The Comments |
Hi Fibby UK here with a fresh thread for all members to see how the donations are going to Emma's Fund.
If you haven't heard about Emma, check out her website
Todays' donation is £52
Thank you to:
Owen S
Rachel S
Pravin P
Heather D
Carol B
Mrs I Macdonald
Mrs M Stephenson
Alan P
Clare L
Ron L
Sharon R
Jan B
Jim M
My receipt:
Transaction ID: 3TW67046TS6898607 Placed on 23 Feb. 2007
Payment For Quantity Price
Baby Emma's Appeal - Every Penny Helps! 1 £52.00 GBP
Subtotal: £52.00 GBP
Postage & Packing: £0.00 GBP
VAT: £0.00 GBP
Total Amount: £52.00 GBP
I donate weekly to Emma's fund, so check back next week.
If you need information on my guide, please PM me.
One off fee to pay your own La Renta tax (210 Form)
Check out my website:
This week's donation is £36
Thank you to:
Janet O
Colin O
Pam F
Gillian W
Glen R
Julia S
Gay H
Patrick P
Deborah S
My receipt:
Transaction ID: 7AV75324SG444501P Placed on 2 Mar. 2007
Payment For Quantity Price
Baby Emma's Appeal - Every Penny Helps! 1 £36.00 GBP
Subtotal: £36.00 GBP
Postage & Packing: £0.00 GBP
VAT: £0.00 GBP
Total Amount: £36.00 GBP
One off fee to pay your own La Renta tax (210 Form)
Check out my website:
Well done, Fibby! That's great!!
Hi Fibby thanks for the information on paying the taxes it will be worth its weight in gold l must buy you a drink or three if we ever meet up in spain Regards Pat.
Hello all,
For those of you who may be interested in Emma's progress, some good news!
This is an extract from her diary on 6th March: (If you would like to read more about Emma, here is the link:
November 2006 - December 2006 - January 2007 - February 2007 - March 2007
Tuesday 6th March
I got some of my results yesterday. My MIBG scan was clear and my bone marrow is still clear, this is great news as I have no cancer anywhere other than my tumour. My tumour is still the same size but we will get told more information on this on Friday. The doctor had not seen my CT SCAN, he had only seen the notes, so he could not really comment on the CT SCAN and tumour. Am made up with the results as the nasty cancer has not spread anywhere else and the chemo is still working and killing the cancer cells.
Am back in hospital on Wednesday for some bloods tests and then am back in on Friday for the start of my stem cell harvest, I will be in hospital Friday and Saturday for some chemo and then everyday for a GCSF boost.
Thank you everyone who has emailed me, I wish I could reply to everyone but I receive 100's every week and I just don't have time but they really do make my day when Mummy & Daddy read them to me so keep sending them.
Love Emma
One off fee to pay your own La Renta tax (210 Form)
Check out my website:
This week's donation is £12
Thank you to:
John & Trish D
Mrs P Munster
Mick O'D
My recepit:
Transaction ID: 00724858JN661942E Placed on 9 Mar. 2007
Payment For Quantity Price
Baby Emma's Appeal - Every Penny Helps! 1 £12.00 GBP
Subtotal: £12.00 GBP
Postage & Packing: £0.00 GBP
VAT: £0.00 GBP
Total Amount: £12.00 GBP
One off fee to pay your own La Renta tax (210 Form)
Check out my website:
This message was last edited by JeansSis on 5/17/2007.
Here is another way to raise money for Emma's fund - Unibond TV
Just one click and the host web site will make a donation!
I have copy/pasted this from Emma's web site:
Author |
Message |
Joined: 08 Jan 2007
Posts: 19
Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2007 9:38 am Post subject: HERES THE EMAIL FROM UNIBOND TV SAM!!! |
We have recently been made aware of The Baby Emma appeal which we have decided to get involved with. Emma Clittie has an aggressive and rare form of childhood cancer and needs treatment in the USA within 90 days of her chemotherapy course ending at the end of May.
The cost of this treatment is £200,000 and already over £60,000 has been raised.
We are asking for your help. If you simply click on this link and watch the video, then if we get enough clicks the host site will make a payment which will donated to the Baby Emma appeal. Please forward this email ot this link to as many people as possible.
If you want to do more to help then Unibond TV are donating 50p between now and the end of the season from every weekly subscription costing £1.95 and £3.00 from every season ticket costing £15. If you wish to help in that way please click here. |
One off fee to pay your own La Renta tax (210 Form)
Check out my website:
This weeks donation is £8, but every penny helps!
