The best way to transfer money to Spain (Seriously)!

Currency exchange Spain
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20 Jul 2011 10:18 AM by TomArnoldCI Star rating. 2 posts Send private message

** Edited - Spam **

This message was last edited by EOS Team on 20/07/2011.

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26 Jul 2011 3:44 PM by Pav182 Star rating. 2 posts Send private message

Hi, i am currently sorting out my money transfers now, i have been in touch with a few companies so far , I managed to fix a rate of 1.14 on the Euro yesterday, the company I used was Currencies 4 you, who worked with the agent I bought the property from.

However I used another site to compare them with, which was very useful

comparethecurrencymarket . com

Let me know if this is of any use, if not, private message me and I can give you the contact details of my broker.




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26 Jul 2011 7:35 PM by DavyD Star rating in Livingston, Scotland. 11 posts Send private message

Firstly, please excuse my ignorance in these matters.


I'm at the very early stages of looking to buy a holiday home in Spain. I appreciate some of the comments in these forums about the state of the UK and Spanish Banking sectors and some of the really adverse comments about the Spanish banking system in particular.


For a non resident, would it not be easier to simply open a Barclays UK current account and a similar euro account with Barclays which can then be used for the Spanish side of things, transferring funds between them?


Can somone point out the pros and cons of this, because it seems too simple to my uneducated brain !

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26 Jul 2011 7:52 PM by mobailey Star rating in San Cayetano. 460 posts Send private message

mobailey´s avatar

 sol bank are now offering free international transfers and this who we use.


Mo&Bryan & Why not see if can we help  

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26 Jul 2011 8:44 PM by garry riding Star rating in Bury, Lancs. 34 posts Send private message

Hi Davy D

Barclays (who i bank with here) do not offer international transfers.

I transfer my monies from Barclays to a Currencies Direct who send it after getting me the best exchane rate to my Spanish bank.

I think this is the best way and you can set up regular transfers for free !




Garry El Oasis - Hacienda Del Alamo

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26 Jul 2011 10:45 PM by SSH 1 Star rating in La Isla & Birmingha.... 51 posts Send private message

SSH 1´s avatar

 Hi Davy D

Just to let you know that i bank with Barclays and they do offer international payments - they refer to them as SEPA payments and cost either £25 (1-2 day service) or £15 (3-4 day service).  

At the moment I use this method but send the money in Pounds (as mentioned earlier in the thread) rather than Euros which does get me a slightly better rate.  Instead of  sending money every month I try and send money across in lump sums to save on the SEPA charges.

This isn't likely to be the most cost efficient way of transferring funds to Spain and I am currently looking into some of the other methods mentioned in this thread.

p.s. - I did initially have a Barclays euro account but there was no benefit in using it as the process was exactly the same as above but simply took longer.  I also tried buying currency (euros) from the post office (who were offering some of the best rates) and paid this directly into my Barclays euro a/c but still got charged £15 (as per a SEPA payment) for every transfer so this wasn't ideal for regular monthly transfers.  Might be worthwhile for large lump sums though.


My eyes have seen the glory.

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26 Jul 2011 11:45 PM by DavyD Star rating in Livingston, Scotland. 11 posts Send private message

Thanks Guys.


I knew there would be some kind of catch. Back to the drawing board.

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27 Jul 2011 12:21 AM by georgeh Star rating in condado de alhama sp.... 1462 posts Send private message

unbeatable value as they match buyers and sellers a bit like betfair so you get very close to the market rate

very secure 

pm me for a bonus starter







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27 Jul 2011 9:38 AM by snorkychopper Star rating in England / Spain. 226 posts Send private message

snorkychopper´s avatar

You could also get in touch with a commercial currency exchange outfit, I have been using Voltrex (VFX financial PLC)  in the city of London for years, minimum to move is 1K but but with no charges and at a good rate

Once you are set up with an account with VFX its all done by e/mail - you agree and fix the rate offered -  transfer the sterling  + send the landing bank details and job done - very fast and painless - I have transferred funds into monday PM and had the funds in Spain by Tuesday lunchtime - Highly recommended !!

Leigh Payne is the conatct as below....


VFX Financial |5 St. Helens Place |London |EC3A 6AU

 Direct line:            +44 (0) 20 7959 6929

Fax:                         +44 (0) 20 7588 8504



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27 Jul 2011 11:15 AM by kev2006n Star rating in Sussex and Playa Fla.... 344 posts Send private message

 Just thought I would let everyone know that using our Santander Card we obtained excellent rates providing you decline the sterling rate offered by the ATM. You need to find a Santander ATM to get these rates.

The rates we obtained, with no charges were as follows:

14 July  1.1329

19 July  1.1351

20 July  1.1328

We obtained 300 Euros each time from the ATM. However, you only discover the rate 2 or 3 days later when it hits the bank statement. We are very happy with the service provided.


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27 Jul 2011 12:45 PM by Geoff y Pat Star rating in Torre Guil / Sutton .... 90 posts Send private message

Hi DavyD, we bank with Barclays here and in Spain.  We transfer money through Moneycorp who we have used for three years.  I ring up for a spot rate (I check the bank rate and the tourist rates prior) and if I am happy I do the deal over the phone.  We receive an email (in five mins) with the details and then transfer the sterling to Moneycorp and if they receive it before 12pm it will be in our bank next day in Spain.  Barclays don't charge for receiving it, job done.

Yes other posters are correct you can get one or two cents from other currency companies but unless you are sending large amounts it doesn't make much diferrence and as Morerosado said it changes every 10 mins.

Hope this helps. 


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19 Aug 2011 11:46 AM by Jan Biddulph Star rating. 1 posts Send private message

** EDITED - Removed at Poster's request **

This message was last edited by EOS Team on 19/11/2012.

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19 Aug 2011 11:52 AM by janie2003 Star rating. 129 posts Send private message

 I use the sabadel atm they dont make a charge to the account and give you the rate on screen and on the ticket

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