Puppies..........I remember when I were a lad!
Saturday, May 1, 2010 @ 5:39 PM
Buddy's Blog
This Jess who lives in Yorkshire and belongs to Annette
This is George who lives in Cheshire and belongs to Nick
This is Alfie who lives in Spain and belongs to Pete & Lindy
As you can see some of mummy’s friends have got new puppies. I remember when I was pup, many years ago. My dad was a big handsome fella (just like me). In his younger days he did a bit of dog walk modelling as did my mum, that was how they met. She gave it up when me and brothers and sisters were born. I used to live in a large house in Glasgow with about 10 or more others called “toy poodles”, but they seemed pretty real to me!
They along came my new mum and whisked me off to the countryside to a place called Lamancha outside Edinburgh. I also acquired a new sister, a rather woolly looking thing called Jazz, she was some sort of spaniel, Irish I think and boy did she love to swim. As a pup I did a bit of modelling the same as my dad, but I wasn’t really all that keen. I really wanted to join a circus……so image my surprise when I was 18 months old, my mum took me to the circus to compete. Well I think it was a circus……there were rings, tents, caravans and jumps, hoops, seesaws, trapezes, fat ladies and more…….OK maybe not trapezes, but there were definitely fat ladies! We used to go to the circus most weekends and there was quite a big gang of us. Some of my pals even won prizes…….but I was just there to show off my skills at jumping over yellow contact points (which annoyed mum) and shouting to everyone “look at me” which sounded like, woof, woof, woof!
How I remember the smells - wet grass, wet dogs, sausages on the BBQ.…mmmm!
I am now retired and live in sunny Spain. I still do a lot of woofing, but my hips play me up now and again, so most of my time is spent lying in the sun and dreaming of what used to be…………those little puppies have got it all to look forward too…………mmmmmm sausages!!!
Woof and licks