From Angie
4th March:
"I sat in the doorway to prevent Missy from stealing the puppies food. I called her a few times, and eventually she came right up to me and let me give her a real good fuss.
She is coming along but still so nervous and jumpy.. she even jumps out of her skin if one of her pups barks or yelps!"
5th March:
"Pups are all doing really well, and I'm now looking for fosterers for them or even adopters. They are weaned, and although they still suckle given half the chance, Missy lets them, but not for long."
Today, 7th March: Angie has been hoping to try to encourage Missy out of her pen, she didn't want to rush her & undo all the hard work so far but she thought maybe Missy might like to venture out. As Angie has 13 other dogs on her premises she was understandably concerned but seems she needn't have been, watch the videos.
The first video was when Angie only let an elderly dog, Megan, outside when she let Missy out. How well did THAT go?
Then Angie let some of her other dogs out, seems Missy is really at home with dogs!
So wonderful to watch!
THEN... Missy decided she wanted to go INDOORS with the others!
What giants steps Missy has taken today! She's been out of the pen now for a good couple of hours and not interested in going back in..actually tried to play with a tennis ball...and now this...
And it didn't take Missy long to figure out how comfy a sofa is! Missy slept here for about 20 minutes, then some friends of Angie's arrived and Missy charged round the garden in a blind panic. Angie put her back in the pen where she felt safe.
Missy's Journey Facebook link is here.
Angie's Facebook link is here.
Angie's Amazon Wish List link is here.
Paypal address for Angie to fund vaccinations etc is angie_mccready@hotmail.com