Place in the Sun - where are they now?

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28 Nov 2008 12:00 AM by Roberto Star rating in Torremolinos. 4551 posts Send private message

Roberto´s avatar

Did anyone catch the episode of Place in the Sun, Home or Away, yesterday on Channel 4?

I caught the end of it, and noticed in the credits that it was filmed during 2007. I then switched to Ch4+1 to watch Jonnie & Jasmine lead Stuart and Lynn from Merseyside around a selection of properties in Liverpool and Tenerife, like two lambs to the proverbial. (details of episode here) Knowing it was filmed last year, it was a bit like car-crash TV; you know it's going to end badly, but just can't tear yourself away.

For a start, the couple, in their 30s I would say, had sold their home because " it seemed like time to change". What a great reason to deliberately inflict upon yourselves what is generally known to be one of the most stressful experiences going. Then, they couldn't decide whether to start a family in Liverpool, or a new life in Spain. Now call me pedantic, but I would have thought they needed to have some serious thoughts about what they want in life before doing anything.

But this isn't about them. This is about the logic of whoever is in charge of programming at CH4, putting this show on now. Maybe they used to work at BBC radio? Of course, very few people foresaw the extent of the property crisis in advance, but showing this now has left poor Jasmine, forever smiling and optimistic to the point of absurdity, looking like she has copious amounts of egg on her face.

Among the Tenerife properties she showed the couple was a ground floor off-plan apartment, which she assured them would be a great investment since properties like this had increased in value at least €20k per year for the last few years and therefore could be assumed that they will continue to do so. Another property on a development "slightly further out" from the main town was surrounded by cranes and building work. The couple asked when the construction would be finished. I think we all know the answer to that one now. The cranes and ditches are probably all still there, but at least it'll be quiet for the foreseeable future.

Although they both had decent jobs back in England, the couple had no idea how they would support themselves in Tenerife, but thought maybe they'd get a business, so Jasmine also found a selection for sale. The fact that they seemed less than keen to work together, struck me as a tad worrying, but no matter. A property management company got their interest. No wonder: 50 apartments to maintain, clean and turn around for holiday lets, currently run by a couple putting in just 25 hours a week each (presumably the usual Saturday changeover does not apply here, otherwise it would be impossible to service them all on the same day) and making a profit of 30 grand a year. Impressive! Or a nice little sandwich bar, making a profit of 60 grand or some such dreamlike figure.

With Jasmine's positivity rubbing off, they fell in love with "property no.2", happy that with the sale of their home in England they would have a reasonable deposit, the rest to be paid by mortgage (why not?) In an uncharacteristic fit of common sense, they decided that buying a new home and moving to a foreign country would be enough for starters, without taking on a business as well, so instead planned to get "a couple of decent jobs to get some good income coming in". Although nobody said so, it can be presumed that there are a plethora of high paying gigs for non-Spanish speaking "hospitality staff" and "roofers" in Tenerife.

Now, I'm all for people following their dreams (if in fact they have the first clue what their dream really is) and sincerely hope things worked out for Stuart and Lynn. And I freely admit that when we first came to Spain about 11 years ago, we were fairly clueless as well. But then, I had barely even heard of the internet, and EOS was not even a twinkle in Justin's eye. I wonder where the program makers manage to find such apparently naiive victims? I really felt for them, and kept wanting to shout at the telly "check out Eye On Spain before you do anything!"

A Place in the Sun promotes itself as offering expert advice and information on buying property abroad. Where, then, do they get off airing this episode now, knowing what has happened since it was filmed?

Like I said before, I really hope it all worked out for this couple, but like a true rubber-necker, I must admit, the show I'd like to see is the one telling us - where are they now?

Anyone in Tenerife (or Liverpool) know what happened to Stuart and Lynn?



"Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please"

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28 Nov 2008 5:20 PM by Nati Star rating in Manilva (Costa del .... 235 posts Send private message


I think they don't show more recent episodes because people are tighting their belts with the credit crunch. I think some people in the UK think they can find a job in Spain with no problem and they don't know that decent jobs are hard to get. They think Spain can offer the same jobs as the UK. They should research first and get info from a website like EOS. That's why once in Spain people get disappointed and decide to go back to the UK. I have the impression that some people in the UK have an unrealistic idea of how things work in Spain. I haven't seen the show recently.



