Mugging in Duqessa

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12 May 2009 4:49 PM by JC1 Star rating in Manchester and La Du.... 963 posts Send private message

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Techno..couldn't agree more ...but this person is not doing that ...he is just hijacking threads when an internal issue has been raised for the benefit of that community and deriding and belittling people for having the nerve to try and succeeed with their own hard earned cash and buying a dream in Spain. He is not helping one iota ...i have never seen a constructive comment from him.







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12 May 2009 4:58 PM by Pitby Star rating in Andalucía. 1904 posts Send private message

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Colin, that's fine, but when forum members resort to possible libelous statements as in normansands stating:

"It was further held by the sub-prime purchasers and renters with their balcony dogs etc. ......"

it must be dealt with.  When forum members contribute nothing but hostile remarks, emanating from their own bitterness at their own loss, then that must be dealt with.  If, indeed, EOS choose let this thread remain, and normansands derogatory remarks, then can we also post about the numerous - and violent and in one case that I know of fatal - muggings in, say, the Costa Blanca, Barcelona, etc., etc., etc., to project some balance???

Orda chose to post about muggings in Duquesa, because that is where he lives (or in the surrounding area) and normansands jumped onto it for personal vindictive reasons - nothing more.


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12 May 2009 5:01 PM by normansands Star rating in Kent. 1277 posts Send private message

Dear All,

Lets hope that when the "sillies" have finished shooting the messenger some proper measures will be attempted to solve the problem instead of trying to hide it.

The holiday experience of being mugged on the steps of the restaurant must have been very traumatic if not an actual nightmare.

Hopefully the lady was not badly hurt..

Is it just one of those things that we must accept here, like the gypsies who approach you for pennies for flowers, but when you reach for your purse promptly combine mob-handed to mug you for it. This in a crowded shopping centre in broad daylight.

At least you can give them a wide birth once warned.

No surely something can be done.







This message was last edited by normansands on 12/05/2009.

N. Sands

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12 May 2009 5:06 PM by slacey99 Star rating in Dorset and Duquesa w.... 276 posts Send private message

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Let me explain a little bit of what normansands is about ..........

Earlier in this thread you will find an entry he has made and I have repeated here below

Dear orda,

thank you for the warnings, it is helpful to prospective visitors to know what is going on.

I tried to post it onto the Duquesa Village site as useful information, but they don't like any negativity posted in case it puts off renters.

They are busy removing all posts involving dogs mess, subsidence and muggings in case it affects their income.

Try it for yourself.

Keep it up, this forum is supposed to be "telling it like it is" but the cracks soon show when income is threatened.



The point I would like to make is that Norman refers to his posts on the duquesa village forum being disliked becuase "it puts off renters".  Where did this come from !!!!.   obviously this is the mesage he wants to put accross.  I suspect the reality is that his posts were removed or edited by the EOS team becuase they must have broken one or many of the rules of the forum.  Also, I am not aware of any muggings in duquesa Village and in fact the only mention of it I have come accross is in the postings that norman himself made in this thread.  Again, his agenda and his message that he wants to put accross.

This is my view, I would encourage anyone to have a look at the numerous development forums and the postings norman has made and make up their own mind.

This message was last edited by slacey99 on 12/05/2009.

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12 May 2009 5:22 PM by Pitby Star rating in Andalucía. 1904 posts Send private message

Pitby´s avatar

Yes, Steve, that just about sums up the man's intentions - nothing really about the muggings, just about DV!

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12 May 2009 5:43 PM by normansands Star rating in Kent. 1277 posts Send private message

Dear All,

if anyone has been offended by my posts please accept my sincere apologies, there was no such intent and not something I recognise in my nature.

I admit I have teased Pitby slightly over her choice of avatar but only in fun.

Just because I may not agree with you on all issues does not represent derision of any kind. Sorry if anyone has thought otherwise.

As to the "conspiracy theories", they baffle me, I just do not have the intelligence, sorry to disappoint.

Have a good day.



N. Sands

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13 May 2009 9:27 AM by normansands Star rating in Kent. 1277 posts Send private message

Dear All,

I think I should clarify the gypsy mugging incident as a warning.

We were approaching Leroy Merlin store when two gypsy ladies stepped forward one with young child in tow offering token wild flowers in semi-begging mode.

My daughter was sympathetic and reached for her purse for the small sum they asked for, only to have it snatched from her hand by the two acting in unison. They both then ran off through the crowd, leaving the child to follow with the younger slimmer one in the lead, racing at high speed with the purse.

