More news about Missy & her puppies
Monday, March 3, 2014 @ 5:49 PM

From Angie
"I've been to the vets with the 3 pups with bad eyes. Good news is, the vet now doesn't think they are blind, but their vision is impaired. The reflexes are there, albeit poor.
Nelson's left eye isn't open properly, but this is due to his eyelashes are turned inwards so probably sore for him to open it. I've got to continue with the drops every 4 hours, and gently stretch Nelson's eye open each time.
The vet will assess them again on 12th March when he comes to give them all their first vaccination. Also on the same day, we are going to give Missy a small sedative and try to get a blood sample to check for leish, and give her the first vaccine.
Good news as well that Rosie's ulcer has cleared up.
I took Missy some tuna and fed her on her sunbed. She allowed me to stroke and pet her chest even after I had no more food to offer. She even looked relaxed for a couple of minutes!"
Missy's pup, Toto, is doing well. He eats, has gained weight (760 grams now) and loves to follow Jacky, his foster carer around in the house. She has to be careful he is so small. He still sleeps with his foster brothers Atilla and Angèl, the Galgo pups that came from Angie at the same time as Toto did. They have both opened their eyes today.
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