The Comments |
I have been absent from the forums for a few days for various reasons and noticed that some threads have been getting a little "nasty" during that time. I have actually removed one of the threads from public view whilst I review its content.
BUT, can we PLEASE try and keep the forum fun and light-hearted in the spirit within which it was created? We are all adults and if you have a particular gripe with someone it would be better to use the private message facility to communicate with that person than to unnecessarily argue things out in public.
And for those of you who seem to only post to wind others up...I'm watching you!!!!!
Please let's try and keep the forums friendly! 
Schools in Spain Guide | The Expat Files | Learn Spanish | Earn a living in Spain
As you know Justin, there are some people I would not want to pm with!
Hi Justin
I agree things were getting nasty but it is difficult to stand by and say nothing when one person is attacking good people for valid posts and honest points of view . Perhaps those involved in this thread should be allowed to vote as to who was to blame for the rapid deterioration of the thread .
To be honest the thread had been going round in circles for days and was getting no where due to the negativity of one particular poster .Why not let the people decide who was to blame . Best regards MM
Nothing surprises me anymore 
but I am willing to accept that sometimes (although not very often ) I can be wrong ! 
Dear everyone,
Eye on Spain is a wonderful, free helpful website for anyone.It i is great. I for one appreciate evrything that eos has done. Could I appeal to those who spoil it by becoming personal with other members to stop it.
Justin It was the age old problem of people not filling in their profile and posting under many different names that caused a lot of the nastiness on the removed thread .
Perhaps as you have suggested before the profile should be compulsory and that all names previously used should be displayed . The last time this issue caused problems it was an agent slagging of the very same people he had sold to and lied to . Any one remember Twigit ! He was quite rightly banned . MM
This message was last edited by MAGICMEG on 06/10/2009.
Nothing surprises me anymore 
but I am willing to accept that sometimes (although not very often ) I can be wrong ! 
I have been a regular visitor to this forum over the years, I like so many others found myself with an illegal build, near completion, yes "Lareserva" hence my user name!
My reluctance to post recently is a direct result of the constant personal attacks and foul language. However, I posted at the weekend on the thread you have just taken down, and for some idiotic reason I was accused of being a "plant". I believe unless the perpetrators are dealt with, such behaviour will continue to bring the forum down and prevent genuine posters like myself from sharing relevant experiences.
We may not always agree, but I believe we should always treat each other with respect, but if that is not possible then have the maturity to decline to retaliate.
as you have been a regular visitor for years but have only made 15 posts, perhaps you can let us know any other names you have posted under so we know who we are talking to?.
It should also be noted that la Reserva was posting on the removed thread with no profile and then along with the post on this thread as if by magic a profile appears !!!!!!!!!
May I also say that I don't see the point in posting anymore if threads can be completely removed without a trace , The argument may have been a little heated but we are all adults and it doesn't seem right that the informative stuff ie about Goodstiches case , Myra's radio slot , Ad's suggestions and my meeting with my MEP are now lost . MM
This message was last edited by MAGICMEG on 07/10/2009.
Nothing surprises me anymore 
but I am willing to accept that sometimes (although not very often ) I can be wrong ! 
The thread has not been deleted, merely removed from public view. When I have some time I will remove all the posts that do not relate to the actual thread.
Unfortunately too many people were not acting like adults on that thread and what was a very important thread regarding Goodstitch's fight for justice in Spain was totally ruined by some people.
All I'm asking now is PLEASE let's behave sensibly and respect each thread on the forum and other forum members too.
I hope we can all move on now.
Schools in Spain Guide | The Expat Files | Learn Spanish | Earn a living in Spain
I have never posted under another "name", yes I am a regular visitor to the site albeit only posting a limited number of times. As previously stated, my limited postings is a direct result of vicious personal attacks against individuals, I for one have no intention of being on the receiving end of such venemous attacks.
I have nothing to hide and will always respond to any questions directed at me, providing they are constructive and are relevant to our fight for justice.
I am deeply saddened and offended by recent events, it is clear to me, unless your postings meet the approval of certain individuals on here you are branded a "fraud, plant, agent" etc. And here you are asking me to confirm if I post under a different user name? I cannot win! 
Yes, I have posted on EOS with a blank profile, I am not aware this is a criminal offence. However, in recent days you have harped on about profiles being blank, with this in mind I updated my profile hoping this would meet with your approval and prevent further accustations towards me about my true identity, how wrong could I be!
