The Comments |
It does look like he makes a habit of it. Run up debts and close down and start again.
I wonder when he started actually stealing?
Laury, I am so sorry to hear what has happened to you and I do hope these scum are found and get put away!
Hi Laury
They dont get away from Just Dan
Do you have his home adresses ?or indeed where he is or was living
Just Dan
I have an address that I got hold of which is supposed to be his home address... why?
oops... duplicate post. This message was last edited by Lauryc on 7/28/2008.
I have made a list of everything that I and Dan have found plus a timescale of monies paid etc and will go down to the police station today suitably armed with more info and insist they do something.
Fingers crossed.
I am so sorery for your problems,what a completer and utter *******.Hope you are soon reunited with your goods.
_______________________ Jewels50
Hi Laury
I am so upset to read of this horrible situation you find yourself in. The police seem to get de-sensitised to the impact theft of property has on people, to them it'sprobably one in a long list, to you it is very personal, and understandably so. I feel for you, I really do and the lack of activity from the police just makes the whole situation so much worse. I hope you manage to get something happening after your visit today.
I have everything crossed for you
Jacqui our adventure from deciding to move to Spain to being here and moving back to the UK.
Thank you all so much for your kind messages.
I went to the local police station and went through everything again with the WPC on reception. I had typed out the results of my and Just Dan's findings and what he had done when and how much he had taken. I also listed the stolen items.
She wouldn't take it from me and said it had been passed to the station in the next town.
So I went over there and met a similar WPC behind a counter. It was like dealing with doctor's receptionists.
In the end she agreed to take my paperwork and pass it to the relevant PC.
So not a lot accomplished there.
I even gave them his most up to date address and asked if they could question him urgently as he could still have our stuff. She just smiled.
I have run out of ideas now.
Laury, Like everyone who has posted so far I feel so sorry for you. It's like paying to be robbed.
It makes me so mad that the police these days do not seem to be interested in 'normal' every day crime. We hear so much like your experience is it any wonder people take the law into their own hands.
What do the police do except chase motorists? In our road we've stopped reporting minor vandalism to our cars as nothing is done. From what I see they spend a lot of time rushing around with their blue lights on supposedly fighting crime. Our part of south London has the police helicoptor over head a few times each week but don't know what they're doing as teenagers are still getting killed.
Sorry rant over!
Good luck with your pursuit of this criminal. How about the local press?
Hiya and thanks.
I am considering going to the press, if only to warn others away from him.
It may be better until I have spoken to the police on Sunday and given my statement though. I might find out more of what, if anything, they intend to do.
I suppose they are just in the habit of giving out a crime number so you will go away and claim off insurance.
Unfortunately "theft by removals man" isn't covered.
Deleted This message was last edited by Just Dan on 7/29/2008.
Well things CAN get worse.
I went down to Plymouth to check our stuff that was put into storage last year. We decluttered and depersonalised the house to put it on the market.
30 boxes of items plus furniture.
Guess what? That's all gone too.
I'm steaming.
Oh Laury, I cannot believe what is happening to you, it sound's like everyone's worst nightmare.  I would be so livid. You cannot trust anyone anymore, I feel so sorry for you. Did this guy know you had other furniture in storage? Wished their was something I could say that could help you, but I do not know what. You sound like you are doing all the right things. This must be so stressful for you so take care. Pat
Thanks Pat.
We booked this company to deliver our stuff to Spain on the sale of the house and to store our "clutter" for us. So, yes, he knew about the stuff in storage. He put it there.
The storage company said that there were some of his crates with our name on them but they were changed over to the storage company's own crates in May.
Ours seem to have been removed rather than moved.
I feel as though they have stolen my life and am still shocked.
Like everyone else on here I am so sorry that this has happened to you.
I hope that this man is found and .... well to be honest I don't think I can write on here what I think should be done to him if he ever is!
It makes you wonder what makes people like this ... and how they can live their lives knowing they have hurt someone so badly...
I am a believer in what goes around comes around - and I hope it comes around to him very quickly and very hard.
My thoughts are with you, and I wish you the very best of luck in finding this horrible man and getting your possessions back.....
Hi Laury
What a bummer!! All our sympathy to you and Mel. Just so sorry that there's nothing we can do for you. At least we can meet up and buy you a drink when we're next over!
BTW, how's the building work getting on?
Steve & Jan.
Laury knows I've not been ignoring her, I've been sending PMs instead. Just so you all know.
Steve, are you buying us drinkies too.  When are you over next ? got nowt in my little black book.
Hi Steve,
Long time no see.
Well, half our life is now gone. We carefully sorted through everything last year and everything that we wanted to keep was packed well and taken into temporary storage by the removals company. We have lost so much. It's not just the cost. It's the framed photos of our parents who are now dead,.. it's our silver wedding anniversary presents... it's the personal stuff that really really hurts.
I have rung the police every day and yesterday they called me to tell me to stop. "They have already told me they are busy",
I don't get it. Busy with what? Are we not victims of crime then? Is a drunken ladette more important than us?
What on earth has happened to the police?
Morning Laury
I'm SO MAD for you having to cope with all of this & actually, I'm sitting here with tears in my eyes with frustration for you.
How DARE the police say that ? What do they expect you to do ?
Call the press, it's time now.
If I lost photos of my parents who are both long gone, I'd crack up, I tell you. Some things are so important to us, aren't they ?