trying my hand at selling property was ok if you like working 12 hour days for nothing most of the time driving
1 tourist after another on a jolly using your own petrol, this is just a brief out line of my 2 years in sales.
very early into my house selling days a funny looking little man came in off the street scuffy looking brief case in hand and asked me if i could show him a few houses as he was here for 4 days on a mission to buy a house or land to build one, ok i thought time waister, others had told me that you cant tell untill you have asked them all the questions,
i.e finance cash or what have they sold in uk and so on you know what i mean. any how he tells me cash buyer up to 150,000 euros so here we go, i did find a nice little plot with pre fab on it so we set off to see, now there are two ways to get to it and both are the same distance, any how as we were about 4 km down one of the roads i told him that there was another way to the property and this was another well before i could finish he turned into a psycho f ing this and f ing that he said you f ing c-nt if i wanted a sight seeing trip i would have hired a car myself. well i stop the car with force and tore into him how would you like me drop you off here you f ing little twat i said, if you would have let me finish i said i could have told you that they are both 10 km any how we went he liked we wentback to office tried get deposit
need to think about it off he went last time i see.
rentals, easy money people say, bollocks i say.
late on eday for work the boss says to me i have a client tonight cant make it so you can do it, gave me the property details location keys and meet them here at 6 pm,ok i said well 6 pm came and in walks a woman, ok she says my husbands waiting in the car, so off we go down the road a bit she opens the door and what do i see the man has no legs and drives using cables and stuff, hello i say, hi is the reply. Now i dont have a problem with showing rentals to disabled people far from it but it would have been good to be told it before. so off we go to the property and i just know
given my track record that its going to be a nightmare. up a rough track 5 km manual gates in to it, gravel drive and large steps up to the house. i turn to see the client looking at them with a little smile on my face, what the fu-k he says is this, are you blind or somthing he says to me, needless to say it was a no and silent trip back to the office, at least they didnt leave me there. next time part 2 off the day in the life of an estate agent.