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10 Oct 2009 10:33 PM by normansands Star rating in Kent. 1277 posts Send private message

Dear floella,

I am not sure that I had very much of a real gripe, I was merely replying to the thread on hot tubs in the evening sun, whilst huddling close to a radiator that was already eating into my precious winter fuel allowance shivering in gloom, when the incongruity struck me.

You are clearly not just a gardener, your depth outstrips me.

However I have often thought that our prisons should be emptied into somewhere like Burma were the happy inmates could be looked after properly and cheaply to the state.

Also us old folks, we could go to India somewhere in a wonderful climate where we would be cared for and revered in our crotchety old age, again with enormous savings to the state.

So your idea of paying people to stay away is not entirely new and if that is all this poor country can afford, as the pound follows the dollar into oblivion??????????

But will the balance be achievable as the Euro climbs ever higher???????




This message was last edited by normansands on 10/10/2009.

N. Sands

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10 Oct 2009 11:55 PM by floella Star rating in SE Spain. 803 posts Send private message

Norman, I fear as the euro climbs higher many more pensioners will be returning. The benefits freely available in the UK far outstripping any sunshine. Unfortunately with their assets , if one can call illegal builds assets, still  firmly entrenched in Spain. Probably infinitum.

So no. In the immediate future I can only see major imbalance.


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11 Oct 2009 3:39 AM by MAGICMEG Star rating in Scotland. 546 posts Send private message

** EDITED - Can those who cannot stop themselves please get a life and leave this website alone. This affects MY living are you should at least show some repect towards that if nothing else **


  Nothing surprises me anymore  

     but I am willing to accept that sometimes (although not very often ) I can be  wrong !

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11 Oct 2009 12:38 PM by myra cecilia Star rating in Manilva Malaga. 213 posts Send private message

I put my hand up and apologise for losing it on THAT THREAD and replying to Jane in a way I should not have.  I am glad that we all agree that Justin has told us to behave. Done in the nicest possible way. Magicmeg if you do not post I shall miss the interesting and caring responses to all. Please come back. Tish I do not understand why you have also left the forum. Surely we will all make mistakes. I think its called being human. Seem one of the forum members was sorry to have missed the thread. Entertainment Reality Show. In the end I am sure we can all laugh at ourselves and learn a another lesson in life. If we lose some of the forum crowd, it's like losing a companion.

This message was last edited by myra cecilia on 11/10/2009.


Myra Cecilia. www.costaadvicebureau.com

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11 Oct 2009 1:37 PM by Candyfloss Star rating in Cardiff / Mar Menor. 1605 posts Send private message

Candyfloss´s avatar

Thank you Myra

Very nice of you to reply. The point is all of us on EOS are rooting for you all and if there was a way that any of us could help then we would. Please, all stick together and hopefully there will be a positive outcome to all this mess. After all, it could have happened to any one of us. I know this is no consolation to all who have money tied up with seemingly no light at the end of the tunnel, but I wish you all the best of luck. Not sure what the post about getting a life was referring to but hey ho.


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11 Oct 2009 2:02 PM by myra cecilia Star rating in Manilva Malaga. 213 posts Send private message

Floella.  There are many advantages for the resident expat which can offset the losses due to the strong euro. These include reductions in, telephone services, electricity, travel, cheaper meals, medical expenses, medical assistance free in the home and many more forms of assistance to numerous to mention. This information does not seem to get to the pensioners.


Myra Cecilia. www.costaadvicebureau.com

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11 Oct 2009 2:06 PM by myra cecilia Star rating in Manilva Malaga. 213 posts Send private message

Candyfloss. Thank you to you also. (Are we in danger of going over the top with politness) I love the "absolutely fabulous" What a great show that  was.


