From Angie "Phil, my husband, took this photo this evening. This is Missy's favourite spot now in the evenings. She sleeps on my bed at night, curled up on the pillow next to me.
She is still very nervous of Phil, but is now able to lie next to me when he is in the room. He is totally ignoring her, which is what we were advised to do. Today, when I let the pups out for a run round the garden, they all gathered round Phils feet. He petted them and she watched very intently at a distance. She will learn with time that he won't hurt her and hopefully gain his trust.
She is becoming a right softy with me now although some of the other dogs are getting a bit fed up with her antics. She wants to play with them all .. some are more tolerant than others, but she gets so excited and rough she goes over the top and boxes with her front paws. Both Billy and Charlie, my larger dogs, have put her in her place, but she forgets lol."

Today......... From Angie "Here is just a taster of what we have to go through with Missy every morning. lol. It gets madder than this but she darts about that quick I can barely keep her on the camera."
Below: Tonic and Toto, Pointer love. Toto's doing so well. He's Missy's little runt, remember?

Tonic was rescued then re-homed but it didn't work out so he is currently with Jacky who's fostering tiny Toto.
If you use Facebook you can see videos of Toto, check out the posts by Jacky Hazeleger on Missy's Journey.
Angie's Facebook link is here.
Angie's Amazon Wish List link is here.
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To buy Angie's Kindle book from Amazon.com (USA) $1.70 click here
All proceeds from the sale of Angie's book are for ACTIN-SPAIN, click here for Actin's Facebook page.
Paypal address for Angie .. to help cover vets bills, vaccinations, chips, worming, eye drops, many things listed previously .. is angie_mccready@hotmail.com
Thank you for your support.