The Comments |
Hi More, was looking at Veranda Agua forum and saw your message re your wedding anniversary today, many congratulations, and heres to many more.
Wow thats a long both must be doing something right!!!!
Just wanted to mark the occassion on the forum for such an active contributor...
Enjoy your day.

Tricia, that was really kind of you. Marking the occasion by ... going to Asda shopping. 
Can't drink as I'm collecting my moped later, with luck, after its MOT.
I posted in the bucket thread earlier too.
You welcome, hope you have many more happy anniversarys to celebrate.

Congratulation More, hope you have had a nice day.
Maureen & Dennis
Coto Real
Thank you one & all. 
We've just had a balti followed by strawberries & fancy icecream with marshmallows in it, yummy. Washed down by a bottle of vino tinto @ NOT vino tinto price 
Congratulations to you both and well done!. We 'celebrated' our 37th anniversay 1,000 miles apart on 3rd July (OH has to work away to keep me in a manner I'd like to become used to) but still feel it's quite an achievement. I sometimes wonder whether we've done it to spite each other...!!!! Only joking, he's worked away for over 30 years, must have been something I said.....but I love him to bits. 37 years is a long time ago isn't it? I tell everyone I was a child bride. Hmm........
Hi Poppyseed. Congrats then to you too for yours.
Many of our friends who married around the same time as us have split up, sadly (some are now on their 2nd or 3rd marriage, personally I couldn't be bothered to train another husband  ) so it is certainly an achievement. Hard work is something many don't seem to want to do re marriage & it is hard work but rewarding mostly, in our case anyway. (Though he does so infuriate me at times too.)
Hi More, completely agree about the re-training, couldn't manage to train the first one :)....! but you are right, it is hard work, takes a lot of stamina and commitment, but also has lots of rewards. I suspect we're a dying breed. Here's to many more eh...oh god I'm weary at the thought. No really folks, 37 years, it's great, honestly.........................................................................................................................................................
Jeeze I've just realised that some of my friends will be celebrating their 37th wedding anniversaries this year. Where has the time gone!!!!
Seems like only yesterday that I was standing in the bridesmaids dress, a vision in Lemon (yuk)
Two are still married but only one happily.
We will be celebrating our 12th on 19th (late starters), it's also my birthday and where is my beloved taking me. Monkey World in Dorset. and I'm pleased as punch. I've been watching the programme on Animal Planet for a couple of years now so I'm really looking forward to the trip and praying that the weather improves.
Awww, semi, Monkey World.
I'd love to see that. (Adults £10.50, can manage that on OH's pension. ) We've been watching the programmes too & were so upset to learn that Jim Cronin had died.

Jim founded Monkey World which he and his wife, Alison, built from a small refuge to a 65 acre wildlife park that is home to more than 160 rescued primates of 16 different species and is rated as one of the most popular family destinations in England.
We have friends living in Wareham so could visit them too. 
Only 12 years for you pair of luvvers ? I want to see lots more hand holding in future. (If I have to do it, so do you, too). Congratulations for 19th from us both. Enjoy your day with the monkeys.

Hi More.
just seen your post so belated CONGRATULATIONS on you
anniversary. Yes 37 years is a long time BUT i will be
celebrating my ruby wedding next year!! Hopefully with a
lovely cruise if we have enough pennies in the bank by then.
Gypsy, your RUBY, that's 40 !!! That'll be something to celebrate. I think I'd quite like a cruise too for our 40th. Only time I've cruised is when dad & mum brought my younger sister Jean & I, as teens, from Cyprus where dad had been working as a civvy attached to the army. We cruised from Cyprus to Italy (Genoa) on a Greek liner calling at a few ports then continued by train. Quite an experience. I was 16.