The staff at the shop treated it as the norm with no action necessary.

So beware.




N. Sands

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13 May 2009 10:16 AM by TechNoApe Star rating in Duquesa, Manilva. 1277 posts Send private message

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Hi Jan, John & Steve,

My previous post in this thread was aimed at one person in particular and done so whilst offering an 'olive branch', however if this person continues to offend other forum users then there is only one possible outcome, and we all know what that is.

The Eye on Spain forums is all about freedom of speech but as so many users have said, that doesn't allow any particular person the freedom to say whatever they like without taking into consideration the ramifications of those remarks, as they could not only be offensive but also possibly slanderous.

So we must all take heed.

Now to get this topic back on thread which was taking about muggings in the port of duquesa.

I live in Duquesa, La Vizcaronda to be precise, which is right next door to Duquesa Village and both of our communities have excellent security, and there have never been any muggings in either urbanisations. Nor has there been any other crime that has been evident in El Hacho area, and on this I refer to the cars that have had thier tyres slashed of recent. And BEFORE ANYONE says anything about my last comments, this is the 1st time it has happened in my area to my knowledge and this type of vandalism is everywhere, so please no snide comments from anyone!

The police are always patrolling around all areas and the port, all though I must admit I have seen less police activity in the port of recent, which I think as concerned citizens we should point this out to the Town Hall.

There has been the odd mugging in the area, such as the one in Duquesa port recently, but then again if you take all these isolated incidents into perspective and look at the area and it's populous, you will find that the likes of Puerto Banus have far more crime than we could ever envisage in this area.

I appreciate why Orda started this thread, which was more to highlight the fact that in this day and age one must be very security conscious even when on holiday, and always maintain vigilance when out and about.

This being said, I originally come from Swansea, and there are more muggings there this last week than you would get in a year in the Duquesa area. I then moved to Barnstaple in Devon some 14 years ago, and can also say that the same type of crime there is FAR worse than it is here. And as for larger towns such as Cardiff in Wales or Exeter and Plymouth in Devon.... nuff said! I always made sure that the Mrs was on my right and walking just in front, that way I could keep an eye on her bag and also who was behind us.

And as for Kent... well take a look at all the recent news about gang culture and street crime... you don;t get gangs of youths around here.

So, we have to take it into perspective and not get intimidated by this sort of thing!

Just remain calm, vigilant and security conscious... wherever you live or holiday in the world today!


Me, the Mrs and Rosie too! But we'll never, ever forget our Tyler!

We support AAA Abandoned Animals Marbella - Do you?

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13 May 2009 4:44 PM by Poppyseed Star rating. 895 posts Send private message

I think EOS is fantastic, it has provided me with a lot of useful information and there are many sincere members. I've been away and off line for a little while and have just come back and read this thread. I find it very disappointing and actually quite offensive the tirade against Norman Sands. I don't know this man but having read his posts I simply cannot see why there has been so much hysteria and vitriolic comments against him. If he caused such wrath why hasn't the original poster for daring to put this information on in the first place?

There will be people who  have had bad experiences, we came very close to not having our house or our money earned over a lifetimes hard labour,  and I know if that had happened I would find it very difficult to have anyhting good to say but but would certainly have a lot to say to warn others, that is is I survived the stress etc at all. These experiences and opinions balance out those that may give the impression that everything in Spain is fab and there are no problems, which for some people this may be true.

As for communities not wanting bad things said about them I know this can happen. On our urb it's considered a hanging offence to speak publicly about the mismanagement, lack of maintenance etc. and anyone who dares to be critical is classed as a troublemaker because it will affect their rental market.

Perhaps we should all try and be a bit more tolerant,  we are all different and have different ideas, thats life.

Regards, Poppyseed





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14 May 2009 10:16 AM by goodstich44 Star rating in northampton. 1648 posts Send private message


well said indeed. I fully agree about  being a great site, the useful info' and  the many sincere people on this forum.  You also make a good point about the tirade against Normansands.  I do feel the forum is aimed at those who are happy with their lot in Spain, and that's fine, I can understand that they have had enough of the well reported problems and want to be positive about the good things about life in Spain.  I fully understand that, and it's great to have a forum that concentrates on the 'good' side of Spain.  It's what we all wanted in the first place.

