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06 Oct 2009 12:00 AM by mike_walsh Star rating in Torrevieja. 594 posts Send private message

mike_walsh´s avatar


If you get the chance check out page. 15 of the Coastrider October 6th. ‘Bank Robbery With a Difference.’

Poor Janice, an ex-neighbour of mine; salt of the earth and as honest as the day is long, had her card details copied by unknown pond life. Everything she had in her account; a few thousand, was vacuumed out at locations she had never visited. She could even prove she was elsewhere at the time.

Banc Cam is not only treating her with indifference, they are downright uncivil to her. They simply don’t want to know. 'You're on your own, love!' Now, every time her pension goes in they grab it to fund what the Guardia Civil describe as the Mafiosa. It could only happen in Spain; not the UK where credit card fraud is dealt with fairly satisfactorily by the UK banks.

Lesson learned. Avoid Banc Cam. General lesson learned: Keep your money safe but NOT in a bank where it clearly isn’t safe. Deposit just enough to pay your bills so any unauthorised access will be bare minimal.

“The Best Way To Rob A Bank Is To Own One.” - Bill Moyers. Former U.S. Director of the Institute for Fraud Prevention


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06 Oct 2009 3:56 PM by EOS Team Star rating in In Spain of course!. 4015 posts Send private message

EOS Team´s avatar

We have heard of this happening A LOT.  Surely there must be something that can be done?  And why are they still withdrawing money out of her account?

We are with Cajamar and we know of a similar situation that was dealt with properly, so maybe it is Cam Bank that is rubbish.



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06 Oct 2009 3:59 PM by joanmalaga Star rating in Costa del Sol. 419 posts Send private message

Normally all cards have insurance.  If it was a Visa have you tried to call them direct? Surely they must cover these matters.  I bought online and never received the product, called visa and was refunded. Specially when you can prove it was not you it should be plain and simple to get refunded.


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06 Oct 2009 4:01 PM by mike_walsh Star rating in Torrevieja. 594 posts Send private message

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The illegal withdrawals debited her card. This means she is 'overdrawn' and so they keep absorbing her pension until the amount lost is replaced. They say her situation is an isolated case. Mirielle Toddington, reporter on Coastrider says it is not. The same happened to Janice's nrighbours who live across the road; hardly isolated unless you believe in extreme flukes.



Russian - English Translations, Copywriting and Ghostwiting. Check my Website or email for details

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06 Oct 2009 4:06 PM by ricard Star rating in CARTAGENA. 3 posts Send private message



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06 Oct 2009 4:08 PM by mike_walsh Star rating in Torrevieja. 594 posts Send private message

mike_walsh´s avatar

It wasn't a credit card - it was a debit card; different rules of engagement I gather. Also, she was in England at the time and as it was a month before the poor dear got a statement, that was the time that elapsed before the penny dropped - into some other b******* pocket  :o(


Russian - English Translations, Copywriting and Ghostwiting. Check my Website or email for details

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06 Oct 2009 4:10 PM by georgia Star rating in Algorfa (As seen on .... 1832 posts Send private message

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 It happened to me in the UK and basically i was interviewed by the Police and told to prove it wasn't me or an accomplice taking the money....they didn't believe a word i said and in the end it took me six months to get the money back.....

I don't think this is a "it wouldn't happen in the UK scenario"!!!! at all...


_______________________ still here after all these years!

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06 Oct 2009 4:27 PM by mike_walsh Star rating in Torrevieja. 594 posts Send private message

mike_walsh´s avatar

I can't disagree, Georgia. It is notoriously difficult to get banks to admit their precious system is at fault. Only people power will do it; hence my posting.

The banks survival option is to re-invest money we entrust to them, over and above what we need to pay bills. If everyone was to deposit just enough to cover direct debits; ordinary payments, the banks would struggle. A lot of work for very little in return. For me it will be cash in future.

They depend our our inertia.

This lady victim; as I say, she was in another part of the country. Had never been to Orihuela where the withdrawals were made. Had her card with her at all times. The Banc Cam is being dismissive and unhelpful. They will not give her the means of proving she didn't make the withdrawal. Not even the CCTV footage.

They won't investigate. For them the matter is closed. It would cost Janice God knows what to pursue it without their help. She has a solicitor on their backs now. Watch this space. I despise banks even more than I hate politicians.




Russian - English Translations, Copywriting and Ghostwiting. Check my Website or email for details

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07 Oct 2009 2:01 PM by lasiesta Star rating in Costa del Sol. 58 posts Send private message

My in-laws bank with CAM and in May they had 900 euros debit their account. Turned out their card (maestro) had been copied and used twice to withdraw money in Northern Spain. (they live on the costa del sol). Luckily their daily limit was set at 900 as the bank said higher amounts had been tried. They reported the matter to the police, gave the report to CAM and got their money back after 1 month (although the bank did not refund the cashpoint charges!!) Keep on at them as they should be liabile and good luck!

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