 Ana Sánchez. PGCE, MA & BA(Hons)

Teaching and Translation Services

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28 Nov 2008 6:11 PM by ******** Star rating in UK & Murcia. 574 posts Send private message

Hi Roberto,  I agree with everything you say.  It really was jaw droppingly unreal.  I wish them luck  for their future, but wonder if now is the time to show these programmes when lots of people's dreams of a home in the sun are turning to despair . 



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01 Dec 2008 4:58 PM by advisor Star rating in London most of the t.... 311 posts Send private message

On the flip side-Tenerife or Lpool!



Nobody plans to fail, many fail to plan, sadly the result is the same.



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01 Dec 2008 5:37 PM by irenemontague Star rating in liverpool/carvajal . 794 posts Send private message

Crosby in liverpool by the sea is better than tenerife any day ,last time i was in tenerife i found it so dirty and pavement in a poor state of repair ,tenerfe only has the sun and i could not work in the sun bye irene

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01 Dec 2008 5:41 PM by Roberto Star rating in Torremolinos. 4551 posts Send private message

Roberto´s avatar

Well, that really depends on many factors. Having lived on an island previously, and one much larger and prettier than Tenerife (Mallorca) I can see quite a few downsides to Tenerife. It's hardly paradise, in my opinion, and apart from a couple of even duller islands nearby, there's no easy getting away from it when you go stir crazy. At least from the Balearics, you can easily escape to the mainland from time to time by ferry. There's certainly no doubt about the weather, but for a young couple needing to earn a living, I would say their prospects are far better in Liverpool, recession notwithstanding, and although I'm not personally familiar with the nightlife in Tenerife, I would argue that as far as entertainment and culture are concerned, they are likely to get bored there much quicker than they will in Liverpool, which by all accounts is going through somewhat of a renaissance lately.

My hope is that they went to Tenerife and rented for a year, had a blast, then returned home with some great memories and bought their dream 3 bed semi in Crosby for £50 grand less than they would have done a year ago!



"Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please"

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01 Dec 2008 5:49 PM by irenemontague Star rating in liverpool/carvajal . 794 posts Send private message

Hi Roberto there is only one way house prices in Crosby go and that is up £50,000 a year as i said great beach there is a good marina and the great schools the best in the north of England bye Irene

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01 Dec 2008 5:58 PM by Roberto Star rating in Torremolinos. 4551 posts Send private message

Roberto´s avatar

You've not been following the news, then? I'm doing my best to blow Liverpool's trumpet (being as how I'm Scouse by marriage!) but unless Crosby is the only corner of the known world to be immune to the current economic crisis, I think the chances that any property there is selling for more than it would have done 12 months ago are about as high as Everton beating Liverpool to the title this season!!!



"Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please"

Mark Twain




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01 Dec 2008 7:20 PM by irenemontague Star rating in liverpool/carvajal . 794 posts Send private message

Ibet you it has gone up roberto bye irene

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01 Dec 2008 7:21 PM by irenemontague Star rating in liverpool/carvajal . 794 posts Send private message

Hi i for got to say roberto  if it has gone down i am moving there its the place to be bye irene

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01 Dec 2008 7:28 PM by Roberto Star rating in Torremolinos. 4551 posts Send private message

Roberto´s avatar

OK, I admit I exagerated when I said 50 grand less than last year. Their budget was £170 grand for a 3 bed semi. Not hard to find something nice for less than that now.

By the way, do you know anyone who might be interested in a 16 room terraced town house in Anfield for about the same price?




"Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please"

Mark Twain




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01 Dec 2008 7:51 PM by irenemontague Star rating in liverpool/carvajal . 794 posts Send private message

Now Roberto are you kidding or what anfield arnt they pulling them all down?just kidding ok who is selling what or is that a joke it sounds nice it is flats or what and where?bye irene

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01 Dec 2008 7:57 PM by Roberto Star rating in Torremolinos. 4551 posts Send private message

Roberto´s avatar

Only pulling down the ones opposite, and making a nice park. Could be flats, perfect for a developer, esp. Liverpool fan, as you can see the ground from the top room (at least until they move to Stanley Park!) Deffo an up-coming area  Wife's nephew rattling around in those 16 rooms, needs to downsize.

Anyways, I seem to have hijacked my own thread. What about Stuart & Lynn?!



"Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please"

Mark Twain




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01 Dec 2008 8:10 PM by irenemontague Star rating in liverpool/carvajal . 794 posts Send private message

Hi roberto i am on the case of stuart and lynn bye irene

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02 Dec 2008 7:49 AM by Sten46 Star rating in Hatton, Derbyshire &.... 243 posts Send private message


     Having been off work (on the Pat 'n' Mick) for the last six weeks, I have taken to watching quite a few episodes of 'Place in the Sun' - better than most of the day-time telly, anyway - on the Sky channels.

     The one thing that astounds me about it is the sheer numbers of couples who go to Spain/the islands/the Carribbean/the other side of the world to look for a holiday/retirement home never having ever been there before! Is it me - are they being particularly green? - or are they just in it for a free holiday on the BBC? (Amanda Lamb can take ME on a free holiday anytime she likes!!!)

      BTW, 7.45am here and it's snowing like mad!




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02 Dec 2008 1:48 PM by Sonia El Star rating in Wales / Carvajal, F.... 212 posts Send private message

We're convinced that many on these programmes (Escape to the Country is the other one) have NO intention of ever moving but just want their 15 minutes of fame. As you say several have never been where they want to move, don't speak the local language - oh and want lots of land to keep cows or whatever, never mind that they've probably never kept anything larger than a dog.

The best programme used to be that one with Melissa Porter where they tried out the lifestyle for a month including trying to get a job etc.  That and 'No Going Back'.  That used to throw up some gems of unprepared individuals ' we'll go sking in the afternoon, then make dinner for all our guest'.

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02 Dec 2008 4:39 PM by advisor Star rating in London most of the t.... 311 posts Send private message

Last nights episode on Sky showed some crackers in Acapaulco all for less than £200k, however it is the credits at the end that one needs to watch as last nights rates were based on when it was filmed which was............2004!



Nobody plans to fail, many fail to plan, sadly the result is the same.



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02 Dec 2008 5:15 PM by Jeanie60 Star rating. 103 posts Send private message

Hi every one,

Having been off work for the last 6 weeks recovering  from an op.

I also have spent my days browsing sky tv and  that is one i watch a lot but yes they are all out of date.

We have been trying to sell our house now for nearly 18 months just so we can spend our winters in spain.

If it doesnt sell we may consider renting.

One thing about not selling so fast is how is it has made us think again about buying in spain, we will rent for a while just to make sure.

I no were i'd rather be at the moment and its not england because its absolutly freezing wet and miserable!



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02 Dec 2008 6:08 PM by Roberto Star rating in Torremolinos. 4551 posts Send private message

Roberto´s avatar

The trick with these programs is to watch the end first, then switch to the +1 channel to watch the beginning - this way you know what year it was filmed, before getting too excited. At least, that used to be the case, but now, which is the point I was making when I started this thread, all too often prices have actually dropped since the episode first was made, which makes the producers look right idiots - esp. when the presenter has gone on about what a fantastic investment this apartment or that villa will be. Either way, these programs just aren't right for repeating years after the event.

Jeanie, you're right to look for the positive side of your situation, and renting first is definitely the way to go, more now than ever, Good luck. By the way, it's decidedly wintery on the Costa del Sol today. (But yes, the sun did shine!)



"Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please"

Mark Twain




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02 Dec 2008 7:55 PM by jewels50 Star rating. 43 posts Send private message

jewels50´s avatar

Hi Roberto,


Well Stuart and Lynn did buy the town house but its not in Fanabe as stated in the programme its in Las Chafiras close to the Airport,quite a lot of the info was wrong.

I have been living in Tenerife for the last 6 years,just moved to Murcia 11 weeks ago,they actually filmed on the complex we own on,the apartment in the section what else you can get it was in Chayofa just outside Los Cristianos,I am a member of a forum in tenerife and they are discussing this topic a lot,some one who knows Stuart and Lynn was going to ask them to go one the forum to tell everyone whats going on in the lives since the move.


I will keep you posted if i get to find out any info.


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