For most people the best option is now to buy new ready now or a good re sale
Off plan can still be good for those who want a delayed time scale but today you should make sure that the building work/ infrastructure has started and of course you get a bank/ insurance guarantee for money paid [ a legal requirment in Spain]
With the new you have to make sure that all the facilities are complete and take the same standard of care in purchasing as you do in UK
There are some good buys about but sometimes those with the apparent best deals have some flaws- poor location, original price before discount much too high , spec not good etc
In times like this the good properties always perform the runs to quality! on the top quality the discounts/ good terms may not be as good as on lesser developments
If you are buying a re sale then check the spec....some of the older ones were poorly insulated. air con old and old fittings
But if it is your chosen property, do the same as you would in UK- work out the cost of the improvements and adjust your offer accordingly
One factor you should consider is solar hot water heating installation- required now on all new build so it is a good idea to install it on re sales----big movement in Spain towards solar etc
In reality. it's just the same as buying in UK in the current market!!!
I can understand concern over Inspection Trips and certainly the old type where you were kept under lock and key for all the trip, or until. you bought
But not everyone works like that
If you are interested in Polaris World [ and there are many happy buyers] make sure you use an agent who can show you alternatives to compare
Do not be always have the time to come back to UK before you make your mind up
No need to give 3000 € non returnable reservations fees.....if you are going to buy you start the procedure, pay the deposit on signing the contracts and get 'your BG at the same time' delay
So, if you use the right kind of agent ,take care and do not be rushed, buying can still be OK
In many ways now it is more safe than it has ever been.....regulations are tighter and no one . and I mean no one in their right mind, will complete without a Licence of First Occupation
Yes , this was quite common for a long time and those that did often ended up with probelms!
If you buy in 2009 you may not be buying at the bottom of the property cycle- no one knows when it will be!.....but you will get a good buy
Based on the history of property economics, in the medium to long term ,it will turn out ot be good buy and in the meantime enjoy the life style, which comes from owning a home in Spain