Myra Cecilia. www.costaadvicebureau.com

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11 Oct 2009 2:12 PM by TechNoApe Star rating in Duquesa, Manilva. 1277 posts Send private message

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TechNoApe´s avatar

I'd just like to say:

To all who have lost money in Spain, to all that have been through hell and back in Spain, to all who have had a life changing experience in Spain,  to all that have lost everything in Spain and gone back to the UK, to all whose lives are better in Spain than they were before in the UK, to all in Spain and the UK who's dreams are in shreds, to all who have managed to make the move to Spain and are happy in Spain.


Where would we ALL BE if there was no place such as Eye on Spain!


In a world without ones option to share ones experiences, in a world where one could not make a statement, in a world where one could not learn to from others mistakes, in a world where one could not challenge the views of others, in a world where anyone who wished to do anything in Spain would be worse off!

So, to the few that would want a world without Eye on Spain...

Just go away and keep you nasty, snide, insincere, ill-mannered, in-coherent comments to yourself... nobody wants you here... nobody wants to read what you ‘have’ to say!

However... WE ARE HERE TO STAY and you WILL NOT win!

We that are here on Eye on Spain, regardless of whether or not we have done the right thing in Spain, are here to share our experiences with others that want to ‘listen’ to what we have to say.

I for one now just ignore those who would belittle our efforts and try to destabilise and corrupt such a wonderful place that is full of information on whatever it is you like, or dislike, about Spain.

That is what Eye on Spain is all about... not promoting Spain... just talking about Spain and showing life from both sides of the coin.

Learn from us and leave us in peace to do what we like doing... talking about Spain and sharing or views on Spain.




Me, the Mrs and Rosie too! But we'll never, ever forget our Tyler!

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11 Oct 2009 2:14 PM by irenemontague Star rating in liverpool/carvajal . 794 posts Send private message

Hi great post and well said as always irene

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11 Oct 2009 2:36 PM by carolinej Star rating. 420 posts Send private message

carolinej´s avatar

Well said Colin.  If you have nothing better to do with  your time than fight (with cowardly anonymity mainly) over the internet then you really do need to get a life, in Spain, the UK or anywhere away from those of us who just want to enjoy life and make the best of it.


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11 Oct 2009 3:43 PM by 1962 Star rating in Iznalloz. 181 posts Send private message

Hi Norman,

Don't be angry at us expats stay angry at the people who have defrauded you.  Please don't assume that as a person (among many others) who are happy living in Spain that I am not appalled at the injustice that has been meted out to unfortunate individuals on a daily basis for the last few years (and maybe more) I amongst many more expats are dismayed and astonished at the injustices that occur here in Spain, they are at times unbelievable. My husband and Myself have lived here permanently since Nov. 2008. We own an apartment in CDS and also an old cottage in granada. no we are not rich the cottage was bought three years ago as an investment. It was and still is very rundown, only just managed to have a shower toilet and sink installed on the covered terrace, but with no surrounding wall to make it into a bathroom. we actually slept there for ten days last winter (no hot water) on camp beds to get jobs done, we are doing the work ourselves except electrics (which my kind brother in law came all the way from germany to do for us) and we had to pay a plumber also. I am 67 and my husband is 73.  I was in full time employment working 8, 12, 14 hour days sometimes and my husband doing part time until aged 72.  The rest of the work will have to be slowly but surely completed by ourselves, who knows how long it will take and our light years are running out.  We don't have savings, we manage on our pensions. We know how to survive because the last 11 months has taught us how to do so.  I am not a drinker or a smoker anyhow so no problem there, and I was in the catering trade for most of my working life as was my husband and have tasted the finest of foods, so not  eating out does not bother me. lf you wonder why we bought the cottage it was to be an escape from community living, but along with thousands of others we are caught in the credit crunch can't sell the apartment so now have two properties on our hands along with two sets of bills. Yes Norman we do have a pool, albeit a community pool, but to use it we have to pay our share which at the moment is 1200 euros per year for the privilege. My neighbours actually go down for a swim not to drink cava we don't allow alchohol at the pool which I think is quite sensible.  Could tell you a lot more that has happened to us but enough for now I think.  One more thing contrary to popular belief it gets extremely cold in Spain in winter.



