And there's MORE!
Thursday, April 10, 2014 @ 12:29 PM
Toto...the runt of Missy's pups .. had his first vaccine today and a new collar, if rather large for him.
He's doing really well.

Faith, Angie's latest foster puppy, arrived at Angie's last night. She has a forever home to go to, pending a home check.

Below: Libby is so gentle with Faith.
Angie said "I took Faith for her Rabies jab this evening and came back home with a 4 day old Mastine puppy to bottle feed!! The mother gave birth to 11 pups four days ago, and this morning had complications and had to have an emergency operation. She is very ill and can't feed the pups. The vet has managed to find foster homes for 6 of them, and I have taken one"

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