Wheel assembly for sliding patio doors
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Hi I'm Tony, My wife and I have a place in Riviera Del Sol and I spend about 6 months a year there on and off. I love this site and the Siesta show, it's so friendly.
What I really want to know though is, does any one know where I can get wheels or even the whole assembly for patio sliding doors? I have tried virtually all the likely places around my area without luck. There are so many different shapes and sizes but none like mine, which are quite small. The dimensions are: Casing: W10mm X H27mm X L50mm. The wheel measures : Dia 20mm X 7mm wide. Any ideas?
Hi Tony
Welcome ... l also live in Riviera del Sol and have done for the last 10 years.
Have had to replace the 'wheels' on several sets of patio doors over the years ... BUT have alway had a local company do it for me -.... Fortress Security at El Zoco Calahonda. They always sorted them out for me and the charges were always very resonable. Last set were a really large pair of doors and they really earnt their 60 euros!!
Obviously if they can get the parts l would think that they are available locally ... so if you want to DIY perhaps try the ferrateria at El Zoco?? or Aki at Myramar
Good Luck
This message was last edited by spiritofspain on 4/30/2009.

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