If someone posts negative just to wind people up and upset anyone who is happy with their lot  just for fun (as just dan used to before being banned) then I agree there is no place for them on the forum. If however people are pointing out bad things in a certain area, however bitterly,  then I don't feel it's fair to accuse them of being 'negative' or 'trouble makers'.  We have to face the fact that many people have been treated in an appalling way in Spain, and very often through no fault of their own. The system of corruption, lack of regulation and dreadful slow and poor justice stinks, and is the reality for many cheated out of huge sums of money, as various petitions and numerous posts about it quantify.

So people, however pleased  you are with your situation, please try to be patient with those who for whatever reason are going through hell with their Spanish experience. Change is happening slowly, but many face huge problems that lead to a feeling of utter bitterness and resentment. Many who post have a right to be angry, frustrated, and if they are made to feel guilty when they tell it like it is, it just makes people feel they are being kicked when they are down. Perhaps we should all look out for those in life not so fortunate as ourselves for whatever reason not in their control?

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14 May 2009 5:51 PM by advisor Star rating in London most of the t.... 311 posts Send private message

Live and let live!

personally the posting about gypsies was of use to me, I agree with the last two postings, without knowing the poster/ writer and their tone / humour etc it is all to easy to potentially "misread" the "tone" of an email etc.

I know only two well as a client sent me an email ending

c you (letter used in his email) n t

as he was meeting me the following tuesday-my immediate phone call to him was som ewhat heated!



Nobody plans to fail, many fail to plan, sadly the result is the same.



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14 May 2009 10:51 PM by John 777 Star rating in West Midlands. 109 posts Send private message

Declaration of interest, yes I do own on Duquesa Village, but do not rent so have no vested interest in trying to protect any income streams, it is just a lovely place to be.

This thread started by advising of a mugging in Duquesa Marina, very traumatic for the individuals involved, but I am afraid far from unusual anywhere in the world today. In the UK I live in what is regarded as being one of the better areas of the West Midlands. A week does not go by though without the locla paper reporting a mugging/attack/robery etc.

Having just returned to the UK from a short break in Duquesa I must say that I still feel safer walking the streets there than in the UK.

Re the gypsy trick, this is very common throughout Europe and far from being exclusive to Spain. We live in an age when unfortunaltly we all need to be a little more street wise and Spain is no worse than the UK or anywhere else in Europe. In Birmingham even the Big Issue sellers are being mugged!!

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15 May 2009 1:27 AM by JC1 Star rating in Manchester and La Du.... 963 posts Send private message

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Goodstich44 said

So people, however pleased  you are with your situation, please try to be patient with those who for whatever reason are going through hell with their Spanish experience. Change is happening slowly, but many face huge problems that lead to a feeling of utter bitterness and resentment. Many who post have a right to be angry, frustrated, and if they are made to feel guilty when they tell it like it is, it just makes people feel they are being kicked when they are down. Perhaps we should all look out for those in life not so fortunate as ourselves for whatever reason not in their control?

You really do not understand what is happening here...Normansands might feel bitter and resentful but he has no right to invade a forum about a deverlopment he has no interest in exccept to ensure any local issues are published on the internet will effect people who want to enjoy their place in spain,  Tell it like it is...he knows nothing of it so he cannot 'tell it like it is'. He is just being dispicable  and people like you play into his hands.









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15 May 2009 6:28 AM by Pitby Star rating in Andalucía. 1904 posts Send private message

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Having lived in the middle east and asia for so long, we don't at any time succumb to beggars - fact of life!  And please don't comment people, unless you have been there and done it yourselves.  And all the scams are carried out here too - flat tyre, let me help with your bags, madam, ........ goes on and on.

Some on this thread have caught the "dog-end" of the situation and are not in possession of the full facts, so their posts are not really qualified.

there has been no "tirade" nor any "vitriolic comments" against normansands - rather the reverse.  Again, without being in possession of the full facts, you would not know.

Anyone will see from normansands' first post, that he hardly refers to the muggings, just DV.  His intention clearly was to antagonise, with no concern about muggings at all - otherwise he would have highlighted this (as he did on the DV development forum) on every development forum in the Manilva area.  But that really wasn't his intention.

How many posts of JC1, Orda, myself - or any others who have posted on this thread - have been deleted by EOS?  I'm not sure that any have.

How many of normansands posts have been deleted by EOS because they have been reported as offensive, antagonistic, vitriolic, or otherwise??  Quite a few actually!!!

Again, unless you are in possession of the full facts it's a little difficult to form a qualified opinion of what actually happened to this thread.

