part 3
Friday, October 17, 2008 @ 6:33 PM
Must start by saying yes i have made some money in spain but i havent if ur from the tax office and saying sorry for swearing bad boy.
ok will to day finish the part of estate agents by telling you two more stories, the first one was when i took out a nice couple looking for a house around 5 to 700,00 nice money if you have it and they did. Well i had picked 3 homes for them to see at the lower end of the budget they loved the first house but loved the second even more but there was a problem with the paper work not common here is it, any how there legal person told them not to bother with it.
so had find another to see picked one on the market for 550,00 the husband coulnot make it but the wifre liked it alot,
even belive it or not had her initials on the nbig front gates, ok she phoned husband who had areed to fly out just to see it. great i thought my boss pulled me to one side in the office and said great but we will have trouble, why i said, that legal woman that made them pull out of other house she wants 50 % of the commision or she will do the same.
ok i thought she even said to me in passing that her brother in law was a chief of police on the coast and could cause me bother, i decided that i would when the chap came over when in the car to speak to him about her, told him and he said she was getting a finders fee from him as well as payment for legal work not to worry about it he would sort it, think he was as scared of her as i was. Ok she said to me you have seen sence and want share commision yes, no i said ok she says and calls over the client and tells him that i said i would not by this property for all the money in the world, and that i hated it. to my supprise he turned and said i know he s never liked any of the houses he has shown us, got a wired taste in property has steve. i promptly stuck up two fingers and went back to office.
She i must say that she did her very best to stop the sale going through but it did in the end.
ok make the last one short, this was my last one selling property of plan and i can say that i did not like it, was ok at the start but selling the dream making people see from drawings the vision was hard and for most who just want invest to sell on in a month or two for profit was ok, but the final straw for me was when an old lady of 80 phoned me to ask when her apartment would be started as she had been waiting 3 years all ready paid over that time all her money for it and was worried that she might not live to see it. that day one of the bosses said to me how is it going, not good i said
cant stand selling ----------- property of plan cant name the company of course, 2 hours later i was sacked.
estate agents cant live with one and cant legaly kill them.
joke of course, next time i try carparking malaga airport.