Missy is wary of anyone but Angie
Sunday, March 2, 2014 @ 3:22 PM
From Angie ...
"Missy is a bit wary today. My friend, Clare Roberts, came over to see us and came into the pen with me. Missy is wary of anybody and everybody, plus it's still really windy here and things are still banging and making her jump.
She wouldn't come out of her bed whilst Clare was here, just kept her head low in the blanket. After about half an hour she did stand up to feed her babies, but that's as good as it got.
She has to get used to other people other than myself, but I dont want to push her. Claire was really good, sat on the sunbed in the pen, no eye contact, but Missy wouldn't leave the safety of her bed.
I'm now pretty certain that one of the blonde females is blind in both eyes. I will take the ones I'm concerned about to the vets for another check up tomorrow. Where am I going to find homes for these blind puppies??"

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