Generally the puppies have been thriving & having puppy porridge plus milk from a bowl but, since I last blogged, this has happened........
23rd September: Angie posted..."One of the females was circling yesterday so I took her to the vets. She's been on a drip and given anti inflammatories cortizone and pain killers and had X rays. It's a mystery but the vets hoping it's temporary. I have been down to see her last night and again this morning. She knows my voice and is eating well, but wouldn't take the bottle. Shes on a drip to keep her hydrated.
The vet will call again tonight with an update, but feels she's better today than yesterday so I'm keeping everything crossed I can bring her home tomorrow. The vet's bill wont be cheap so if anybody would like to donate a few euros towards it we would be eternally grateful".
24th September: Angie posted.... "Off to the vets this morning to see how our sick puppy is doing but also to take another one thats not well. Totally different symptoms. Yesterday he was feeding and drinking, but was sick after each feed. He wasnt as lively as the others, and last night didnt want anything to eat or drink.
This morning he is the same although I have syringed about 7 mls of water into him and he didn't bring it back up. He's very weak, so will see what the vet says this morning. I can't believe we have come this far and and they were doing so well and now having problems!
Below: This is the vets bill for the 1st puppy.

25th update: Angie said "Sadly, despite the 2nd puppy, named Beano, having the best care & antibiotics, fluids and vitamins by drip, his breathing was bad & he passed away overnight."

The remaining five are below.

Please help with small donations for these puppies, use Paypal.
Paypal address for Angie is
Read about these puppies here >>> The Podenco puppies
Angie's Facebook page is