How to Sell Your Book
Monday, October 29, 2012 @ 9:43 PM

It is a great day; your book has been written, edited / ghost-written and online. All things considered the investment has been modest. Set against the indulgences of the less prudent you are now a published author. Their memories and photographs will fade as fast as their bank balances. Your book will be a fresh read for purchasers for many years to come. Yours is an investment as every book that sells will add to your bank balance.
There is just one more thing to do; promote it. As it is on Kindle-Amazon it is on counter of the world’s biggest bookshop. Unfortunately there are a lot of titles already there but you have equal opportunity.
If really prudent you will invest €100 in your book having its own website. It is important as a great means of sending your book’s website link to conventional publishers. You save a fortune in posting letters of introduction, synopsis, and author’s profile; pictures. The website does that for you and doesn’t cost a penny. If your book hits a publisher’s G-spot you have yourself a deal; your book will be conventionally published. You get royalties.
- Google is an author’s best friend. Use it to discover and use forums; social media etc to tell e-friends about your achievement and book.
- Invest in a Press Release. I provide a synopsis, Press Release and author’s profile for just €50. E-mail or print it; send it to local media’s editors. They love space fillers about local achievers.
- Encourage family and friends to send flattering reviews on your Amazon link.
- Local radio stations interview locals making the news; opportunity to tell their listeners about what inspired you to write your book. Tell them a little about it; how and where they can purchase it.
- It is a good idea to take one or two of your favorite chapters, turn them into pdf files and let browsers download them free of charge. A suck and see approach; damn, you should be done for enticement.
- Start a blog and quote from your book; build a community of interest around your book. Invite comment. Get people talking about it.
- Review Amazon books of similar genre. Use your own name: John Smith, Author of The Devil Turned Back each time you post a review. The curiosity or interest of some browsers will get them clicking to see your book.
- If conventionally published do leave copies ‘sale or return’ at local shops. This means they do not have to buy them upfront; they pay only for those they sell.
- Write letters to local newspapers. As long as it is not a shameless plug it is free publicity. Use your imagination. “Dear Editor, Why doesn’t the so-and-so dog charity publish a booklet on animals’ stories; they can sell the bock to raise funds. When I published my Pony Tales I found it a good way to promote a good cause.”
- Offer conventionally published free copies of your book to local radio stations, magazines, news media, charities, social circles. They can auction or sell signed copies, offer them as prizes. This raises your profile and encourages buyers. Have a book signing at as many events as you can.