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The endless rescue work of Angie McCready, on the Costa Blanca

Angie moved to the Southern Costa Blanca inland from Alicante 9 years ago from the UK. She hadn't realized the plight of dogs here until she arrived. She was shocked, outraged, and felt she needed to do something. She was soon bottle feeding puppies that had been found dumped in bins, picking up strays from the street, and finding them new homes. Many didn't even go any further than Angie's home... She's a confirmed failed fosterer on more than one occasion. At the last count she has 11 ranging from quite small dogs to a Spanish Mastiff who is the gentlest dog ever.

Scout, one of Missy's puppies, is now living in Germany
Saturday, June 28, 2014 @ 11:56 AM

25th June: Scout, one of Missy's pups, on her way to her forever home in Germany.

(Scout had been fostered by another lady in Spain after leaving Angie).

Below: Scout now in her new home in Germany.

If anybody would like to donate a few euros towards the vets bill (most of Angie's dogs & fostered dogs have kennel cough now) or the food for the Mastine puppies still with Angie, which is also costing a small fortune, it would be very appreciated. Paypal

 Thank you x

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