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03 Dec 2013 8:51 AM by nigel188 Star rating in Estepona. 655 posts Send private message


Scroll through this thread below and send Maria de Castro a Private Message


Good Luck





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03 Dec 2013 2:27 PM by xetog Star rating in Wiltshire/holiday ap.... 514 posts Send private message

Of course they shouldn't and neither should the notary have let your Dad sign, without the mortgage being settled. What can one say? Coming from the UK we place our trust in solicitors and if anything goes wrong we know that we have recourse to the Law Society. Justice, particularly in property buying, doesn't seem to exist in Spain. Do as Nigel suggests and contact Maria, she will give an unbiased opinion.

Good luck

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03 Dec 2013 3:14 PM by ads Star rating. 4129 posts Send private message

I'm wondering if this is another example of what Keith recently clarified in Maria's educative blog titled "Legal tip 1064 More on illegal mortgages"? See the comments at the bottom of this blog......

Perhaps you should be asking are there any EU directives or fundamental rights in place to protect innocent consumers from Banks retrospectively demanding monies to cover developer mortgages from purchasers who have already paid for their homes?

The question also remains, how are the Bar Associations regulating their members to deter future occurences of this nature, and likewise what are the Spanish Authorities doing to regulate the Banks?

Good luck and please keep us posted.


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04 Dec 2013 10:24 AM by kerric01 Star rating. 3 posts Send private message

Has anyone heard of Spanish Solutions I know they are dealing with many property owners on Bosque de Las Lomas , they sound like they know there stuff. Regarding the builders mortgage on the property.

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04 Dec 2013 10:38 AM by nigel188 Star rating in Estepona. 655 posts Send private message


Just looked at their Website. It looks very professional and informative. But do not know anything about this Company as I live on Costa Del Sol.

Good Luck








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04 Dec 2013 5:24 PM by nigel188 Star rating in Estepona. 655 posts Send private message

Hi Everyone

This is a Brilliant Legal Website. You can Register for free to use the Forums.

I am sure some of you questions & queries could be raised here as well.

Good Luck





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04 Dec 2013 5:35 PM by ads Star rating. 4129 posts Send private message

This is the same legal firm that called into question Keith's integrity in the early days when he spent an incredible amount of his own free time researching Bank Guarantee issues and also called another prominent law firm on EOS who were fighting for consumer rights "ambulance chasers" ..... (now why would they do that?), angry

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17 Jan 2014 10:14 AM by fly380 Star rating in Las Filipinas, Orihu.... 253 posts Send private message

I bought my house through Atlas International in 2003 using their lawyers Aroca, sequeir & associados. I still do not have my deeds. In 2012 the Cam Bank tried to auction the house off but I was approached by a firm called CPC International from Durham. Their Spanish lawyer managed to stop the auction but that is the only thing the comany did apart from extacate a huge amount of money from me. Fortunately I managed to get a good chunk of this money back when I discovered who was running this company - a woman allegedly not allowed back into Spain - but enough about that. I signed up to Spanish Solutions in La Zenia and they did more in 3 weeks than CPC did in nearly 2 years. It was because of Spanish Solutions that I managed to get that chunk of money back. The liquidation of Tecnologia Urbanistica (the developer) is almost over and our houses on Bosque De Las Lomas 111 are about to be auctioned off in the next couple of weeks. Spanish Solutions are on the case and I would urge anyone who is in my position to contact them immediately or their  property will be lost. They are only a google away!. In fact nigel188 posted the link on 4th Dec. Good luck to all but time is of the essence - fly


This message was last edited by fly380 on 17/01/2014.

This message was last edited by fly380 on 17/01/2014.

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17 Jan 2014 11:31 AM by fly380 Star rating in Las Filipinas, Orihu.... 253 posts Send private message

Just for information the auction website is  and this week they are auctioning off properties at Lo Crispin. Next week us - Bosque De Las Lomas 111. To remind you of Spanish Solutions webste  and ask for Amanda. As you can see time is very short so to save your property if you are in this my situation I really urge you to contact Amanda - fly ps Amanda's email is

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17 Jan 2014 11:40 AM by ads Star rating. 4129 posts Send private message

Have you reported these facts in writing to your MP and MEP ( )?

These instances need to be reported.


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17 Jan 2014 12:06 PM by fly380 Star rating in Las Filipinas, Orihu.... 253 posts Send private message

There seems to be very little or even NO interest by the MPs or Euro MPs..

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17 Jan 2014 4:49 PM by maddiemack Star rating in Grantham, Lincolnshi.... 194 posts Send private message

Friends of ours whose case (the well-organised theft of his business and properties by corrupt officials in Spain) was being looked into by officials here, with a view to getting the case heard in the European courts, had their case passed on to the UK Police...after the case became Police business (it's a long story involving such widespread corruption that we have been put off spending our winters in Spain!).  A few weeks ago, the British Police contacted him to say they could no longer carry on looking into his case as there just wasn't enough money available! So, our friends have lost everything they worked for during the many years they lived in Spain and no-one in the UK is going to do anything to help him.  What hope is their for the thousand of cases that involve less of a loss, as far as monetry value is concerned?


