Ryanair ...

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15 May 2009 12:02 PM by kev2006n Star rating in Sussex and Playa Fla.... 344 posts Send private message

Hi deniababe If you look at Ryan site there are some specials in September / October. I've managed to book a number of flights for £38 return including taxes but no suitcases. Easyjet have got their winter flights up and I've booked a number of flights for £52 again no suitcases. By the way I have got myself an Electron card and it avoids extra charges. kev2006n

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15 May 2009 5:03 PM by Stronge Star rating. 26 posts Send private message

Unfortunately none of the Irish Banks use Electron Cards so I will have to open another Bank ac in Spain with Halifax to get one.  I see that Ryan Air are now charging the extra 5 euro for on line check in.

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15 May 2009 5:06 PM by conrad Star rating in Milton Keynes and Dr.... 298 posts Send private message

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If it is a promotional fare the £5 check in online fee is not charged

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15 May 2009 7:54 PM by acune Star rating. 63 posts Send private message

Hi ......... All ,,,,,,,, I think Barclays Bank do Elctrone Card Have a look .

Good luck  all. spread the word.



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16 May 2009 6:05 PM by the toffees Star rating. 35 posts Send private message


We flew from Murcia with Ryanair last night and yes they were the strictest I've ever seen at the gate regarding hand luggage.  As said before, it is on their web-site telling you exactly what is allowed, its just that they seem to be trying to keep to it now and hadn't bothered before.

People were having to pay to put luggage into the hold instead of taking on board and others just moved things around to fit into the cages. 

I think the main problem is that they insist that you put your purchases 'airside' into the one bag too and some people were not aware of that, they thought as long as the purchases where in the airport shops own bags they could take it as well.

The staff with Ryanair were fine and are only doing their job after all.



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17 May 2009 4:09 PM by tarapa Star rating in East Sussex & Jardin.... 85 posts Send private message

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If your bank doesnt do electron then the post office do a card called the travel money card. Its a prepaid one and you pay a small amount to put money on it, but ifyou use ryan air regularly I think you could make a big saving. It is electron of course.

There are other on line prepaid cards that are like virtual electrons which work too I hear but the post office one is cheaper to use and you actually have the card rather than virtual and company you can trust.

Hope it helps


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02 Jun 2009 1:49 PM by Poppyseed Star rating. 895 posts Send private message

Looks like the £1 to spend a penny is really going to happen in about 12-18 months. I flew with them yesterday from Skavsta to Liverpool and thought I really can't carry on doing this, it's AWFUL., but then I think of the few hundred pounds I save on each trip.............................

Regards, Poppyseed



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02 Jun 2009 3:49 PM by mr.kevin Star rating in Costa Blanca. 189 posts Send private message

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O'leary was on the news at lunch time and said that all Ryanair extras are discretionary and their customers can choose what they want.

Well, after many years flying around the world with my job, I never got to choose if I wanted to check in to any of the flights I took, I presumed that it is a requirment of the flight. So it looks as if the elf is talking through his back side again.

Perhaps O'leary can explain how you can take a flight without checking in.


This message was last edited by mr.kevin on 02/06/2009.

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09 Jun 2009 8:45 PM by Stronge Star rating. 26 posts Send private message

My daughter flew back from Malaga on Wednesday last, every case was put into the cage to make sure that they were the correct size she had a light coat on and the Ryan Air guy said to her to put her bag into the case and she told him that it was in her case and then he pointed to her coat pocket and said "well whats in your pocket"? and she pulled out her bottle of water thats the first time I have heard of having to turn out your pockets!!!!

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16 Jun 2009 6:10 PM by crostrad Star rating. 92 posts Send private message

Let me start by saying that I have been a Ryanair fan for the last 5 years from when we first came over to buy a house in Valencia. BUT ... I have just checked in online for our flight on the 19th June and on the bottom of the voucher where it mentions 1 Cabin Bag Only is the following notification.

Please Place your Cabin Bag Underneath The Seat In Front Of You

Have they not thought of the grief and discomfort + aggro this will cause. You won't be able to stretch in the already small area without pushing your bag against the legs of the person sitting in front of you. Rest assured you will be sitting in front of some flesh enhanced person who will think it's o.k for them to shove their bag into the back of your legs because they are uncomfortable.

What are they going to use the overhead lockers for--childrens seats or what.

Good grief-I'm starting to look at Air Berlin flights at 6 times the cost and quadruple the travel time and think.... Y'know that seems quite reasonable.

I think I drank too much coffee this afternoon.

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16 Jun 2009 6:36 PM by b4ssy Star rating. 24 posts Send private message

 On the subject of bags under seats, I had a short internal flight in the US recently and when I got up to let the person in the window seat take his place, the guy in front of me shoved his hand luggage under his own seat ie. in my foot space. Now I am 6 feet 2 so I need somewhere to put my feet. This business of bags under seats is going to cause problems. There should be plenty of room in the overhead lockers for 99% of the hand luggage anyway.

I am lucky, don't need to use ryan.

By the way, the bag was in my foot space for less than 5 seconds!

