Iberdrola / New power limiters / law

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07 Dec 2009 12:00 AM by mr.kevin Star rating in Costa Blanca. 189 posts Send private message

mr.kevin´s avatar

Iberdrola our electrical supply company have started sending out letters telling you to fit a power limiter set to trip if you exceed the wattage shown on your supply contract.

This will effect people with lots of high current equipment that are run together.

I believe you can get Iberdrola to do it and pay rental as you do for the meter or you can get a authorised electrician to fit your own and then pay Iberdrola 9 euro to inspect and seal the equipment.

Looking at the Iberdrola web site, there appears to be a new law stating that this is a requirement now, so all of Spain may be forced to do this some time in the future. If you don't do it, there is a finacial penalty added to your bill.

Any one else come across this yet?

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07 Dec 2009 9:17 AM by Laird Dave of Lochaber Star rating in San Miguel De Salina.... 180 posts Send private message

Hi Mr Kevin

Interesting, I never knew this the following I've pasted direct from Iberdrola's website. I will certainly be investigating.


Mains Isolator (MI) and Meter


Mains Isolator: Mains Isolator (MI)

The Mains Isolator (MI) is a control device which disconnects the installation when the sum of the power demanded by the devices that are operating simultaneously exceeds the contracted power.

In accordance with current regulations (article 10 of R.D. 1454/2005) [PDF] (*), the installation of power control elements in dwellings is mandatory. Otherwise, a series of penalties will be added to your electricity bill (First additional provision of ITC Order/1857/2008) [PDF] (*)




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07 Dec 2009 11:10 AM by claire T Star rating in Torremendo, Orihuela. 688 posts Send private message

EOS Supporter

Maybe i'm being a bit thick here but when I overload the system (kettle + heaters) it switches itself off - which is a real pain!  Why would they want me to pay for something to do the same job??


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07 Dec 2009 4:22 PM by Laird Dave of Lochaber Star rating in San Miguel De Salina.... 180 posts Send private message

Hi Claire T

If you are blowing your fuses this is due to you using too many amps than what the main fuses are rated for. Simply too up grade, do it all the time for properties we manage. PM me if you want the price we live in Villamartin.

These power limiters are different in the fact that they will limit the amount of power to your property according to the contract you have with them. Didn't think Iberdrola were bothering but I suppose in these tight times any revenue they can get they will grab with both hands.



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07 Dec 2009 5:41 PM by kev2006n Star rating in Sussex and Playa Fla.... 344 posts Send private message

 We have a standard Iberdrola contract. However, we never blow the fuses. Someone in the past has upgraded the system. Will I have a problem if they come and look? We have owned the place for just about a year. Kevin


This message was last edited by kev2006n on 07/12/2009.

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07 Dec 2009 7:35 PM by sharonw Star rating in Coin, Malaga. 281 posts Send private message

sharonw´s avatar

Hi Mr kevin,

We are with Endesa and last week we had to collect a registered letter from the post office from them.  The letter was regarding instalacion de elementos de control de potencia (ICP) and the law govening the very same as you mention.  The letter states the need to install an additional meter which you can buy outright or rent from them.  The letter further sates that if you do not comply and refuse to have the meter installed they will modify your billing and tarif, to the extent that even though our potencia is 4,6 kW they will assume 20kW and bill you accordingly!  Very worrying!








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07 Dec 2009 7:39 PM by Poppyseed Star rating. 895 posts Send private message

Is there a time limit this has to be done by?

Thanks, Poppyseed



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07 Dec 2009 7:47 PM by sharonw Star rating in Coin, Malaga. 281 posts Send private message

sharonw´s avatar

Hi Poppyseed,

Well my letter was dated 13 November (!).  The letter does not state an actual time limit but says they recommend you have the installation as soon as possible.   I have read elsewhere that installation cost runs into the 100s€!  I am going to visit an Endesa office this week to see if I can get clarity on the situation.








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07 Dec 2009 7:56 PM by Karensun Star rating in Orihuela Costa. 1473 posts Send private message

Karensun´s avatar

We have not had a bill from Ibadrola for ages although we used to be able to access it on the net, but we can no longer do this.

Do you think letters will be sent out regarding this meter thing or what ??

  ' Do unto others as you would be done by'
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07 Dec 2009 8:02 PM by sharonw Star rating in Coin, Malaga. 281 posts Send private message

sharonw´s avatar

Hi Karensun,

Certainly for Endesa, I have yet to find a neighbour who has also received this letter!  I have no idea behind their reasoning of who does or does not 'qualify' but this is something I hope to find out!   The odd thing is that our contracted potencia at 4,6 kW is very low!









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07 Dec 2009 8:06 PM by Karensun Star rating in Orihuela Costa. 1473 posts Send private message

Karensun´s avatar

I have just had a quick look round other forums but no one has mentioned this situation, which is peculiar !!

  ' Do unto others as you would be done by'
         Now a non-smoker !  

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07 Dec 2009 10:27 PM by Laird Dave of Lochaber Star rating in San Miguel De Salina.... 180 posts Send private message

Hi All

Have a look at the following link and you will see what a Mains Isolater looks like and where it is situated in your fuse box. Its not complicated its a simple upgrade but probally most boxes will already have had it done. Please do not pay 100's euros for this to be done you will be ripped off. Can't vouch for Endesa but Iberdrola certainly have not threatened people by letter over this.


