From Angie
"I took the pups for the 2nd vaccination this morning. They didn't have them! I've been struggling to cure them of diahorrea. The usual things like chicken and rice, Flagyl, etc isnt working. They produced copious amounts of the stuff at the vets and devoured it quicker than we could clean it up! lol
So now, back to basics AGAIN. I have wormed them all again this morning, and now we have to wait and see what happens. Also the vet suggested they have 1ml of Anima Strath twice a day to boost them up as they are growing so fast and must be lacking in nutrients with having the trots for about a week now.
On Monday the vet will come here to vaccinate the pups and take Missy back with him to be spayed. I've got sedatives to give her an hour before he comes, and I've asked him to make sure she is still sedated when I collect her after the op.
Today's bill came to around 60 euros as he gave them all a thorough check up, A sack of puppy food was 25 euros, Anima Strath was 20 euros, Worming pills (I forget how much they were) and we still have the last vaccinations then the chips, passports, and Missy's sterilization to pay for.
If anybody would like to make a small donation towards the vets bill, it would be very appreciated......
Thank you xx"
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