The Barranco Podenco puppies update and more...
Thursday, September 11, 2014 @ 4:21 PM
Below: All except Flint were feeding well when first with Angie.
Below: 9th: Flint feeding from a bottle.
Below: 9th: After Flint's feed
Below: 10th: Getting fatter & stronger.
Below: 10th: The puppies
Below: 10th: Flint 'quacking
11th: From Angie "The vet called this morning to see the puppies. They are all doing really well. She gave them all another anti-biotic jab to aid with the healing of their wounds which are healing really well. The swollen elbow is looking much better now, and the scabs are dropping off their injuries.
Flint has had 3 bottle feeds today and just wants cuddling all the time!
Thank you to everybody who is following these adorable fighting Pod puppies and to those that have donated. We couldnt do this without you."
Read about these puppies here >>> The Podenco,puppies
11th: From Angie: "Missy is so happy. There's been big steps taken with Missy, all in the right direction. She now greets people at the gate..still keeping a distance, but follows them up the driveway along with the rest of the gang, WAGGING HER TAIL!
She now also follows them into the house and jumps up on the sofa opposite to where they sit instead of staying outside hiding.
My friend came over the other day to help me with the pups and she ventured up to Carol. Normally i ask people not to make eye contact or speak to her, but Carol stretched her hand out and said "hello Missy" and she LICKED HER HAND!!!!! Huge steps for Missy. Here she is this morning having done about 30 laps of the garden playing chase me with Libby."
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