Mischief & fun at Casa McCreadys
Sunday, June 29, 2014 @ 11:05 PM
Below: Flour nickers!
A certain 2 Mastine pups stole a bag of flour from the kitchen and proceeded to trot along to their pen with it. Fortunately, it was in a carrier bag, so no damage done. Not wanting to mention anybody's names, but Chester and Hooch were the guilty parties.
Below: Mastine pups & Percy
From Angie "They are all taking a bit more interest in my cat, Percy. Fortunately, she is very used to dogs coming and going and doesn't bother with them. Yes I know my cat is a female called Percy.. it's a long story, lol"
Below: Told off for barking at the cat, they look bothered don't they, NOT?
Below: Dolly taking a dip
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