Since the last time.
Monday, January 9, 2012
Its been very long time since put post on here, just wanted to update any onr interested in this blog.
Since last posts I have been doing partime work on removals, just try keep head above water.
I quess life is harder now than ever having to work up to 14, 16 even over 20 hrs a day in some cases.
Do not any 1 tell me life was harder back in there grandads day because it was not.
Had some good times and some bad, wifes step dad past away on xmas eve and had go to cemetry xmas day.
Still going to whrite this as a book 1 day, so if any ghost writters out there rhink they can do please mail me.
Thats about it , happy 2012 to all of you.
Published at 8:32 PM Comments (0)
Price reduction
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Hello after talks with our supplier of confortlin flax bedding we have been able to get transport costs down a little.
This now is to be passed on to our customers in a 50 cent per bale reduction of the cost of the product, so now its even better value from 1 bale at 13.50 per 20 kg, reduction of half amount used to shavings gives real cost of 6.75 including 16% IVA, All the way to bottom cost of 630 bales at 9.80 per kg.=real cost of 4.90 including 16% IVA and deliverd cost per kg= 24cents beat that.
Any one still not know what eco friendly flax bedding is see or call me for quote 600043759
Published at 11:04 AM Comments (0)
health of animals
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
It is not uncommon for pets that are confined to cages and pens to be afflicted by respiratory ailments and diseases as well as skin conditions. Often there is a direct correlation between the material used in their environments and these conditions. Many pet housing materials create dust; grow bacteria and mould that adversely affect the animal.
Eco confortlin flax bedding offers a solution with healthy, clean material to better the lives of our animals. Eco brand offers a mould free and dust free bedding that will not contribute to respiratory ailments in the occupants. Eco brand is free from fungal spores and toxins and are low bacteria resulting in a reduction of the chance of infections and secondary infections after surgery. Additionally, the pet owners afflicted by allergies and respiratory problems are relieved by the mould free and dust free bedding as well.
Eco confortlin flax bedding is highly recommended for all pets, particularly horses, with COPD, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease.
It is an increasing problem in the equine world; particularly racehorses to be afflicted by respiratory disease. Strong athletic animals that are bred strong and receive the best nutrition care and exercise are being afflicted by respiratory disease, lung abscess and Recurrent Airway Obstruction (RAO). Recommendations to decrease the stress on the animal's respiratory system include:
- improved ventilation
- dust reduction
- clean bedding
- mould free hay
Although these changes may seem difficult to do with racehorses it takes one owner to start doing things in a progressive and improved way before these changes begin to spread. Most of the recommendations listed above are available with Eco. With Eco brand racehorse bedding the horse has an increased chance of avoiding these life threatening afflictions. Proper environments is important in the equine industry and a cost effective way to help guard against equine COPD, RAO and other lung conditions that improper equine bedding contributes to.
Published at 9:21 PM Comments (0)
flax is here now
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Hello just a quike one to say that flax bedding is here and available, having fun going up and down coast trying sell it. nothing of a funny nature to tell you as yet but im sure i will in time.if any interested in it see
ok flax is eco friendly dust free absorbent to 4 to 6 times shavings and makes good compost in 8 weeks, it is totaly natural so good for you and horse or any animal. prices are 1 to 39 bales 14 euros 40 to 99 bales 13 euros 100 to 300 bales 11.99 euros
if ordering direct lorry of 630 bales cost is 9.63 a bale. This will be the bedding for anmals in the future as i sure people already in areas seeing shavings in short supply, be ware of pallets be broken down and used for there will be allsorts of rubbish in the dust. think you will get 50 % reduction in amount used with flax so the cost is realy cut in half as to every 2 time shavings used you will only use one of ours so at the full lorry amount the real cost is only around 4.80 a bale wow for dust free absorbent natural product is a steal, quick rob me now before i see sence.ANY HOW CALL ME OR EMAIL NOW FOR SEE SAMPLES AND CHAT THANKS. 952596120 600043759
Published at 7:34 AM Comments (0)
confortlin flax bedding here monday 9th march
Saturday, March 7, 2009
hi please place your order now for discount on confortlin flax bedding i will deliver free up to 100 km if you buy over 40 bales and also can collect from shop in alhaurin el grande see website for directions also at our warehouse, or i can do direct order for you and save money. please contact steve today on 600043759 or email me at or thanks.
Published at 8:19 PM Comments (0)
flax bedding coming to spain
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
The upper layer of the bedding always remains dry thanks to flax highly absorbing capacity. Compared to straw and wood shavings, flax bedding absorbs 12 times, respectively 4 to 6 times more moisture, due to the fact that it has an absorbing power of up to 450%, resulting in invariably dryer stables. The manure is being transformed into good compost in 8 weeks’ time, compared to wood shavings or sawdust; since weeds, vermin, parasites or other micro-organisms do not occur in it, it is much in demand with gardeners and garden hobbyist Flax is the ultimate bedding for animals with allergic disorders of the bronchial tubes.