If you still want advise or any further help or information please PM me and I will give you my telephone number.



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07 Dec 2009 10:49 PM by Marksfish Star rating in Vera, Almeria. 2624 posts Send private message

Marksfish´s avatar

I take it the bit labelled ICP is the isolator? If so, don't most rcd dstribution boards have one already fitted? I know ours at home in the UK does.


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07 Dec 2009 11:19 PM by Laird Dave of Lochaber Star rating in San Miguel De Salina.... 180 posts Send private message

Yes all boards in UK do but in Spain only on properties built within the last 5 years ( and even then some don't)  prior to that I think a lot of electricians made it up as they went along.

Baically in 2008 in Spain a Royal Decree was passed that said all households should try and conserve elecricity and that if you tried toi use more power than you were contracted for then the isolater would disconnect your supply. This was to force you to either conserve or pay more for what you demand. Has it worked? we are yet to see. I haven't heard of anyone that has had a problem becuse most households don't overuse their supply, its mainly people running businesses that use a lot of electricity and they will all have had their boards upgraded.

Round and round in circles springs to mind.

Just my opinion of course.



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08 Dec 2009 10:38 AM by SteamboatFatty Star rating. 6 posts Send private message

A month or so back we had to have our electrics totally replaced. We'd had a problem previously going the cheap route and using a (English) sparky, but this caused so many problems we decided to do it the official route (also I work autonomo, so can at least claim the VAT back now the bills are registered (after 3 years of trying!) in my name)).

So we got a registered Endesa installer in. He was fine, did the job nice n quickly, but said we needed Endesa to come round and instal this limiter in order to get a proper contract. Endesa came round and installed - at the time I asked the guy if there would be a problem with the amount of juice we use (apart from an emersion heater on the solar panel during winter it's not really any more than your average household). No problem I was told. Well, later that week we had a few lights on, the kettle and a hairdryer and pop! went the electrics. Several times.

So I went to Endesa (Coín) who said I'd been put on the lowest possible limit and that it was nowhere near enough for the list of electric items I mentioned. She put me on the middle limit, and charged €120 for the privilege! I speak fluent Spanish so tried arguing the toss with her, but you can image the response I got!

I heard from a neighbour later - whether he has his finger on the pulse of rustic life who knows - that he had friends where the same thing happened and it's basically just a racket by Endesa - they put you on the lowest limit knowing there's a good chance you come back for an upgrade. Given we'd been 3 years without problems prior, you'd think Endesa would've known which limit to give us. I smell a rat...

Not knowing anything about electrics, I guess we've paid the price. Still, our electrics have been fine since and all nice and safe wiring for when our first kiddie comes along in March!

But does anybody know if this means we'll be paying more for our electricity?

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08 Dec 2009 11:13 AM by floella Star rating in SE Spain. 803 posts Send private message

Iberdrola installed a 20 amp (cost approx 350 euros) in our property and now our bi monthly standard charge is 57 euros + the electricity and rental costs are also higher . Even so last winter we used more than we were "allotted" and the long list of extras incurred was unbelievable. 

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08 Dec 2009 4:44 PM by Marksfish Star rating in Vera, Almeria. 2624 posts Send private message

Marksfish´s avatar

I have just had it confirmed by residents our our owners forum (Al Andalus Resort) that the breaker boxes are installed with these . The picture of the one i've seen is a 25A ICP, probably standard fit on all the properties. Hopefully it means that all Key Mare properties in the area built recently are fitted with these. Not sure if they are sealed though?


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08 Dec 2009 5:48 PM by fireblade900-1 Star rating in Wembley/Rojales. 23 posts Send private message

Hi All...

Im an electrician in uk..I also have a holiday home in Rojales..

The so called power limiter is a simple MCB (miniture circuit breaker)  costs about £12  from B&Q etc...

Its connected before the General switch (RCD) in spain for those who have  up to date fuse boxes.,  usually takes 20mins to install..assuming your fuse box isnt hidden or hard to reach for service purposes....

My home in Spain is rated at 25A...thats 5.750kw....

If you use the calculation ....watts of appliance multiply by the house voltage of 230v ...gives you the current rating.

Its a good idea to work out what different household items consume..not only for bill purposes, but also for premature electricity cut off...

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08 Dec 2009 5:57 PM by fireblade900-1 Star rating in Wembley/Rojales. 23 posts Send private message


Ment to say.....

if you use the calculation ...      Watts of appliance  DIVIDED  by the house voltage of 230v....gives you the current rating....


This message was last edited by fireblade900-1 on 08/12/2009.

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09 Dec 2009 5:10 PM by mr.kevin Star rating in Costa Blanca. 189 posts Send private message

mr.kevin´s avatar

Now it has become clearer what is required for this power limiter / circuit breaker. If you are a electrician but not certified for Spain, can you fit the limiter yourself or do you have to get a electrician certified in Spain to do it and give a bulletin.

I do know that Iberdrola have to come out and seal the device and charge about 9 euro.

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