Anyone check out the similarities in the writing of Chimp's and La Reserva's posts ????? Perhaps they went to the same school !!!!!! or they just happen to know each other from the la Reserva Development where the both completed on an illegal property .Who knows ,who cares !!!!! Shame we can't look at the removed thread so all can see that La Reserva dished out a fair share of the nasty comments but hey that's freedom of speech for you !!!!!!!! Sorry Justin , I will say no more and save you banging your head off that wall that wall anymore . MM
This message was last edited by MAGICMEG on 07/10/2009. This message was last edited by MAGICMEG on 07/10/2009.
Nothing surprises me anymore 
but I am willing to accept that sometimes (although not very often ) I can be wrong ! 
Chimps will be delighted to hear that I am no longer going to post on any Spanish forum. When people can't tell the good from the bad what's the point. Chimps and all his other names does a good job of wrecking these forums every time, hence his barring from them. The forum is welcome to the charades of this pathetic being.
Justin, if you are able to go into my pm box then PLEASE do. You will see that I am a genuine person with a genuine resolve to help people when I can. Fortunately these people have my private email address and we can correspond this way in future.
I have regularly used this forum for 5 years and it is thanks to EOS & SPI that we are in the fortunate position that we are with regards having gained Justice in Spain. We still have the ongoing case against the Law firm we dealt with. We won round 1, hopefully we will the next round.
Good luck to all with your problems.
This message was last edited by Tish on 07/10/2009.
you will be very much missed by genuine people on the forum who know right from wrong and who greatly value your help and support over the years on here and SPI. I really hope you change your mind soon and come back, but I wish you all the very best in the meantime.
May I have a say in this while am being kicked to death here
Chimps is not delighted at all I can assure you of that despite the abuse. You are not going to be martyr at my expence.
Cant you guys see what you are doing here. Self destruction comes to mind.
La Reserva for instance. Give new blood a chance or the forum will end up like the other that gets just few negative posters where once it received over 180 at anyone time and was a great place to post from what I can see.
La Reserva hasnt been rude and neither have I. ( Dont take the bait La,Reserva) This making it up as you go along has to stop.if you want any forum at all.
You want to jump off the bridge then thats up tp you but the forum would lose a previous good member. The forum may then wish to question why you jumped? Tish there is no need and I for one would like you to stay
M.M. You insult me at will and havent a clue who I am or what I stand for. You say I insult you when in fact it was my grammer.
If it helps then sorry for being so thick.If thats all it takes to be rude to you then posters beware
Why cant we just allow the forum to flow. Surely we dont have to read someones post if we dont wantt too. We dont have to respond if we dont want to.
Why was The Fight For Justice Thread ruined. Goodstich44 and myself and others even managed to gain Suzies support for it.
Why did she leave and then Maria for that matter as she was well up for it.
Come on guys there is no reason for all of this. Give the editor a break here as this is his business.
Bring back the fun as the only enemy is the Justice System in a great country
P.S Sorry if there is any grammer mistakes. If my spelling is not so good and my grammer poor then so beit
At least I am not hiding the fact by pretending to be something I am not. Thick ead Chimps is fine by me
Chimps whether you care to admit it or not you and La Reserva were also rude especially to Myra (Who is also new blood on the forum as you put it and has not posted that often ) Your whole argument is fundamentally flawed but unfortunately can not be checked as the thread is now not available for the truth to be seen .
All I know is the forum has now lost valuable members because of you .
We are now getting the Mr nice guy act .Too little too late Jim .
Nothing surprises me anymore 
but I am willing to accept that sometimes (although not very often ) I can be wrong ! 
M.M Thats no problem. Would you like me to post the posting between Myra and myself.
We can then see if either La Reserva or myself have been rude ?
In fact I kept all of the posts just in case I was accused of doing something I didnt do.Now we dont want that do we.?
Now lets keep it friendly as I know that the real rudeness shown against La Reserva has really got to him /her
Or is that me as well and now Jim
Chimps said " In fact I kept all of the posts just in case I was accused of doing something I didn't do. " what a strange thing to do , speaks volumes about the type of person you are . " Would you like me to post the posting between Myra and myself. " Feel free to post what ever you like (edited in your usual style or otherwise) the rest of the people who were involved in that thread know what really happened .
Congratulations Chimps like Tish I wont be posting on EOS anymore .At this rate you will soon have the whole forum to yourself . And no Chimps no one wishes to be a Martyr at your expense you are not important enough , just sick to the back teeth of your silly little antics and moronic attitude . MM
Nothing surprises me anymore 
but I am willing to accept that sometimes (although not very often ) I can be wrong ! 
play nice children good to know that now your all back at school maybe you will have other things to do with your time.