This is not our own problem but that of a friend and we are trying to help her. Maybe Maria can comment on Sevillana's legal obligations.
Our friend bought a village house two years ago. They have always had ridiculously high electricity bills considering that they don't heat water by electricity and have only two small panel radiators that they use modestly in the winter. Their bills are well over €350 - twice what we pay for a 330sq metre, 5 bedroom house. They have complained more than once to Sevillana and asked them to investigate but they refuse. They have tried turning off everything in the house but the meter still turns round... somewhat suspicious.
Opposite them is a house owned by Spanish people who are there a good deal. They have a meter in the wall which is read regularly but in the time our friends have lived there has not moved on BY ONE UNIT!! There is also a suspicious bulge in the road running between the two houses. The neighbours were not there for most of the period of the last bill and - what a surprise - the bill went down to €105.
So the questions are:
If someone is stealing their electricity, clearly from their side of the meter, whose problem is it, their's or Sevillana's? and
Even if it is considered their problem, should not Sevillana at the very least be prepared to send someone to have a look.
We have advised them to put it all in writing, take a photo of the neighbour's meter with its non-existent reading, and take it to their nearest Sevillana office with a request that they investigate it immediately or they will be filling in the hoja de reclamaciones.
Clearly if theft is occurring it is not Sevillana who are the victims and they may well not be interested in the theft itself, which may have to be dealt with via a denuncio, but they need Sevillana's help to investigate the meter as they should not be touching it themselves.
Anyone any ideas - they are a lovely couple who really cannot afford this expense.