Last trip to Spain we were driving to a restaurant in the middle of nowhere &, some time after we left the main road, we came to a stop sign. Nothing in sight at all, you could see for miles (well not quite but you could certainly see a very long way). There was no reason we shouldn't have just approached this stop sign & taken it as a Give Way, which seemed more applicable. But I insisted we actually stopped dead before proceeding, having read police, if around, will fine you for not stopping dead in order to check traffic. There also was a very slow limit on the road, which was a country road which, I think, generally not many use (they'd whizz along no doubt) We had friends behind us who, I think, wondered what on God's earth, we were doing !! After leaving the restaurant they went in front of us & zoooomed off !!
'It's just that I resent feeling like I am a sitting duck for Zapatero to collect extra tax revenues.' Us too, Max Kite, us too !!!!!!!