Happiness is seeing a client’s book enthusiastically acclaimed. We all know that self-praise is no recommendation. However, who needs such a sales pitch when you have accolades from readers. Betty Musole’s epic journey began as a child in the Central African state of Zambia.
If we British expatriates think we are deserving of kudos for making the decision to relocate to Spain, then believe me, you need to read Betty’s book.
Determined not to endure African village life, suffer a lifestyle regime that brings with it unrelenting hardship, Betty as a teenager set her feet on making her escape. This could only be through the missionary stations and the educational colleges. These were far more difficult to enter and traverse than are European institutions.
Betty’s book is more than a nail-biter. It is vivid testimony of her will to survive. Why the title? Wolves in Sheep’s Clothing. It is a perfect description of the deceptions of the Church charities to fund the excessive lifestyles of priests and nuns. Furthermore, never delude yourself that clergy, priests and nuns are the epitome of virtue. If so, you are in for a raunchy shock. You can save your charitable donations to fund your own Bacchanalian lifestyle rather than theirs.
One of Betty’s readers writes:
Hi Betty
It is Sue Boulter from the Gibraltar Book Club. I hope you remember me...I often think of you!
I just wanted to get in touch to find out how you and Rino are doing in Birmingham (if you are still there!), and to congratulate you on your book, Sheep in Wolves Clothing. I have just finished it and could not put it down. I thought it was a really fast and fascinating read and what an insight into REAL African life. I have to say. Based on the little information you gave us about your early life it comes across as being very autobiographical to me.
I am amazed at how you have come through such difficult and harrowing times and turned into such a kind, warm-hearted strong young woman. I hope you will take heart from having eventually managed to have this book published and write a sequel on your life in South Africa and perhaps Life in Italy, which I am sure, would be equally intriguing.
If you are still helping with the many issues in your original village, or helping your cousins get a decent education, please let me know how I can make a small donation. It is only when reading a book such as yours you realise how lucky you have been in your life and how easy it is to take things for granted, which for others are only dreams.
I hope that this email will reach you, wherever you are in the World. If you would like to, and have time in your very busy schedule, I would love you to let me know how you are getting on, if not I truly understand.
With warmest regards to you both.” - Sue Boulter.
Well done, Betty. It has been a privilege to bring to life a very unique journey. I believe that your courage, intelligence and tenacity, your virtues and your single-mindedness, would have otherwise set your feet towards a government ministerial post in Zambia. Your going is their loss. - Michael.
Do check out Wolves in Sheep’s Clothing by Betty Musole. Amazon-Kindle.
MICHAEL WALSH. A published author and professional writer-journalist, Michael Walsh may be Mediterranean Spain’s best known ghost-writer. Titles completed include Still Running, Mickey Finn’s memoirs of a child convict. The Sins of the Father, Cynthia Paddick. Dieter Rudolph’s Farewell To Hamburg. Swedish author Britt Arenander chose Michael Walsh for her great fiction Lux Divina. Chris Nand’s Return to Devil Island is likely to be filmed. Other titles completed include A Matter of Trust, Swinging Doors, Rutter’s Raj, The Perfect Murder, Wolves in Sheep’s Clothing, The Golden Triangle.