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11 Oct 2009 4:35 PM by goodstich44 Star rating in northampton. 1648 posts Send private message


good to see frome friendly posts and balanced views coming through. It's refeshing to hear about the good and bad aspects of living in Spain and to know that there are those with a good understanding of the appalling justice system. We should indeed stay angry at those who have defrauded us. The problem is though, that those people go right from (some) agents right through to the highest powers in the land. Where or who do we turn to after that?  The only options left it seems is to appeal to the EU who i'm sure consider they have bigger fish to fry, or to lobby whoever we can by way of letters, petitions etc. The frustrating thing is that the laws are there, but getting them implemented in a timeframe that doesn't render a situation lost is often not possible, which amounts to corruption/fraud.

I think as long as we can be honest about who we are and the good and bad about our situation regarding Spain, then things should run along smoothly and those wronged will feel they have the support of those who know right from wrong. When we feel deception, lies and selfishness creeping in to posts, then the response is bound to be angry, as those wronged have had to fight for justice against similar attitudes from those who have cheated us in various ways.

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11 Oct 2009 9:36 PM by peteha Star rating. 110 posts Send private message

Hi Technoape

I can fully understand your frustration having read the post you pulled.

it was posted in the early hours and pulled early the next day

it was a vicious personal attack on a fellow poster

any action regarding its disclosure and punishment is up to you.

The forums need an edge to make them interesting but not this.

we all like to prick egos of some posters and equally have our own egos pricked.

good natured good banter.

maybe we dont say it enough but we are all behind the fight for justice

and early repayment of stolen money

this is a brilliant forum and even after living here 10years i learn something new every day.

taxes,recipes,commnity rules etc,


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12 Oct 2009 1:02 PM by Chimps Star rating. 117 posts Send private message


“We are not attacking those who are content/happy unless they are blind to the cause of our situation or criticise us for banging the same drum and doing everything we can to highlight the need for change. “
WHO ARE WE?  HOW MANY OF WE FEEL THIS WAY.    I fully support the cause but I won’t involve myself in attacking anyone who may be happy and blind. If people wish to criticise then let them.
This is an open forum!Walk around them or rise above them most have had enough of this battering over the head being insulted and even abused just because they have their own morals, principles and priorities 
As I said  I don’t agree that anyone should be attacking anybody .Great to have banter and even at time if it gets heated at times someone may get upset, egos pricked let’s face it when someone cuts to the quick it can hurt but in reality hopefully its not intended to be a major wounding
Some don’t give a flying fig? about the cause. That’s their choice. If they want to post that everything is wonderful they have had no problems at all then we should accept that. They may however add some weight if asked to support a petition.
Thousands do care so suggest we concentrate on them and then there would be fewer confrontations on innocent posters who wish to use the forums and converse on the various community threads.
This obsession that you and Norman have about profiles is now becoming tiresome as some wish to post without going onto personal details .One or 2 seem  to go to any lengths to find that themselves anyway. If some just worry about whom they are and less trying to get tippets of information about others to then paste together a misfit character of their choosing the better it will be.
Goodstich44.  With respect? We want support and thousands may give up their time for free. Let’s not keep them out because they have to go through a full disclosure and interrogation first.
Can’t you see even in this thread support is being turned away. No not turned away pushed away and turning people off to such that they are leaving the forums all together.
WE will lose massive support if anyone feels it’s some click club and the fight must be open to every single person that is kind enough to gives their vote. No conditions!
As Floella rightly pointed out even if you have property, looking for property, have been conned or maybe could be conned in the future we are in this together one way or another on this one matter.
You seem to agree with me when I say if we were to  all meet we may find that who you converse within the forums may be very different from who you meet in person.
Think we should always take this onto account as it can work both ways?
Norman.  Again with respect and keeping it friendly. You are not in a position to keep insisting on profiles. You clearly have enough digs with the information you have on posters as it is. More and it would be more ammunition to twist facts as you tend to do.
It’s clear that your opinions on anyone who are involved in Spain are like the guy in Dads Army
Now you may or may not have lost some money but condemning us all to see you wonder through the forum and threads till the end like a Grim Reaper is not winning any supporters here.
Can the community threads now have the keep if friendly message pressed home, be released for those with property, those thinking of buying and yes those with problems from those that only allow their own negative views to be heard. This includes one or two that troll each development with the same attacks as has been evident on the main forum. These threads are clearly the only central point of ever getting vital information and feedback regarding their interests in Spain. There are thousands upon thousands that would just love to talk.
This is also a massive potential commercial market for E.O.S and to get its message across.
For those that wish to see that then the posting by TechNoApe on 11/10/09 14.12 sums it up far better than this simple soul whose grammar and spelling leaves something to be questioned at times.

