How can I write this blog politely? At the moment I am fizzy mad, really fizzing mad I could explode. Why……read on………
Most Brits who move to Spain live on urbanisations and whilst on the whole this is very pleasant it can be fraught with “hidden dangers” depending on the type of President you have. (The President is a person elected by the property owners to look after the urbanisation and deal with any problems/complaints). Some Presidents are very nice, while others think they are a reincarnation of General Franco!
We have one such Hitler on our urb and whilst this has not been a problem in the past, it is NOW.
We have tiled the boundary walls between our property and the adjacent properties next door (with the consent of our neighbours either side). El Presidente agrees it looks good, but the Vice President’s partner doesn’t like it and says it is not in keeping with the architect’s vision for the urb. So they are going to take a denuncia out against us.
Let me make this clear. They are NOT urbanisation walls they are our joint property walls. We did ask for permission to do this work, but got fed up of waiting for a reply. PLUS in the past any work we have asked permission for has been refused. Yet when other people have asked for the same thing they have been given the go ahead. To say we feel victimised is an understatement.
El Presidente has given people permission to extend their terraces and fill in their solariums to create an extra bedroom (both these modifications apply to the President as well as others!!) So if that’s not altering the architect’s view I don’t know what is!
I attach some pictures so you can see what we have done and also pictures from our neighbours community. I also attach a copy of the architect’s vision of how the urb would look once built……it doesn’t have any walls!
Well at least I have got my rant off my chest. I would be pleased to hear from anyone who knows what you do when you get a denuncia.
Below what we have done so far:

How it looks on our neighbours urbanisation:

The architects's view !!!

Buddy and Monica will be back blogging again very soon.