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16 Jun 2009 8:59 PM by the toffees Star rating. 35 posts Send private message


This is what their web-site says :

For the safety and convenience of all passengers, cabin baggage must fit underneath the seat or in the overhead compartment. We reserve the right to cancel your reservation without refund and to deny you boarding if you arrive at the boarding gate with more than one item of cabin baggage or if that item exceeds the maximum dimensions.

I haven't noticed the 'underneath the seat' bit before !!, but I have seen people charged for having to put the 'oversized' bags into the hold and nearly miss the flight in doing so.

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25 Jun 2009 5:01 PM by Poppyseed Star rating. 895 posts Send private message

Another gem from Mr O'Leary





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25 Jun 2009 6:48 PM by kev2006n Star rating in Sussex and Playa Fla.... 344 posts Send private message

 If that keeps the fares down then I'm all for it.  You can go with another carrier if it doesn't appeal. Now we have a place out there we tend to only go with hand luggage.

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25 Jun 2009 8:28 PM by Poppyseed Star rating. 895 posts Send private message

Can't see how it would work myself, hold baggage wont go though the exisiting security machines will it ? And I'm sure airports don't want people lugging their hold baggage through security and the departure lounges causing other passengers who may only travel with hand baggage and using other airlines  delay and inconvenience.



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25 Jun 2009 9:34 PM by kev2006n Star rating in Sussex and Playa Fla.... 344 posts Send private message

 Poppyseed, Have you seen the size of bags people currently take onto flights. They would never fit in the containers at the airport. I suppose they get away with it most of the time and then moan like hell when they get caught and have to pay. Can't see it will be very much different. 

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25 Jun 2009 10:44 PM by randolph Star rating. 167 posts Send private message

We have just come back from a week in Spain travelling with Ryanair. So many goal- posts have changed since we booked 3 months ago ...... however, we followed the rules to the letter to avoid paying any 'penalties/extras'  (We are not broke....just mean )

Me....I reckon Ryanair profits  rely on a quick turn around and will get bodies on board as quickly as possible. OH thinks that they will spend the time sqeezing every penny they can from the punters and  if you do not cough up leave without you..... ( their defence being in the small print)

3 of us travelled with hand-luggage only.

One item was just  within the dimensions allowed - the other 2 slightly smaller. On the return flight we were one of the last on-board and there was no overhead locker room available.  There was no choice but to store our bags under the seats in front. Not too much of a problem with the smaller bags -but the one that was just within limits took up most of the leg room. This happened to be an aisle - seat and was an obstacle for the window and middle seat passangers when they needed to go to the loo.

What on earth would have happened if the bag was slightly larger and not fitted: goodness knows.









This message was last edited by randolph on 25/06/2009.

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26 Jun 2009 10:42 AM by Poppyseed Star rating. 895 posts Send private message

They certainly are tightening up, at one airport I use regularly in Sweden there is even a  weighing scale now before security along with the contraption that checks the dimensions. I can't see how any oversize bags that wont go through the security machines get through to departures unless they check them by hand and can't see that working on a grand scale. In Spain at the gate I've also seen ladies being told to put their handbags into their hand baggage, even tiny ones.

Regards, Poppyseed



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26 Jun 2009 10:53 AM by semijubilada Star rating in London/Torrevieja. 1052 posts Send private message

I'm always amazed at the size of the walk on luggage, some are slightly over size and others should have been checked in.  I always fly Easyjet and at our airport they randomly check the weight of the case you take through.  On my last flight out mine was weighed even though I had checked a bag in so my case should have been checked at check-in.  I thought this was there only for the people who had checked in on line as my husband who travels this way said this always happens to him.

My bag is the exact dimensions allowed and fits in easily with space to spare at the top.  Others have to be jammed in to fit in the overhead locker.

I think the Daily Mail report is an advertising ploy the same as the coin operated toilets.  I check in a bag for all the items which I can't put into my carry-on, so there's no way I'd be allowed to take my case airside. 

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30 Jun 2009 6:09 PM by crostrad Star rating. 92 posts Send private message

Just arrived back from Valencia last night on Ryanair. We were boarded pretty quickly, but then it seems passport control had to go for a tea break and this meant that about 20 or so passengers were delayed boarding.

By the time the last passengers were on board all of the overhead lockers were full despite valiant efforts from the cabin crew to re-arrange stuff. Some of the late boarders had cabin baggage way too big to go under the seat, and cabin crew took it from them and had it put in the hold--I don't know if they got charged for it later -I sure hope so.

We stick to the size and weight rules and it's annoying to see the blatant breaking of the RyanRegs by the --It doesn't apply to me 'cos I'm worthless-- crowd.

If you were the 50 something year old bloke wearing the stripey top and silly legionaires sunhat who tried ramming your overweight and oversize bag which looked as if it contained a coupla cement blocks under my partners seat, I sincerely hope that you had to wait for ages at the baggage reclaim,and that you suffered the well deserved double hernia as you tried to lift it off onto a trolley with wonkey wheels.

Yes, he did push our tollerance limits.

P.S.  Hope he lost his car park ticket as well...

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