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18 Jan 2014 1:06 PM by ads Star rating. 4129 posts Send private message

Yet another instance that needs to be officially reported to your MP and MEP (

So long as cases such as these remain unreported through official channels, there will never be any change or recognition of the scale of corruption/legal malpractice/land registry failures/Banking corruption/abuse of consumer property rights etc currently occurring in Spain.

It’s not good enough to say that there seems little interest by MP’s and MEP’s. How on earth do you all expect action to be taken if you are all not consistently reporting the facts to these parliaments and demanding that this requires serious review and effective monitoring by both parliaments.

Only when this is done en masse by everyone affected, will the European Commission (and our own parliament) begin to recognise the growing instances and monetary scale of the ongoing problems/consumer property rights abuse in Spain.

Everyone should be bringing each instance (quoting the value of monies lost as well as a concise account of their particular circumstance) to the attention of their MP and MEP and demanding that not only should their circumstance be officially logged and reported for monitoring purposes, but that their MEP should place an official question for written answer to the European Commission as follows.


Please identify how instances of abuse of consumer property rights in Spain together with their monetary values are being effectively recorded and monitored, so that the scale and value of "theft" of businesses/property/offplan deposits etc in Spain are officially recognised by the European Commission and the World Justice Project.

It appears that there is no current mechanism in place to record and monitor data specifically relating to property rights issues in Spain. It remains hidden, and more importantly what is the European Parliament/Commission doing to effect EU legislation (reform) to call upon Spain to ensure consumer rights and consistent enforcement of law in relation to all property rights and property contract law is consistently adhered to?

Until such time as consumers’ property rights are effectively addressed with Commission powers to launch infringement proceedings where applicable, then European citizens will remain at grave risk.

 Trust and stability – important elements for the business and investment environment are being decimated by the failure to swiftly and consistently address this major problem in Spain.


Only when instances of this nature are officially reported to MP’s and MEP’s en masse by everyone affected, will both Parliaments and the Commission begin to recognise not only the growing instances of property rights abuse, but critically the monetary scale to the ever increasing problems/consumer property rights abuse in Spain.











This message was last edited by ads on 18/01/2014.

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18 Jan 2014 4:02 PM by fly380 Star rating in Las Filipinas, Orihu.... 253 posts Send private message

ads - have sent you a pm.

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19 Jan 2014 9:19 PM by ukhcc1 Star rating. 48 posts Send private message

hi Fly,

i thought your home was safe now that the court has canceled the bank reposession of your property. or does cam now sabadell have the right to sell your property at auction..

anyhow, i looked at the notaria website you have attached, and it does not seem to be any properties on auction in orihuela costa except 3 properties in valencia. how did you know that the bank is auctionning the properties.

any ideas if they are also auctionning las filipinas appts.

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20 Jan 2014 10:10 AM by xetog Star rating in Wiltshire/holiday ap.... 514 posts Send private message

To find the properties for auction you need to click on "Subastas en Curso". They all seem to be on the development of Lo Crispin in Algorfa at the moment.

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20 Jan 2014 10:37 AM by fly380 Star rating in Las Filipinas, Orihu.... 253 posts Send private message

Bosque de las Lomas 111 next . See the website . This is the Liquidator/administrator auctioning off the houses. Those of us who have paid for their properties should not be on the list whilst litigation continues. There seem to be some real bargains going there but as usual I smell a rat. It is Banco Sabadell that is trying to recover the builder's mortgages from us. We have paid. How in a supposedly civilised country can we be robbed. It is not our debt. It is Tecnologia Urbanisticas debt which should have been picked up by the Atlas/Aroca combo! angry


This message was last edited by fly380 on 20/01/2014.

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20 Jan 2014 11:32 AM by ads Star rating. 4129 posts Send private message

Have you checked if your property has been correctly registered in the land registry when you purchased your properties?

Is this why people who have paid for their properties might be at risk?

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20 Jan 2014 11:50 AM by fly380 Star rating in Las Filipinas, Orihu.... 253 posts Send private message

This was supposed to have ben done by Aroca/Atlas. We have checked The Land Registry and our houses are registered to Tecnologica Urbanistica. Now maybe you can see the problems and bad practices of Atlas and Aroca.

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20 Jan 2014 2:37 PM by fly380 Star rating in Las Filipinas, Orihu.... 253 posts Send private message

Look at the offers compared to the asking prices! As I said our urbanisation is next. I gather lo Crispin is a far superior urbanisation than ours.

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