Thank you to:
Deborah H
Kevin M
My receipt:
Transaction ID: 9V2478301F117374U Placed on 16 Mar. 2007
Payment For Quantity Price
Baby Emma's Appeal - Every Penny Helps! 1 £8.00 GBP
Subtotal: £8.00 GBP
Postage & Packing: £0.00 GBP
VAT: £0.00 GBP
Total Amount: £8.00 GBP
One off fee to pay your own La Renta tax (210 Form)
Check out my website:
Thank you this week to all who have bought my Guide.
I am currently on holiday in Spain and am only able to acknowledge those who have bought via Paypal.
Next week, I will be able to thank those of you who have sent cheques. Look back here next week and I will acknowledge you all!
But for now, thank you to:
Colin F
Christina T
Tina E
And here, as always, is my receipt:
Transaction ID: 8KU05953X99136130 Placed on 23 Mar. 2007
Payment For Quantity Price
Baby Emma's Appeal - Every Penny Helps! 1 £12.00 GBP
Subtotal: £12.00 GBP
Postage & Packing: £0.00 GBP
VAT: £0.00 GBP
Total Amount: £12.00 GBP
One off fee to pay your own La Renta tax (210 Form)
Check out my website:
Forgot to say peeps, for those of you who check other forums for my donations, I don't have the links here in Espania, so my apologies...........................
I only have links to my favourite forums here 
When I get back to the UK, maybe after my op on Tuesday 27th (Yikes, dreading it), I will post "thank you's" to the other sites.
Please be patient......................
Kind regards,
One off fee to pay your own La Renta tax (210 Form)
Check out my website:
Firstly, a huge well done to baby Emma on having 100% of the tumour removed yesterday 4th April 2007, preserving her kidney intact in the bargain!
We are all rooting for you Emma.
I did not make a donation last Friday as I was in hospital myself, having a hip replacement, so I know what you are going through Emma!
Sales have slowed down, boo hoo, so the donation this week is only £12.
Come on you Spanish property buyers, buy my Guide and help swell Emma's fund!
BUT, a big thank you to
Simon L
Dawn H
Edward M
My Paypal receipt:
Payment Details
Transaction ID: 4F372196KE3099117
Item Price: 12.00 GBP
Total: £12.00 GBP
Order Description: Baby Emma's Appeal - Every Penny Helps!
Buyer: Susan Chester
One off fee to pay your own La Renta tax (210 Form)
Check out my website:
Hi Fibby, it would be great if people put their hands in the pockets and gave a small donation for Emma's Fund. A little goes a long way when there are many. Will contact you soon.
Hi Hudsey,
This is the first week since I began donating 20% of sale of my Guide to Paying Taxes in Spain (Non Residents) to Emma's fund, that I have nothing to give!
Never mind, I am sure that there are other generous people around who have donated this week.
I know that in Torreveija, they are doing a great job raising funds.
Emma's Grandad has a holiday home in the area and everyone has done so much to help, it's amazing!
If anyone is interested in Emma, here's here website link agin:
Kind regards, as always,
One off fee to pay your own La Renta tax (210 Form)
Check out my website:
One Guide sold this week:
Thank you to:
Jennie H
I will send my £4 donation via Paypal when more Guides are sold.
If I send the £4 from this sale in a single Paypal transaction, Emma's fund loses 88p of it to Paypal's fee. (Shame on you Paypal, surely they can waive this fee for a charity donation?)
Therefore, I will wait until more Guides are sold till I donate again.
So, I owe you £4 Emma, watch this space........................
One off fee to pay your own La Renta tax (210 Form)
Check out my website:
This message was last edited by JeansSis on 5/17/2007.
Absolutely not JeanSis, we all should be made aware of what is happening with Emma.
I have e-mailed with her Daddy recently, he says she is very cheerful.
I knew she was having the start of her treatment on the 23rd.
Let's all keep everything crossed for her eh?
One off fee to pay your own La Renta tax (210 Form)
Check out my website:
This week's donation is £12.00
Thank you to:
Jennie H - (Which I owed from last week)
Julie B
Irene B
My Paypal receipt:
Transaction ID: 8K450043FN718763T Placed on 27 Apr. 2007
Payment For Quantity Price
Baby Emma's Appeal - Every Penny Helps! 1 £12.00 GBP
Subtotal: £12.00 GBP
Postage & Packing: £0.00 GBP
VAT: £0.00 GBP
Total Amount: £12.00 GBP
One off fee to pay your own La Renta tax (210 Form)
Check out my website: