The Comments |
Hi Folks
My Dad has been a longtime Linea Direct customer - at least ten continuous years. He has just sold his car as he has moved back the UK and is giving up driving. He phoned LD on 10th Jan to cancel and they said they would get back in contact with him, which they did today via email. They state in this email that he needs to write to them and that they will cancel it AS FROM 1st DEC 2009! It renews in late March so he has given them over two months notice. Is this believable - to be commited to paying for most of 2009 for a car sold at the beginning of January?
Any thoughts?
What about cancelling the direct debit!!
This message was last edited by diane g on 1/12/2009.
Diane and Stan 
There has been an error somewhere, you only renew a policy for one year at a time and that is all. I suggest you fax them and ask someone to contact you urgently, as you think you may have a case for the complaints book but want to give them a chance to explain first, that gets them going normally....
Just cancel the D/D; he is under no obligation to renew the insurance when it becomes due.
Its called Freedom Of Choice...
If the payments are made annually as I suspect they probably are thats all there is to it.
Its unlikely that he will receive a refund however.
If on the other hand payment is made monthly, he is obliged to continue the payments until the contracted term is complete.
I start looking at renewal options about one month before the existing insurance expires, and I wouldnt touch Linea Direct with a ten foot barge pole for any form of insurance.
Hope this helps.
Yes, there must be an error... that is very much against Consumers Law: provision 87.6 of Consumers Act stablishes:
Are abusive ( and therefore illegal):
6. The provisions that impose onerous or disproportionate obstacles to the exercise of the rights granted to consumers and users in the contract, particularly in the provision of services or delivery of products or continuous tract following the imposition of excessive length of time, resignation and the establishment of restrictions which prevent or hamper the right of consumers and users to put an end to these contracts as well as the hindrance to the exercise of this right through the agreed procedure, which is the case for providing for the imposition of formalities other than those for hire, or loss of the amounts paid in advance, the payment amounts for services not actually provided, the allocation to the employer the option of unilateral implementation of the penal clauses which have been set or contractually fixed awards that do not correspond with the actual damage caused.
Maria L. de Castro, JD, MA
Thanks for all your comments. He has just phoned and their is a logical explanation. He phoned on the 10/1. The next working day is the 12/1/2009 when the cancellation would be effective from. Stick the date into US date order on their email and you have 1/12/2009 - which is where we got the 1st Dec. date from!
All sorted now.
Well... some Spanish Law has come to us out of that " problem"
Have a great day!
Maria L. de Castro, JD, MA
And a lesson learned, not to trust computers - in the end, humans really are smarter!
Foxbat, bad experience with LD, or just a pre-conceived prejudice?
"Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please"
Mark Twain