun 2008 3:46 PM by Eva2008 Star rating in Reading. 152 posts Send private message

Eva2008´s avatar

Hi twinmummy, I've sent you a private message (pm), so you should get an email with a link on it that takes you directly to it. My phone number and email address are on the message.

You can pm me by clicking on the link that says "send private message to Eva2008". You may not have this functionality yet being a new member though.

We're really looking forward to July the 6th when the ferry is booked for, we should be arriving in Rojales on the 8th July all being well!!

look forward to meeting you and your clan.


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20 Jun 2008 4:55 PM by georgia Star rating in Algorfa (As seen on .... 1832 posts Send private message

Vip Supporter

georgia´s avatar
It will come in time,you have just moved to a complete new social scene but over time you will make plenty of friends.
When you get the twins into school you will have more friends than you can shake a stick at.
There are several nurseries in the area,try one of them,don't rush it and it will come naturally.
It does take a little while to get used to the wage difference,it's a balance between quality of life and quantity of cash,if you can find a happy medium then you have cracked it.
Good luck for the future.
You will get there in the end.

www.taylorlandandpropertygroup.co.uk still here after all these years!

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21 Jun 2008 11:49 AM by Irene&Alan Star rating in Formentera del Segur.... 700 posts Send private message

Irene&Alan´s avatar

Hi twinmummy

It's a shame you've not been able to make friends in Formentera. Where abouts are you? We've got an apartment on Mar Y Sol and plan to come and live there very soon. Although we are not there permanently yet (hope to rectify that very soon) and we're not of your generation, we'd love to meet you and be friends. We love kids and have our own grandchildren who we adore.

I'm going to send you a private pm to let you know when we'll next be there if you want to meet us.

Kind regards


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21 Jun 2008 12:37 PM by xetog Star rating in Wiltshire/holiday ap.... 514 posts Send private message

Hi Twinmummy,

I can only echo what Irene has said. Although we are mostly out in the winter months I would love to meet up for a coffee etc. I would also be happy to baby sit (once you get to know me, of course!)

Like Irene and Alan we have an apartment on Mar Y Sol and are not of your generation but perhaps surrogate grandparents could be a help at times!

I will pm you nearer the time of our next visit in september. (We should be in Spain now but have had to cancel because of my serious illness)

I hope others may be able to help over benefits.


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24 Jun 2008 4:27 PM by Gypsy Star rating in south shields/formen.... 206 posts Send private message

Gypsy´s avatar

Hi twinmummy,
Did you receive my  PM regarding
formentera. I sent it to you on 20/6/08




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24 Jun 2008 7:02 PM by twinmummy Star rating in Formentera del segur.... 82 posts Send private message

hi gypsy

Sorry no not recieved anything, but system did ask for reasons of wanting pm and they said they will be in contact soon, not sure its because i am a new member.

kind regards

Please have a look at www.steelockfabrications.com for anything metal.

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25 Jun 2008 2:41 AM by twinmummy Star rating in Formentera del segur.... 82 posts Send private message

Well something else to be added now, just as I thought the only thing we had to worry about was find new friends, my husband came home today from work very upset, and when I finally got it out of him what was wrong, he told me that he is not happy in his job and cannot handle being there anymore as they are taking the mick, re hours, rate of workload and pay, and he has been holding this back from me cause he did not want me to worry and he needs to support his family and did not wanna let us down, he has been told today that if his workload doesnt pick up by next week then he will not have a job.

What are we gonna do if that happens, We have 2, 15 month old babies to look after, it was hard enough to find this job, we have no savings, and as i have stated before no family out here to help, what are we going to do.

We paid for so many years into the uk system, and now we cannot get any help when we need it cause we are now in another country.

This is where you need a friend to talk to, when you feel like giving it up.

Any friendly advice, Please!

Please have a look at www.steelockfabrications.com for anything metal.

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25 Jun 2008 10:38 AM by Eva2008 Star rating in Reading. 152 posts Send private message

Eva2008´s avatar
Hi Justin, 

Can you arrange for twinmummy to see her private messages? I think she could really do with reading them, they have contact details (ours for starters) for her so she can begin making new friends.

Twinmummy, we're arriving there on the 8th July - hang in there!!

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27 Jun 2008 12:42 PM by twinmummy Star rating in Formentera del segur.... 82 posts Send private message

Can anyone help me get to my private messages, I have a couple in there but keeps saying that the private messages are not active, I have typed in my reason to get to them a few times but I still cannot get to them.

Many thanks


Please have a look at www.steelockfabrications.com for anything metal.

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27 Jun 2008 4:25 PM by Sonia El Star rating in Wales / Carvajal, F.... 212 posts Send private message

As a mother and grandmother I do so feel for you.  It's bad enough being a young mum away from family and friends but it must be awful to be a young mum in a strange country.  Is there any reason why you and / or your husband can't come back to UK even if it's only for a short time to get some more funds to tide you over?  

Did you ever watch the programme 'No going back'? In several of those one or both partners returned home - for a short time to get necessary finance. It would be better than being miserable and feeling hopeless. It doesn't mean you're abandoning your Spanish dream - just a hiccup! Being sensible is better than being in dispair.

Hopefully you will be able to establish a circle of friends soon judging by all the responses on this thread.

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27 Jun 2008 5:18 PM by twinmummy Star rating in Formentera del segur.... 82 posts Send private message

Sonia el

Thankyou for your kind response, but unfortunatly we would be worse off as we will struggle to find flight money back to the uk and we would have no where to stay, would have to rent (more money) as well as keep up the mortgage and other bills on our home in Spain, iIam sure my husband should get some bar work or sommat but as I said very little money, with him being a fully experienced Metal work engineer/welder he is used a good wage for a hard days work. Although here in Spain he does the hard work but for little pay, this is in a trade I would hate to see how much a bar job etc would pay, I am not sure how people manage to survive here in Spain (legally). 

I more bothered now as I am a mummy to twins and I have to have their interests at heart.  But would love to make it work here in Spain for their sake. Fingers crossed it will work out, (does any one need a welder out there lol)

Many thanks,


Please have a look at www.steelockfabrications.com for anything metal.

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27 Jun 2008 5:19 PM by twinmummy Star rating in Formentera del segur.... 82 posts Send private message

Sonia el

Thankyou for your kind response, but unfortunatly we would be worse off as we will struggle to find flight money back to the uk and we would have no where to stay, would have to rent (more money) as well as keep up the mortgage and other bills on our home in Spain, iIam sure my husband should get some bar work or sommat but as I said very little money, with him being a fully experienced Metal work engineer/welder he is used a good wage for a hard days work. Although here in Spain he does the hard work but for little pay, this is in a trade I would hate to see how much a bar job etc would pay, I am not sure how people manage to survive here in Spain (legally). 

I more bothered now as I am a mummy to twins and I have to have their interests at heart.  But would love to make it work here in Spain for their sake. Fingers crossed it will work out, (does any one need a welder out there lol)

Many thanks,


Please have a look at www.steelockfabrications.com for anything metal.

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27 Jun 2008 6:35 PM by Marksfish Star rating in Vera, Almeria. 2624 posts Send private message

Marksfish´s avatar
Try putting a post in this thread. The PM facility is disabled for new members (until 10 posts I think) due to the amount of spammers signing up and sending "dodgy" messages.


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