parking cars can be fun
Sunday, October 19, 2008 @ 2:13 PM

Hi today i will do a very short blog that covers the 12 months i spent working at the airport parking cars of site for a company i cant mention for legal reasons, but i am sure that someone reading this will know who and what i am on about. The owner of the company was srange to say the least at first he told me that he didnt think i was suitable for the job but to my supprise 2 days later i got a call to start on a sunday morening 9 am sharpe when i got there i found out that the other 2 people had lasted 2 days and thats why i got the call. i was intrduced to alan who himself was new
we were showed what to do taken on the first pick up and i was shown the office, and then let loose to get on with it.
all was going fine untill it got busy and i started to help out washing the cars, well the owner went mad, and i mean mad saying i was doing all the work that alan should be doing and he probably calling his girlfriend on his mobile,
get in the office you have probably missed lots of calls, none i said , i heard the phone ring un answerd up stairs he went on, this man was surely not right in the head i thought and by god how i was right.Well i am not going to say too much today but alan only lasted 2 days as mr m we will call him said over and over to him ur on ur phone all the time no alan said i am not and at that point his mobile went off see he says, i thought the lad was going to kill him but instead said give me my money im off and he did straight out the gate. part 2 tommorow.