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24 Oct 2009 5:00 PM by LOUISE CECILIA Star rating. 36 posts Send private message

As usual another one of  Chimp's insulting , double standards ,all over the place , where am I coming from  , boring posts bring another thread to an end . Well done Chimps

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24 Oct 2009 11:23 PM by goodstich44 Star rating in northampton. 1648 posts Send private message


thanks for your concern. The main problem here is the identity query. A poster who has called himself many names, the last one before being banned for lies, insults and dishonesty 'Just Dan', posts in an almost identical writing style to Chimps, even to similar spelling mistakes.  One or two of us have asked chimps to provide a profile and confirm that he is not 'Just Dan', and as you will notice, instead of an answer we are told we are obsessed by profiles?   One of the most helpful and supportive people who used to regularly post on the forum (Tish) has left due to this, so we really do need a clear answer. When I feel sure chimps is not 'Just Dan' I will feel more comfortable replying.

We need transparancy on here as much as possible so we know who we are talking to within reason. I don't know the answer if profiles that can be checked are not made compulsery? 

'Keeping it friendly' is great, but it's hard to be friendly to those you suspect are not being straight, so come on chimps, prove us wrong so we can move on.

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25 Oct 2009 12:37 AM by LOUISE CECILIA Star rating. 36 posts Send private message




This message was last edited by LOUISE CECILIA on 25/10/2009.

This message was last edited by LOUISE CECILIA on 25/10/2009.

This message was last edited by LOUISE CECILIA on 25/10/2009.

This message was last edited by LOUISE CECILIA on 25/10/2009.

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26 Oct 2009 1:27 PM by EOS Team Star rating in In Spain of course!. 4015 posts Send private message

EOS Team´s avatar

This was one really getting to me so I decided to take a much deeper look than usual.

The problem here is that the user "Just Dan" was originally banned for being incredibly problematic.  Then the user "Chimps" appeared on the scene with various people saying that this was "Just Dan" again.

However, on checking IP addresses at the time this didn't appear to be the case.

But checking today, it appears that Chimps IS Just Dan.  I have run a trace through those IP addresses and there is a 99% chance that they are the same person, as some of the users on here believed was the case.

I have since blocked Chimps from the foums.

I have also blocked LOUISE CECILIA as this user was previously banned under the user name "MAGICMEG".

My sincerest apologies to all those affected by this deceipt, especially Tish, who has always been a respected member of Eye on Spain and has consequently left the forum.

I will endevour to ensure that this sort of deceipt is acted upon considerably quicker in future, especially as I have some new tools available to me to determine this sort of thing.



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26 Oct 2009 2:04 PM by goodstich44 Star rating in northampton. 1648 posts Send private message


It's a shame it took so long to confirm, but well done anyway. The forum's far to valuble to be ruined by a few liars and fraudsters.

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27 Oct 2009 11:14 AM by Tish Star rating in Surrey. 833 posts Send private message

Justin, I didn't leave the forum, I  just was not going to contribute to the posts whilst someone was  blatantly conning members with their personal hidden "agenda" .   Too many people have suffered from the likes of these people. Thank you for righting wrongs

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