As a rule of thumb:
- 4 bales are needed for a box of 3 x 3
- 6 bales are needed for a box of 4 x 4
- Weekly :
- Remove the wet bedding from the spot(s) where the animal usually urinates. Spread ½ to 1 new bale of flax every week.
- Every 12 weeks the bedding should be completely removed, the stable cleaned thoroughly, and new flax should be spread
Or Instead of mucking out every 12 weeks, another method could also be adopted:
- spread out 4 to 5 bales of flax
- remove the horse-droppings daily
- After 6 weeks’ time you first move the dry upper layer to one side of the stable and then remove the under layer which is drenched in urine. Then spread out the dry bedding which you had shoved aside on the stable floor again, and add 1 to 2 new bales.
Published at 1:21 PM Comments (1)
xmas 2008
Friday, December 19, 2008
HELLO TO ALL THAT READ THIS NEW POST JUST TO UPDATE YOU ALL, well we have moved into a new house near to lauro golf but in campo and all is well, still no work but i have good idea but like all things needs funding so nless someone has a bit of cash to invest out there will be a while before i can do it. my old boss at villapac was not to happy with my coments and giving my email address out on here and is making me wait till the very last payment date to get my money they owe me every month, what ever happend to freedom of speach, just a quike note if anyone needs livery for there horse or needs anything to do with horses see the link on my blg to equestriandirect its not me but my wife and she knows her stuff. Ok would like to wish every one on this site a happy xmas and new year and hope to have something worth saying soon.
Published at 2:08 PM Comments (0)
i get a new job
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Hi i AM going to make this my last entry for a while as i think nterest for it has fallen away and after this time in the blog we will be up to date, ok it was at this point while being at the carpark i went for an iterview for a job with a furniture provider for the want of a better word got on ok too but when i got back to the car park made 2 mistakes.
1, told the possable new imployer would need give at least 1 months notice to give mad man the best chance get new person, and 2, told the lad i worked with on my shift about job and he went an applied for it.
Now this did not bother me as i thought that i would get it , but we were both called back for 2nd interview and yes you can guess he got it. to say that he gave no notice what so ever was true and that droped me in it even more trying to man the phones and do his work too.Well they do say nice guys come last , any how about a couple months later the boss of said company had fallen out big time with the carpark boss over his car so i thought why not give him a email so i did. the next day i got a call saying my timing was good as he was looking for someone to assist the manager there.So after said interview i started with this company now i am not going to name them as very lately they have been getting some bad press on here for some good reason so i may gointo this further later on in my blog.
i will post more tomorrow.
Published at 1:05 PM Comments (1)
carparks can be fun 2
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
 Hi today to finish of my 12 months at the carparking game in malaga airport a couple of stories, first have to say that get someone to drop you there or use airport carpark as others not all you get rats human and in human damage done to your car and always clock your milage, ok the first story is of a famous comedian who is now dead phoned up one day when i was out doing a pick up and the boss answerd the call a mans voice said with a london twang im doing a gig in marbella tonight and will be in malaga airport at 2 this afternoon Mr----- said i can use his merc can you do that for me . Well the boss went mental i only caught the tail end of the conversation but there was a lot of swearing going on, he then turned to me saying cheacky man or words to that efectonly wanted a car got out for this afternoon and its not even his i told him to f off he said. did not think much more of this untill a member of the club told me it was his car and mike read had asked if he could use it he said, no problem he said just ring and ask the carpark to get it out. Well was he upset, upset he was lost for words never mind he will get a taxi.
The best one are the people who think you should be waiting out side with there car on arival and stand there dont even call you. Or the one who called me on mobile saying he was in the front of a lot of cars trying to get out of airport carpark and the ticket is not working, have you paid for it i said, no he said dont you do that, NO well there was more f words than anything else so i put the phone down on him hearing all the car hornes in the back ground.
there are many more i could tell you but i wont. next part is i get a job
Published at 10:56 AM Comments (2)
parking cars can be fun
Sunday, October 19, 2008
 Hi today i will do a very short blog that covers the 12 months i spent working at the airport parking cars of site for a company i cant mention for legal reasons, but i am sure that someone reading this will know who and what i am on about. The owner of the company was srange to say the least at first he told me that he didnt think i was suitable for the job but to my supprise 2 days later i got a call to start on a sunday morening 9 am sharpe when i got there i found out that the other 2 people had lasted 2 days and thats why i got the call. i was intrduced to alan who himself was new
we were showed what to do taken on the first pick up and i was shown the office, and then let loose to get on with it.
all was going fine untill it got busy and i started to help out washing the cars, well the owner went mad, and i mean mad saying i was doing all the work that alan should be doing and he probably calling his girlfriend on his mobile,
get in the office you have probably missed lots of calls, none i said , i heard the phone ring un answerd up stairs he went on, this man was surely not right in the head i thought and by god how i was right.Well i am not going to say too much today but alan only lasted 2 days as mr m we will call him said over and over to him ur on ur phone all the time no alan said i am not and at that point his mobile went off see he says, i thought the lad was going to kill him but instead said give me my money im off and he did straight out the gate. part 2 tommorow.
Published at 2:13 PM Comments (0)
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