Henry Ford once surmised that half his advertising worked, the other half did not. He had trouble figuring out which half worked. You can read into that what you wish.
Advertising does work - for the media that thrives on it. Media’s ad departments thrive on the adage; ‘hope springs eternal in the human breast.’ You could be far better off if you sell space rather than buy it. Trust me, I know. I am burdened by the truism that a journalist is a man who scribbles on the back of advertisements.
If your advertisement is not doing as well as you might wish you can improve your chances of success in several ways. Interestingly the most important thing to focus upon is the person who sells you the space.
Remember, they are selling space; they may have little interest in your business. It is your responsibility to check its content. I groan when I see a bar / restaurant’s advertisement and no clue as to where they are situated. I have seen half page advertisements without an address, telephone number, website or email address.
A small advertisement regularly placed works better than the occasional half page.
Make it easy for potential clients to find you. For instance put on your advert, ‘directions can be emailed to you.’
An advert offering what everyone else is offering (the world’s best Sunday lunch) is nothing more than a cliché. Give them a reason for choosing your service over advertisers offering similar. Easy Parking, Access for Disabled, Free Pet bowls, shading and food, Children’s Play Area, Non Intrusive Mood Music, Easy to Find, No Sports Televisions.
Marketing experts’ debate but they agree on one thing: The special offer does work. For instance, a free bottle of wine for every couple, free dessert, no obligation quotes, 20 per cent discount, free vouchers.
Remember the truism: you will get what you want only when you convince your customer he will get what he wants.
Remember the truism: people do not buy products or services, they buy people. A photograph of a genial member of the staff can offer the personal touch; a picture of a burger does not.
Remember the truism: the best advert is word of mouth. I forget the exact breakdown but it is known that a satisfied customer will tell one other of his experience, a dissatisfied customer will tell ten of his unhappiness. Offer clients opportunity to discreetly and anonymously if they wish to offer suggestions.
AUTHOR PROFILE: Michael Walsh has been a sales professional and journalist for 40 years. During that time, he managed regional sales teams and provided sales training for sales recruits.
Author of The Business Booster, during 20-years spent with the Guild of Master Craftsmen and Federation of Master Builders he identified, assessed and successfully recruited over 4,000 companies. The Business Tips columnist for online media Typically Spanish. Michael and Nadia Walsh for perfect English and Russian language marketing and website translations. quite_write@yahoo.co.uk website www.michaelwalsh.es telephone 662 067 490.