The Comments |
We are driving to Spain from Scotland on the 28th June (finally!!) and we rang to let our insurance company know. They have told us they cannot insure us from then on as we will have a Spanish home address. That was ok until I rang to arrange cover from Spain, they told us they couldnt insure the car as it has uk plates. I'm confused (and now panicking!!!).
Does anyone know of an insurance company who will insure our car while it is in Spain. We plan to take it back to Scotland after a few months to give to our son and we will buy a left hand drive car in Spain. We dont want to change to Spanish plates as we wont have it in Spain for very long. Surely there is a way of doing this. Please can anyone help.
Many thanks
Hi Lorraine,
If memory serves me right, I believe Hamilton Insurance do.
You can see their logo on the left hand side of the screen, just click on it and it will take you directly to their website.
Me, the Mrs and Rosie too! But we'll never, ever forget our Tyler!
We support AAA Abandoned Animals Marbella - Do you?
Hi Lorraine,
As you are taking your car back after a few months, you should be able to insure your car with RAC just give the commence and finish date for the insurance to end. It is true that no Insurance company will insure you if you are coming over here to live but if your car is only over here for that amount of time, and maybe if you give your son's address so you have the UK address for breakdown purposes then I can't see that you can't be insured. We drove over and had the same problem. Also make sure you check out Hamiltons I have a booklet called Costa Del Sol Action Group and their are two Hamilton groups on theUFA list
(Unauthorised Financial advisors in Spain)
1. Hamilton Asset Management
2. Hamilton Financial Services, S.L.
Maybe they are not even connected so you could be alright. There is a website
best of luck
On an previous thread Trafalgar in Gibralter were mentioned as insuring UK registered cars in Spain. I looked them up and for a small Saxo, before any no claims discount it cost approx £550 for 12 months fully comp.
Regards, Irene
Hi Lorraine
We are driving from Ireland to Spain in August and when I contacted our insurance company they told me I would need to purchase 'a green card' which allows you to drive for 15 days after which you would have to get insurance in Spain. I havent looked any further into it than that yet. We have quite a few residents in our development who are on UK plates and are insured so there must quite a few companies over there that will insure you. Hope this helps.
_______________________ Mrs D
"We have quite a few residents in our development who are on UK plates and are insured"
You think? 
resident + foreign plates = illegal = not insured.
"Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please"
Mark Twain
Hi Guys
Dont know if this helps but Abbeygate are our insurers the are in cadiz near gibraltar. go to rgds Pat
Hi Someone on our community asked about driving a lhd car over with english plates. I informed him that I believe that the insurance company that I am with, provide this cover Reale Insurance english speaking, office in Playa Flamenca/ La Zenia but also have other offices up/down the coastline!
Roddy & Tracie
Leeds/ Balsicas
Hi All
Thanks for all the replies, they have been very helpful. this is a great website.
I am awaiting replies from Hamilton and Abbeygate so we will see what comes of that.
Watch this space.
Furniture being collected tomorrow!! Busy packing and repacking what I've opened - haha!!
Thanks again.
Saga insure my old UK registered rhd car for under £200 a year and it includes unlimited use on the continent. Unfortunately they cannot insure my little UK registered lhd Fiat Strada pickup because this type of vehicle is not on the UK insurance data base - whatever that is. But an outfit called Footman James were happy to insure it with a twelve month "Green Card" for unlimited continental use for about £450. I tried Trafalgar after seeing a recommeendation somewhere on EOS. Very hard work. No-one ever there to answer phone. Didn't return calls or answer emails. Useless.
From what I was told by a Taffic cop in the UK it is illegal to have a UK registered car with non-UK based insurance.
Abbeygate are a uk based insurance company operating out of cadiz .Plus dont rely on everything a cop tells you!!! in my experience they make it up as they go along.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! rgds Pat
Hi delza
I have tried insuring my car with a UK insurance company but as I will be a resident in spain they won't entertain me.
Looks like Abbeygate is the best option. I'm running out of time and haven't heard from Hamilton.
I thought you didn't need a green card anymore when travelling across Europe.
Hi yes to my knowledge you still need a green card. Its a bit of a farce cus all it is is a sheet of green paper with wrting on it.!! but anyway you will get that when you go to abbeygate. Its comes with all the documents.
Hi Jewel of Moray,
You see your problem is you will not be a resident of Spain unless you apply for residency and even then that can take upto a month if not more to finally get sorted and during this process you have to register your vehicle in Spain this also enables you to have tax free import.
Otherwise if you become a resident thus not being a resident of the United Kingdom any longer then driving around on a UK plated car is illegal.
If memory serves me correctly you only needed the car for a couple of months and you're going to take it back to the UK. Then I would just use a family members address and say you live there but you will be traveling around Spain for a couple of months.
Most insurance companies will add that to your insurance automatically after paying extra and you don't have to worry waiting for documents to arrive.
As you pointed out the Green Card is being phased out and has been for the most part in the UK already but as normal Spain is always playing catch up so insurance companies based there may still use the green card method.
Thank you Pat and Delza.
The more I read the more I learn.
I may try insuring the car through my sons address, certainly gonna look into that, my OH would rather that, less hassle.
Thanks again guys.
Have just insured my daughters car for 90 days through ususal insurer, Direct Line. It cost £52 for 90 days and they are issuing a green card. This is the maximum period they will insure it over in a 12 month period.
Setting off on our adventure on Monday, should be fun in a little Saxo packed to the gunnels!
Regards, Poppyseed
Hi Poppyseed
I know exactly what you mean, we have a corsa - 3 countries, 2 adults, 2 teenagers and a dog!! Should be fun.
We were hoping to insure our car for 6 months so the 3 months that most insurers offer wasn't going to be enough. As it is we have gone with Abbeygate who offered European cover with unlimited time for 330 euros. They spoke English and were very efficient.
And so the adventure begins, leaving Lossiemouth here at 5am Sunday and should arrive in Daya Nueva, Alicante around teatime on Tuesday 30th. We wish your daughter well on her travels and hope we all have a safe and pain free journey.
Hi Lorraine
Good luck with your journey! There will only be my husband and me on this trip, daughter is in Korea so we're nicking her car for a bit! I remember many years ago driving to the Costa del Sol in a Fiat Uno with four of us although the kids were only about 10 & 11'ish. It was coming back the problems began when we bought far too much stuff (OK wine) at the hypermarket in Calais and nearly had to leave the kids behind. They ended up in a little 'nest' in the back surrounded by cases of wine up to the roof and pillows, duvets etc.extreme creative packing! Happy days.
Regards, Poppyseed
Hi can anyone recommend a car insurance company in costa del sol Spain please thanks Irene
This message was last edited by irenemontague on 01/07/2009.