Spain Airport Car Hire
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29 Jul 2010 6:59 AM by sidyid Star rating in Gebas, Sierrra espun.... 32 posts Send private message

 Gold car are the worst as far as I am concerned, I own a hotel and with out doubt every customer that stays with us arrive in a bad move because of the Gold Car rip off, one customer was charged 80€ for a tank of petrol and also charged 38€ for insurance that she had already paid to the Agent, the Agents paperwork said fully insured but the Gold star guy on the desk said that was for 3rd party obvious and so obviously a rip off.

Living it up at THE HOTEL LA MARIPOSA!

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17 Aug 2010 11:54 AM by LukeK Star rating. 7 posts Send private message


I just had to reply to this topic as I just found it through google. Just back from 3 week holiday in Torrevieja. Hired a car from and got a Berlingo from Goldcar. I originally booked a petrol car but was 'upgraded' to this. It was actually 2 weeks into the holiday that I checked the documents and I was charged e80 for petrol and e14 for diesel. I knew I paid the e60 for extra insurance (was not too pleased with that at the time). The extra insurance is a rip off in itself as it states 'all inclusive insurance'.

I filled the tank with e40 of diesel (on empty) that brought it up to the 3/4 mark, I'm sure e50 would have filled it and I was charged e94 for the pleasure. So this is without a doubt the last year booking with Goldcar, Redcar, etc.


Thanks for the info on Econrent, will definately give them a go! ;)


All the best, and BEWARE :-)

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17 Aug 2010 4:30 PM by del007 Star rating. 274 posts Send private message

Hi all,

Rent a car rip off is now common place here in Spain.  Unless we decide to boycott the rentals they will continue with their practices.  I have had the misfortune to rent from Record Rent a Car, jokers for sure.  I booked through Doyouspain, expressly told them I did not wish to be passed to Record, that shows how much attention they pay to clients.  I arrived in Alicante put forward my documents to Record staff only to be advised that I would be required to pay a further 110.00e.  I bluntly refused and requested that Record should honour the agreement I had with Doyouspain and subsequently Record.  I was then told that I should contact Doyouspain to sort it out.  When I enquired into what the Record operative would be doing whilst I was doing her job I received arather vacant look.  I insisted that she make the contact woth Doyouspain to resolve the agreement issue.  Entually this was done.  During the 1 hour period I had to wait at the Record counter whilst the queue got bigger two additional staff arrived at the office and proceded to make paper balls which the decided to throw at each other foar a fair period of time.  Enetually I was told my agreement was as my documentation stated and a car was available.  I requested to bring the car back full and was advised that I coudn´t.  I asked how much I was being charged for fuel, I was advised 70e.  I then enquired if I go to the fuel station and pulled the fuel gun until it registered 70e could Record guarantee me that a fair amount of the fuel would not be on the fuel station forecourt.  I was told the car will not hold 70e of fuel, I asked then why charge me 70e.  The response fully explained this exessive fee, " everything is dearer at the airport".  I was then ripped off for 49e for additional insurance although I had already paid for fully comp´cover.  I was comforted by the fact that I was to receive a new car.  When I got to the car it was at least a year old totally filthy inside, a disgrace.  I called the Record attendant to examine the car with me as it had a few bumps not noted on the agreement form.  I was advised to return the car in any condition I wished as I had paid the additional insurance.  RIP OFF. 

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17 Aug 2010 4:56 PM by lomax Star rating. 51 posts Send private message

Here Here!

I must say I'm surprised about Record because in Malaga (though they've always been somewhat slow) I have found them to be very good and they don't use the full tank of fuel policy.  After saying this I haven't used them for about 9 months as now I have a company that collects us outside the airport and they don't charge for the full tank of fuel either as that would be a waste of time for us as we only use about a third of the tank if that, so I totally refuse to pay for it!  You're right that people should make a stand though as the prices have gone through the roof and if your making several visits it makes it very expensive at a time when they should be encouraging people with incentives.


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17 Aug 2010 6:32 PM by fultond Star rating in Haywards Heath & Tor.... 242 posts Send private message

Record do now have a Full/Empty policy at Malaga. It has been in place since sometime last year at least.


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18 Aug 2010 11:54 AM by lomax Star rating. 51 posts Send private message

The rotten sods! That's them struck off my list then!

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18 Aug 2010 12:05 PM by sidyid Star rating in Gebas, Sierrra espun.... 32 posts Send private message

 Gold car are still the worst as far as I am concerned, I have taken all of the car hire links off of my website and now only have links for small independent car hire companies.

I have also purchased a small car which I have asked all of my relatives and friends to contribute to the upkeep and then they can have the use of it whilst visiting us in Spain, it has cost them all about 60€ each a year, so basically 2 or 3 days normal car hire money, if they are here for 2 weeks they will save a fortune especially in the Summer.!

Living it up at THE HOTEL LA MARIPOSA!

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18 Aug 2010 6:27 PM by LukeK Star rating. 7 posts Send private message

Continuing on from my post above about Goldcar, when I booked the car in March I added an extra driver for free. When I arrived at the airport (Alicante) they wanted an extra e25 even though I booked in free in March. I was lucky in that I forgot my drivers licence and when I got it posted to me a week later I drove to Murcia airport, where the nice lady said it was ok and she just added me on. I found it a laugh that one person said she had no choice but to charge me the extra e25 and another said it was no trouble a week later. Do beware of this company.

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19 Aug 2010 1:59 PM by derek55 Star rating in Carsares Costa---Bir.... 51 posts Send private message


I have used Record for over 10 years first in Majorca and now from  Malaga.  Until the financial crash it was always the case that they would always upgrade you no matter what,  the fuel was not an issue as the car would only have petrol fumes in the tank on collection and it did not matter how much or how little fuel was left in on return. This gave the staff a chance to siphon off nearly all the fuel for their perks.
But that as all changed, the fuel policy is a joke and the joke is on us tank full "return empty"  is impossible to achieve. The tank full or should it read the needle is just on the full line!!!! 
Every time I have collected a car and checked the gauge and find its not really full. But the time I have already wasted in the queue and the distance to get back to the desk even if the security will let you back in the terminal Its not worth the bother.
I have complained by email, that as a property owner I only need the car to get me to and from the airport, not gallivanting all over the coast. Also being a member there should be a special tariff on the fuel.
But the fact remains the majority of other rental companies have this fuel policy Record hire rates are consistently low and given that I still go with them.
Perhaps, Justin can start a campaign to get this unfair fuel fiddle banned.

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