“We are not attacking those who are content/happy unless they are blind to the cause of our situation or criticise us for banging the same drum and doing everything we can to highlight the need for change. “
WHO ARE WE? HOW MANY OF WE FEEL THIS WAY. I fully support the cause but I won’t involve myself in attacking anyone who may be happy and blind. If people wish to criticise then let them.
This is an open forum!Walk around them or rise above them most have had enough of this battering over the head being insulted and even abused just because they have their own morals, principles and priorities
As I said I don’t agree that anyone should be attacking anybody .Great to have banter and even at time if it gets heated at times someone may get upset, egos pricked let’s face it when someone cuts to the quick it can hurt but in reality hopefully its not intended to be a major wounding
Some don’t give a flying fig? about the cause. That’s their choice. If they want to post that everything is wonderful they have had no problems at all then we should accept that. They may however add some weight if asked to support a petition.
Thousands do care so suggest we concentrate on them and then there would be fewer confrontations on innocent posters who wish to use the forums and converse on the various community threads.
This obsession that you and Norman have about profiles is now becoming tiresome as some wish to post without going onto personal details .One or 2 seem to go to any lengths to find that themselves anyway. If some just worry about whom they are and less trying to get tippets of information about others to then paste together a misfit character of their choosing the better it will be.
Goodstich44. With respect? We want support and thousands may give up their time for free. Let’s not keep them out because they have to go through a full disclosure and interrogation first.
Can’t you see even in this thread support is being turned away. No not turned away pushed away and turning people off to such that they are leaving the forums all together.
WE will lose massive support if anyone feels it’s some click club and the fight must be open to every single person that is kind enough to gives their vote. No conditions!
As Floella rightly pointed out even if you have property, looking for property, have been conned or maybe could be conned in the future we are in this together one way or another on this one matter.
You seem to agree with me when I say if we were to all meet we may find that who you converse within the forums may be very different from who you meet in person.
Think we should always take this onto account as it can work both ways?
Norman. Again with respect and keeping it friendly. You are not in a position to keep insisting on profiles. You clearly have enough digs with the information you have on posters as it is. More and it would be more ammunition to twist facts as you tend to do.
It’s clear that your opinions on anyone who are involved in Spain are like the guy in Dads Army
Now you may or may not have lost some money but condemning us all to see you wonder through the forum and threads till the end like a Grim Reaper is not winning any supporters here.
Can the community threads now have the keep if friendly message pressed home, be released for those with property, those thinking of buying and yes those with problems from those that only allow their own negative views to be heard. This includes one or two that troll each development with the same attacks as has been evident on the main forum. These threads are clearly the only central point of ever getting vital information and feedback regarding their interests in Spain. There are thousands upon thousands that would just love to talk.
This is also a massive potential commercial market for E.O.S and to get its message across.
For those that wish to see that then the posting by TechNoApe on 11/10/09 14.12 sums it up far better than this simple soul whose grammar and spelling leaves something to be questioned at times.