Get of your arse
Saturday, October 11, 2008 @ 3:06 PM

Get of your arse and go look for work, funny saying that, suppose when we move to spain hope to be doing a lot of sitting on ones arse. But no not with my mother in law, move to spain she says sitting by the pool in november
what a pile of horse shit. it never fails to suprise me that in laws are all sweetness and light for a short time then bang
the swing into action from thatup side hanging position they do, i mean bats. just like mother in laws dont forget men
one day the wife will be just like her mother, all though they promise never.
at first i got of to look for work with great expectations you know what i mean cock sure of myself will not take me long to find work.then after 60 cv sent countless walks around town putting out fliyers, rememember when you used look forward to friday just to get the sur in english, you could not find one most of the time.
down troden and mother in law in my ear all the time i decided to work for my self i thought if all the others can have easy jet qualifacations so can i. but that s the next chapter.

Garden work how hard can it be.