Please read about Dino here then continue reading this blog post.
Dino is allergic to lots of pollens, grasses, house dust mite, fleas and ticks. Angie has tried so many treatments. He is currently on a course of vaccines (expensive)!from a dermatologist in Alicante. His condition seems to be worse now than before she started with the vaccines. The vet has said it could take up to a year before any improvements are seen.
Angie has shaved Dino so she can see where the worst bits are and it enables her to get the (expensive) shampoo directly onto his skin.
Dino is 40 kg & also has to have one Comfortis tablet every month as Angie can't use flea spray or spot on due to his allergies. She has just bought ONE from the vet @ 16 euros per tablet!!! (Expensive). It's 1,620mg dosage he needs.
Meanwhile, poor Dino continues to suffer, bless his heart. He is the most gentle big dog ever.
Perhaps you can help towards funding Dino's treatment by clicking this link. http://www.gofundme.com/6oglok
If you prefer to help by donating via Paypal that would be really kind, thank you.
Missy & her pups enjoying the sunshine today.
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All proceeds from the sale of Angie's book are for ACTIN-SPAIN, this is Actin's Facebook page.