FROM the COASTRIDER...............planning permission for 2.4 dish.........

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07 Oct 2008 12:00 AM by Karensun Star rating in Orihuela Costa. 1473 posts Send private message

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Satellite Dishes and the Planning Regulations
Due to the collapse of Telmicro and the fear that other TV providers may follow suit, many residents of La Marina have made enquiries about installing their own satellite dishes. A number of people have contacted the CoastRider, complaining that they feel local Town Halls are capitalizing on the plight of the residents, by charging fees for planning permission, to have dishes of certain sizes, erected on their roofs or in their grounds.
We hope that the following information will put everyone in the picture, pardon the pun, regarding what is required.
If a satellite dish is erected and exceeds 1.9 metres in diameter it is a requirement under a law brought into force in 1997, to obtain planning permission from their local Town Hall.
A minor works license is required along with;
a.) The technical documentation as supplied by a telecommunications engineer, including a written request from the property owner along with either sketches or actual photography of the equipment and the cost of installation.
b.) Actual pictures of the building and the surrounding environment. A sketch or graphic representation of how the finished installation will look.
c.) In the case of communal buildings, semidetached houses, quads and blocks of flats, all community owners are required to sign authorisation for the installation.
Before the dish is made functional, a completion of work and installation certificate should be presented along with a certificate of security and stability of installation to the Town Hall. Both certificates require to be signed and stamped by a competent and qualified telecommunications engineer.
Any fees that are paid to the Town Hall are mainly to cover taxes. However once the work has been completed and paid for the property owners may apply for a rebate of the initial fee less taxes paid.
No one said life was easy but the same rules apply if you wanted to erect a garden shed or a gazebo on your solarium. Without the necessary permissions you may be forced into removing them.
We have also been informed that if any structure which has been erected illegally is damaged or causes damage to another property during a storm, most insurance companies in Spain will not cover you. For more information you should contact the technical department of your local town hall.

  ' Do unto others as you would be done by'
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07 Oct 2008 5:53 PM by satandpcguy Star rating in Gandia, Valencia. 399 posts Send private message

satandpcguy´s avatar
"Areas under the Town Hall of San Fulgencio are required to undertake the planning application process to gain permission to erect a satellite dish."
Planning process is as per the details in the text from coastrider...

measaurements - famaval (the makers of the portuguse dish) have the measurements of their 1.8m dish on their spec sheet as
Outside diameter: 1940mm x 1940mm
Relector diameter: 1790mm x 1790mm

and found this on my favourites.....(sad aint i???) add fuel to the been a legal person i am sure some of it may apply, but not too sure.... ... dex_en.htm

EU Commission on Satellite Dishes
Administrative obstacles

It is not acceptable to make the installation of a satellite dish subject to systematic prior authorisation or completion of a complex and expensive administrative procedure.

Architectural and town-planning obstacles

Concerns of an architectural and town-planning nature, which are often cited in this context, can be met by solutions which make it possible, where necessary and technically feasible, to minimise the visual and aesthetic impact of satellite dishes without impairing quality of reception, under reasonable conditions and at reasonable cost; such solutions can, for example, involve the location of the dish (indoors rather than outdoors) or the type of dish (e.g. a collective dish rather than numerous individual dishes).

Tax obstacles

The Commission reiterates its opposition to taxes which are specifically targeted at satellite dishes. It has already expressed its opposition as part of infringement procedures for violation of Article 49 of the Treaty (free movement of services); it recalls the case law of the Court of Justice, which has upheld private individuals' right to obtain reimbursement of such taxes from their national courts, subject to the formal and substantive requirements of national law. Moreover, independent of the right to lodge a complaint or obtain a refund, a tax collected in violation of a fundamental freedom under Community law may cause the Member State in question to become liable.

_______________________ Satellite TV & Sky TV in Spain installers. Costa Blanca, Azahar and Valencia areas.

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08 Oct 2008 1:16 PM by scotty2810 Star rating. 4 posts Send private message

have just posted this in Tel Micra thread and noticed this one not sure if anyone can help me with the answer  

Hello, I have been reading all the threads on Tel Micra with interest as we have this system in Spain, we have come back from spain and been told that our community wants to put a 2.9meter dish up and it will cost us all 250 euros to get free view TV sounds good however, when asking where they were going to put up the dish we were told at the end of our garden on an electric box.....As this was the cheaper option okay for them they don't have to look at the monster & have sun taken out of their gardens does anyone know if this is legal they can just put this up?  I am not sure they realise how big the dish is as when we told them it was 9ft they were bit shocked.  But to be honest i really don't want to spend my hard earned holidays sitting on my back terrace eating breakfast looking at a huge satellite dish.  Any help would be greatly appreciate as we don't want to upset any fulltime residents and neighbours

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08 Oct 2008 3:04 PM by satandpcguy Star rating in Gandia, Valencia. 399 posts Send private message

satandpcguy´s avatar
i have not heard of a 2.9m dish - a 2.4 or a 2.4 withwings is 3.1....

anyway, if you want to complain / protest about it you need to speak to the president / administrator of the community. 
does the voting rules say if anyone objuects he motoin is not completed or is it majority rules? 
why cant the dish go on the grounf and not on top of the "electric hut"?
is there anyway that screening can be erected to hide the dish - will the community pay for screening to hide the dish -

_______________________ Satellite TV & Sky TV in Spain installers. Costa Blanca, Azahar and Valencia areas.

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08 Oct 2008 6:06 PM by annbag Star rating. 12 posts Send private message

Is anyone actually bothering to apply for this permission, and / or are the installation companies even tellying people they need permission form the town hall?

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27 Nov 2008 1:51 PM by smiller Star rating. 2 posts Send private message

Well what a laugh everyone telling everyone else what is required by the local council requiring planning permission, but has anyone told the Spanish town halls that they are in Europe?

They are goverend by European Law and the law for Europe says " The right to receive information via satallite dish is related to the fundemental right to freedom of expression, which is established by the European Convention on Human Rights. Technical barriers: Regulations on the characteristics of satallite dishes can hinder not only the movement of the services which they carry. Administrative obstacles: It is not acceptable to make the installation of a satallite dish subject to systematic prior authorisation or completion of a complex and expensive administrative procedure.. Tax obstacles: The commission reiterates its opposition to taxes which are specifically targeted at satellite dishes. It has already expressed it's opposition as part of infringement procedures for violation of Article 49 of the Treaty (free movement of services) etc etc etc

..................................You in other words are allowed to put a 2.4 meter dish without planning pemission and if you have applied for planning permission and have had to pay, you may ask for a smile you are in Europe

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