Garden work how hard can it be?
Monday, October 13, 2008 @ 12:05 PM

I have to start off this one by saying sorry to karen who reads my blog, she finds my spelling and grammer very hard to follow and i feel that i need to explain that this blog reads back to front so you realy need to start with the oldest post first, and to karen all i can say is that i suffer from dyslexia and i thought this was a bit of fun so im sorry i dont spell and grammer check it. by the way keep reading posts to see if i get further than gardener.
Ok at this point i had decided that i could do some garden work not planting and things just tidy and maybe some small concrete and walls. put out some fliers and asked about, a very nice man called me on mobile and said he need a few days work doing and asked my rate 8 euros an hour i said, ok he said and gave me directions to his house. He greeted me at the gate with dog barking and invited me in, showed me were the wall was to be built and asked me what i needed to complete job. well i said like a profesional around 40 blocks and 2 bags of cement any way the sand is down there he says, it was a good 40 mtrs down hill and with know mixer was bloody hard work in the middle of summer on your own. I had to dig out foundation for the wall move the soil and then mix by hand the concrete for the foundation. four days later its was done paid in full and off to go, it was at that point i thought this garden work is bloody hard what else can i do,Selling i thought cant be too hard so i set out to get jobs in realestate.
next time a day in the life of an estate agent.