Missy babysitting the baby Mastine
Below: Rosie is one of the smallest of Missy's litter. She's very gentle and loving & loves a cuddle. She's now 9 weeks old & has had all her vaccinations.

Below: Cain is mischievous, he's always game for anything. He's very full of life and fun & loves a cuddle. He's had all his vaccination & is 9 weeks old.

Below: Winston is the most beautiful of puppies although he is the wimp of the litter. He loves to have a cuddle. He has had all his vaccinations & 9 weeks old.

Below: Scout is such a soft natured little girl. Whilst the rest are running round the garden she just wants you to hold her and give her kisses. She has had all her vacs, and now 9 weeks old.

Below: Skyler is Missy's favourite, not sure why. She is full of energy but also loves to be fussed. She has had all her vaccinations and is 9 weeks old.

Below: Libby, gentle, soft natured, lovable, and very obedient. She is just a dream. She has been with Angie since she was about 3 weeks old & is now 9 months. She has been spayed. Although Libby has tested positive for Leish, it's barely borderline, but will need 2 pills a day so she can live a healthy normal long life. She is very special, and will make somebody a wonderful companion. Libby is microchipped & has her passport.

Below: Ringo was rescued from a terrible pound at just 3 months old. He is a very loving little man, and good as gold. He is very obedient, house trained, and loves nothing more than to lie next to you and be fussed. He is about 6 months old now, he has been castrated & has had all his vaccinations, he just needs a home. Ringo has his passport.

Below: Luke is a big soft laid back baby boy. He has been castrated, had all his vacs and is now around 9 months old. Luke loves to be loved, along with his sister Libby. Luke is microchipped & has his passport.

NOTE: Missy's puppies cannot leave Spain till they're 4 months old.
Please email Angie McCready, who is fostering all the above, for anything you need to know regarding giving one (or more) a loving home. Thanks!