Monday, November 12, 2012 @ 1:33 PM

Fashions change of course but anything that fuels book buying has got to be a positive trend. The latest seems to be an insatiable appetite for erotic themed novels. Now, even the libraries are getting in on the act. From Friday thirty three British libraries celebrate the 30 raunchiest titles ever published. Themed the Between the Sheets Festival, it will promote these novels. Not surprisingly Jilly Cooper has enduring appeal. EL James Fifty Shades of Grey is a hot topic of conversation. Despite this novel’s soaring sales readers appear to be disappointed in the book’s content.
If looking for erotic stimulation they were clearly looking in the wrong place. Perhaps they were eager for other than searching self analysis or a well written book. My theory is the trilogy delves into the darker arts of sado-masochism. This reveals public curiosity rather than it being a reflection of personal taste. I am not going to buy shares in companies that make whips and manacles.
I haven’t read it so cannot comment directly. After spending many hours each day ghosting authors’ novels I haven’t the will to read those of others. When I occasionally indulge I do so not for entertainment but for enlightenment; maybe curiosity.
I can’t get into many books as often they are childishly written; I toss them to one side. Does mummy-porn have to be prurient juvenile? Why can't adult content be adult? Provocative covers may sell initial copies but many books are sold on the recommendation of others who have already read it.
I don’t have a problem with erotica. It isn’t so long ago that I penned a newspaper article on the oddities of human nature. We lap up the unspeakable depravities of the Hannibal Lectors of this world; we adore the knife going in yet react with sanctimonious disapproval if a penis does the penetrating. Yes, we are an odd but very lovable lot.