Libby needs HER furever home NOW
Saturday, May 10, 2014 @ 10:44 PM

LIBBY, gentle, soft natured, lovable, and very obedient. Libby is just a dream. She has been with Angie since she was about 3 weeks old, she's now 9 months. Libby has been spayed.
Although Libby has tested positive for Leish, it's barely borderline, but she will need 2 pills a day so she can live a healthy normal long life. Libby is very special, and will make somebody a wonderful companion. Libby is microchipped & has her passport.
Here are some of Libby's photos. As a tiny pup she was found under cardboard, left to die with her brother, Luke, who has a new home to go to. Libby needs HERS!

Contact Angie Mccready
or Linda Soler
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