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has anyone done this in spain?
do you know the cost
I thought it was a case of registering car in spain for the iva system, changing plates etc
From your message I thought you wanted to physcially change your car to a LHD.
I think you can drive your car in Spain for up to 6 months on UK plates but then you have to regsiter the car in Spain. Probably best to get a gestor to arrange the paperwork for you.
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thanks justin, any idea of likely costs?
This has been covered extensively on other message boards, so search around and you will find some answers. It will depend on the vehicle etc. etc.
BTW, Justin, out of curiosity, and since I've never heard of anyone in Spain who does convert RHD to LHD, I Googled a bit, and there is a company in Thailand that does it!
"Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please"
Mark Twain
Roberto, as you said, we have covered this soooooo many times on here! 
As many know I purchased a LHD car in the UK over six months ago and brought it with me to Spain. When I get around to re-registering the car I will let you all know IF I managed to avoid the matriculation tax.
Me, the Mrs and Rosie too! But we'll never, ever forget our Tyler!
We support AAA Abandoned Animals Marbella - Do you?
Just to add my comment. Try lefthandcars in UK located near london. They will trade in your UK car against an already spanish plated car. then all you need to do is register in your name. If you are lucky you can get one plated for your area in spain, even better. In theory not only do you have to replate and ITV your imported car but there is a possible liability of a percentage tax on its value. Anyway who wants to drive with a car that will be stopped by Guradia all the time. They do this to check if you are legal at very regular intervals. Leave in it UK.
If you buy in Spain make sure that you get the owner docs, its critical and that they also show the SUMA docs to verify that they have paid all fines and taxes and that they own it. Hope that helps
I have passed the local and national police on many occasions in my LHD British registered car, as they are on the side of the road, or more commonly at a roundabout, and whilst they have stopped other vehicles, they just look at me and wave me on, or just completely ignore me!
What they have stopped in most cases are beat up vans, cars and trucks! Probably they are looking to see if they are road legal.
Having said that my car is completely road legal for Spain, as I had a BMW garage replace the RHD headlamp units for LHD units, everything else is compliant with the ITV here in Spain.
Me, the Mrs and Rosie too! But we'll never, ever forget our Tyler!
We support AAA Abandoned Animals Marbella - Do you?
Techno, how is it legal. my understanding is you cant get an iva cert or insure in spain, unless you transfer car into spanish system.
do you come to spain in your car and go back to uk and use mot and insurance based in uk to drive in spain?
or you do you live permanently in spain?
What I meant is that the car is completely road legal for anywhere in the EU, as it is road legal in it's country of origin, in this case the UK, and as it was retrofitted with LHD headlamp units a couple of days after passing the MOT in the UK. Also it is legally insured in the UK to drive in EU countries for up to 3 months at a time.
In order for a foreign registered car to be legally registered in Spain you must:
a) Be on the Padron, which is the local town hall register.
b) The car must undergo and pass an ITV.
c) Go to a local Gestor and they will then re-register the car onto Spanish plates.
If this is all done within 30 days of registering on the padron, and you have owned the vehicle for more than six months, then it is 'POSSIBLE' to avoid paying the matriculation tax when the vehicle is re-registered. The matriculation tax is a tax levied based on the age of the car and its current value, and also the emissions it currently produces.
So as I said, my car IS currently road legal to drive in Spain, as it is taxed, tested and insured to drive anywhere in the EU for another 6 weeks or so.
However, as I know live permanently in Spain, at some point over the next 6 or so weeks I must either:
a) Re-register the car onto Spanish plates
b) Re-insure the car with a local company that DOES insure British cars for permanent use in EU countries.
This message was last edited by TechNoApe on 1/21/2009.
Me, the Mrs and Rosie too! But we'll never, ever forget our Tyler!
We support AAA Abandoned Animals Marbella - Do you?
Hi TechNoApe
I insure my UK registered car in Gib - the docs are all in English and I'm issued with a 12 month green card.
If you want the details pm me
How does it work if the cars irish reg? i
Whether your car is on Irish, British or Outer Mongolian plates, it works the same: if you don't have a valid (up to date) MoT and tax from the country of registration, it's illegal ANYWHERE in the world. Buying insurance does not make it legal.
If you are resident in Spain, that is, if you are living in Spain permanently, you must re-register your car on Spanish plates.
"Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please"
Mark Twain
you can convert the car but this is not officially reciognised in UK. This means such car cannot be road worthy ...even though it can be driven in most African countries!!
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This message was last edited by lefthanddrivespecialist on 26/02/2011.
This message was last edited by lefthanddrivespecialist on 26/02/2011.
This message was last edited by lefthanddrivespecialist on 26/02/2011. This message was last edited by EOS Team on 26/02/2011.
after having the car in spain for 6 months cant you drive it out of spain say france then bring it back in
I will be careful if I were you as you have read in this forum it is illegal to drive a car without valid MOT and road tax irrespective of whether you have insurance or not.
Driving to any EU country still requires for you to know the law of that country because they all seem to have different driving laws
13 Apr 2011 12:09
after having the car in spain for 6 months cant you drive it out of spain say france then bring it back in
No you can't. It's only allowed to be used in spain for 6 months in any one year. In addition if you are a Spanish resident you cannot drive a foreign registered vehicle as it's illegal, the same as for a spanish national. the only foreign reg, vehicle you can drive is one not owned by you. The vehicle also has to be legal in the country that it's registered in to be driven legally anywhere in the EU.
Todos somos Lorca.
Thanx for clearing that up.Do you know of the best sites to swap uk cars for spanish?
Gus. The EU law on this is very vague for the simple reason they are unable to draft laws that comply with reality. You say the car can only be used in Spain for six months in any one year. Does the law apply to the car or the driver? If it applies to the car, then I could own two UK plated cars and rotate them off my finca, thereby complying. If it applies to the driver, then my wife and I could rotate driving duties. And who is to say how much time each car spends parked at my flat in France? I read stories on EOS on them checking dates of when cars came over on ferries, but there's more to Europe than Spain and the UK.
If your car is insured in any EU country then you automatically have 3rd party cover for 365 days a year anywhere you chose to drive in the EU (EU First Directive on Motor Insurance). If you insure with Saga they extend your full comp coverage no matter how much time you spend abroad. It is true that driving without a valid MOT is illegal and you are liable to a small fine. But your insurance cover is not affected.