News came in on Saturday 6th September that seven Podenco puppies had been retrieved from a ravine. One pup was already dead. The pups had been thrown from a moving car into the ravine. The road is the Orxeta/Relleu road. The name of the place is 'EL BARRANCO RUBIO' ORXETA ( EL BARRANCO SALUDO'). They were tied up in a plastic bag. Penelope, who lives in the property below the road in the photo was alerted to their cries.
She & her husband, John, climbed up as far as they could & saw the bag higher up. John managed to climb further to retrieve the bag then another neighbour, Samantha, who Penny called upon for help brought ropes & a pulley & they were able to bring John & the pups up (presumably to the road).

Samantha cared for the six puppies overnight (fed by syringe every two hours). If not found these puppies would not have died immediately, they would have suffered terribly in the intense heat before death took them.
Angie McCready is experienced in weaning very young puppies. She came out of her semi retirement ..that had lasted all of a couple of weeks .. to take them all on. They were transported to her Sunday 7th.

Early Monday morning 8th: 5 of the 6 pups have fed really well, but Angie is worried about one of the little boys, she has named him Flint. He won't take the bottle so Angie had to syringe feed him.
There's 4 boys and 2 girls and it seems they are a bit older than initially thought as 2 of them have their eyes slightly open this morning so they must be around 10 days old."

4:15pm Monday 8/9
Angie took the pups to the vets this morning, they have all had antibiotic jabs. Rosa, the vet, said the lesions on the puppies suggests they have been in very poor conditions from birth, obviously no bedding and so their elbows and knees have developed scabs and are infected.

Below: One puppy has a dislocated leg, too early to xray.

Angie sprayed them last night with Frontline. The dead ticks are still dropping off them.
The vet is going to Angie's home on Thursday morning to have another look at them. It's too early to X ray the limbs that seem to be dislocated, the vet will wait until they are a bit stronger.
Flint is still hanging in there. His breathing seems a bit better, but he still doesn't want to drink from the bottle, so now he has some special milk from the vet which Angie is syringe feeding him with. He remains weak but his eyes have opened today! Another one of the pups has also opened her eyes, so they must be at least 10 days old now.
Update 9/9
WOW, Best birthday present Angie said she could have wished for .....Flint just had his breakfast from the bottle!!

Read about these puppies here >>> The Podenco Puppies on Facebook
Donations are desperately needed for puppy milk & ongoing vet treatment, worming &, eventually, blood tests, innoculations, chips etc.
Any amount will be gratefully received.
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Thanks to all concerned in rescuing & caring for these tiny souls.