Back to topic - muggings happen everywhere!  Crime increases during these times.  I sat outside school waiting to pick up my son three days ago to witness the police arrive to inspect the car in front of me - which had had it's window smashed in and one of the mothers had had her bag stolen!  Even though we had been warned by the school that this has happened previously - people still have this "doesn't happen here" attitude!  It happens everywhere.  Not just Duquesa (Village or otherwise).  We have to be on our guard, full stop.

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15 May 2009 9:06 AM by advisor Star rating in London most of the t.... 311 posts Send private message


I agree about "coming in on the tail end" and as such can only base comments on that but also do understand one can "miss" a lot of past tense.



Nobody plans to fail, many fail to plan, sadly the result is the same.



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15 May 2009 9:40 AM by goodstich44 Star rating in northampton. 1648 posts Send private message


if normansands has had many posts deleted for upsetting people without good reason, then I apologise for not being aware of all the facts.

poppyseed said

''There will be people who  have had bad experiences, we came very close to not having our house or our money earned over a lifetimes hard labour,  and I know if that had happened I would find it very difficult to have anyhting good to say but but would certainly have a lot to say to warn others, that is is I survived the stress etc at all. These experiences and opinions balance out those that may give the impression that everything in Spain is fab and there are no problems, which for some people this may be true.''

I feel that's so important. Until the many people cheated start getting the justice they deserve, then negative but realistic posts are so important. This forum is a fantastic source of info' and help, but posts trying in any way to deny or sweep aside the ugly reality for many are just as insulting to those wronged as any other form of insult to those happy with their situation.  Long overdue change is happening, and cases against the low-life are being won, but it's very hard for those wronged to see the bright side.

I would once again like to say a big thanks to all who have supported me through my 7 year (and ongoing)  nightmare, and especially to those like the EOS team for this forum and Suzanne and others who are active in trying to force long overdue change. 

I feel a  'sour grapes'  attitude, because things haven't gone right in Spain, is of no use to anyone, though tempting to those wronged, but neither is an 'i'm alright jack, and it's your own fault'  attitude, when clearly for many it's not.  Both upset people and and are not reflecting facts to those looking for help.

Keep it real folks!!

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15 May 2009 11:52 AM by normansands Star rating in Kent. 1277 posts Send private message

Dear All,

thank you everyone for the kind thoughts expressed, it is comforting to know that EOS is not totally populated by fanatics with vicious thoughts and there may still be room for me.

As an old geezer who is not entirely "streetwise" and though I live close to Herne Bay and Canterbury and am also a member of the neighbourhood watch scheme, thus receiving emails of almost perpetual daily minor crimes, muggings seem to be fairly rare and mostly confined to Canterbury, a tourist centre with daily begging. Also the muggings themselves do not usually involve any serious violence like the lady being hit to get her to release her handbag, in fact they are mostly mobile phones being snatched.

I do not recognise the UK described by others who say they have been driven out by attacks from knife-wielding child gangs of five year old children.

However I do fear for the future here when I learn that the drug culture is now so widespread that the youngsters are routinely taking cocaine with alcohol to increase their capacity to such an extent that they are in danger of their livers bursting. Lately they are also experimenting with horse tranquilisers to escape from their mundane lives.

Sorry again Pitby for teasing you about your avatar, I am glad I am no longer a "troll" whatever that is?

For the moment, or perhaps for ever, if no savings are recovered, I am merely a holidaymaker who likes the area, which of course is why I tried to buy here.

I have no agenda other than trying to warn others not to buy an off-plan dream, because the culture of deception is so great here that ordinary small cramped municipal urbanisation apartments are provided instead of the spacious luxury secure holiday complex promised.

If this gives offence to those who have bought on such urbanisations then that is unfortunate but no reason to delete my posts.

Neither do I think that my posts suggest that I am any more angry, bitter and twisted than Justin and Goodstitch were, when they were shafted by their developers.

Whilst I support them and their agenda of influencing the town hall, the prime minister and the Union, I think they have little chance of changing the culture, but of course hope I am proved wrong.

We had on the radio an Italian commentator talking about the MPs expenses scandal, he thought it was pretty "small beer" and advised that in his country they support and revere the criminal element in their politicians, explaining that the culture there was quite different to the UK. My own view is that Spain is closer to Italy in culture than the UK.

I really don't think I am despicable, resentful, bitter, twisted or a "troll", I just want the facts in the open and not swept under any carpet.

Thank you.







This message was last edited by normansands on 15/05/2009.

N. Sands

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