Settling in.

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26 Mar 2009 12:00 AM by Acapulco Star rating in Costa Blanca South.. 342 posts Send private message

Acapulco´s avatar

 Well settling in to live in Spain has certainly been an experience. I must admit some of the setting up fees for tv and internet etc were more expensive than I expected but the weather and lifestyle make it all worth while.

There is so much to do though and it could have been a stressful situation but fortunately we chose the right estate Agent ,the oft mentioned Georgia, and he held our hands and guided us every step of the way. i suppose the fact that he is still working when so many agents have bit the dust is testimony in itself and whats more he seems to be expanding with smart new offices in Algorfa.

One thing that surprised us was the prompt and efficient service we have had from everyone we have been involed with in Spain.Electricians, plumbers, delivery services,everything and everybody has turned up on time and with a smile. I know that is not everyones experience but usually we only hear of the bad examples so I was pleasantly surprised that everything went so smoothly.

I suppose there will be a few hiccups along the way but I am feeling optimistic that our decision to retire in Spain will prove to be the right  one.


If you're going through hell keep on going, you might get out before the devil even knows you're there.


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26 Mar 2009 2:09 PM by patpur Star rating in Castle Bromwich Bir.... 389 posts Send private message

 Hi Acapulco fantastic that everything has gone so well and you are settling in, and a good  statement on Georgias help as you say he deserves to be still in buisiness as he puts in the time and effort. l cant wait to get out to Almoradi in 3 weeks. Pat.

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31 Mar 2009 12:10 PM by georgia Star rating in Algorfa (As seen on .... 1832 posts Send private message

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georgia´s avatar

 Thanks Acapulco and Pat........

Yep, still hanging in

I am working on the premise that all the rogue,high pressure and internet agents will have dissapeared (sooner the better)  by next year so the last man standing gets to survive.......

We have the low interest rates and the lowest prices for years, now we need the other half of the master plan to come good......we need the pound back at a respectable level and the EU to rubber stamp their new directive...that way the Spanish housing market will be ressurected.........

Keep on swimming.....swimming ...swimming....

_______________________ still here after all these years!

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31 Mar 2009 12:51 PM by goodstich44 Star rating in northampton. 1648 posts Send private message


good for you, I wish you all the best. Any agent getting good feedback on here must be doing something right!  Hopefully the good lawyers, developers etc will also be seen to be changing Spains dreadful property reputation at the expense of those crooks who have done so much damage.

I do think we need a crucial change though in people's faith and confidence that they will be treated fairly in Spain before many will buy now. As you know, there are court cases stretching out years, and far to many cases of people cheated (as  various petitions show) as well as the well reported cases such as the Priors, which shows how far Spain has to go before justice and common sense go hand in hand. I know of a few people buying at the moment, but not in Spain. It's going to take alot to restore confidence that potential buyers wont fall foul of corruption, lack of regulation, poor justice etc.

If the victims were just those who left their brain at the airport, it  would easy to say 'tough luck' . Sadly, that's not the case in reality, and at long last that's being recognised and voices are being heard. Should all be good news hopefully for the good guys in future when the financial situation comes right again.



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31 Mar 2009 1:08 PM by mariadecastro Star rating in Algeciras (Cadiz). 9419 posts Send private message

mariadecastro´s avatar


I am so happy to read your testimony and I hope many other ones will come after yours. Real Spain is reappearing after the hectic boom and the foreseable crash.... now the tranquile waters, soon, to come.

I am sure you will always find lots of company and good advise in this site.



Maria L. de Castro, JD, MA



El blog de Maria

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31 Mar 2009 1:19 PM by goodstich44 Star rating in northampton. 1648 posts Send private message


'tranquile waters',  that would be nice.

.......rough waters still ahead for many of us sadly, but one day perhaps?

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31 Mar 2009 1:28 PM by morerosado Star rating. 6927 posts Send private message

morerosado´s avatar

You know that my OH & I wish you & your lovely wife all the very best, Acapulco. We have met you both a few times in Spain, when you purchased through Georgia last year. 

(Remember when we all had to run through the rain in Guardamar when the heavens opened  after we'd been enjoying the sunshine on the seafront ?)

We've been to your place, you've been to ours. We've shared drinks & mutual friends, with more experiences to come, I'm sure of it. 



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31 Mar 2009 1:55 PM by georgia Star rating in Algorfa (As seen on .... 1832 posts Send private message

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georgia´s avatar

 Good stich,

I agree with most of your comments and totally agree that it is time that Spain sorted out its discrepencies within the property market.

I think inroads have been made massively in recent times and hopefully legislation and regulation will eradicate any surviving rogues.

I think the boom created a lot of problems, it made easy pickings for certain agents/developers etc...

It was a little like shooting fish in a barrell for some...

Although i have worked through these times i never really got caught up in the off plan boom thus avoiding so many of the associated problems, i know with your experience you may find it hard to beleive but there are still quite a few people planning a move or to purchase holiday homes,in saying this, the attitude and awareness has changed and most clients i see now are filled with trepidation and are massively aware of any pitfalls, luckily, or maybe by some good judgement i have learnt my way around the system to ensure things go well through to completion, it does help to have a good lawyer on your side which i have had for some time.

People are still buying at the moment and in my experience it is people that have been waiting for prices to drop, you can now get cheaper property than in the inspection trip boom days and you can also be sure that it is fully legal.

I think most agents want a normal stable regulated market as do most buyers, with a level playing field at least we all know where we stand.

I know Commision are a big gripe with most buyers and it has been mentioned on here recently as a company we feel 3% is fair and most of the agents around here set their fees around that.

My biggest gripe and i feel the newest threat is the internet agent, a lot of former rogues have fled Spain and are holed up somewhere in a back bedroom pedalling their tiny knowledge with no legislation or duty of care.

I have just moved offices and along with the usual expenses in running a buisness i have just had to renew my operating licence, it may suprise a few people that agents have to have such a thing but the legal ones do.......

To operate on the ground here we also need.........

Architect approval for disabled access and Fire regs.

Public liability insurance (for clients)

Motor Insurance (for carrying clients)

Registration in Madrid ( companies house equivalent).

Tax obligatons

to Comply with Decreto 218

and on and on and on........

To operate as an internet agent you will need.........

A back bedroom...........

To have visited Spain once........( not mandatory)


Hence the gripe........

I hope Spain gets its house in order and i hope the people that have lost savings get the justice they deserve, when you actually live and mix with the Spanish it can be a truly great country but as always there has to be a but......

I think we need to find a happy medium in between the UK's Health and safety Pc world (no, not the computer shop) and  Spain' sometimes too laid back attitude........

Once you get past this Spain is many people answer to happiness.


I agree...i think the tranquil waters are fact for the last 2 days they have been coming form the sky........

Best wishes 







_______________________ still here after all these years!

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